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Created August 26, 2013 08:03
My luftwaffe conf
# this is a simple config for herbstluftwm
function hc() {
herbstclient "$@"
hc emit_hook reload
xsetroot -solid '#5A8E3A'
# remove all existing keybindings
hc keyunbind --all
# keybindings
hc keybind $Mod-Shift-q quit
hc keybind $Mod-Shift-r reload
hc keybind $Mod-Return spawn mor main
hc keybind $Mod-Mod1-Return spawn urxvt
# tags
TAG_NAMES=( {1..2} )
TAG_KEYS=( {1..2} )
hc rename default "${TAG_NAMES[0]}" || true
for i in ${!TAG_NAMES[@]} ; do
hc add "${TAG_NAMES[$i]}"
for x in {1..10} ; do
hc keybind $Mod-$x spawn xbacklight -set ${x}0
hc keybind $Mod-Mod1-$x spawn amixer set PCM ${x}0%
# cycle through tags
hc keybind $Mod-period use_index +1 --skip-visible
hc keybind $Mod-comma use_index -1 --skip-visible
hc keybind $Mod-Right use_index +1 --skip-visible
hc keybind $Mod-Left use_index -1 --skip-visible
# layouting
hc keybind $Mod-r close_or_remove
hc keybind $Mod-b cycle_layout 1
hc keybind $Mod-u split vertical 0.5
hc keybind $Mod-o split horizontal 0.5
hc keybind $Mod-s floating toggle
hc keybind $Mod-f fullscreen toggle
hc keybind $Mod-p pseudotile toggle
# resizing
hc keybind $Mod-Control-h resize left +$RESIZESTEP
hc keybind $Mod-Control-j resize down +$RESIZESTEP
hc keybind $Mod-Control-k resize up +$RESIZESTEP
hc keybind $Mod-Control-l resize right +$RESIZESTEP
# mouse
hc mouseunbind --all
hc mousebind $Mod-Button1 move
hc mousebind $Mod-Button2 resize
hc mousebind $Mod-Button3 zoom
# focus
# hc keybind $Mod-BackSpace cycle_monitor
hc keybind $Mod-Tab cycle_all +1
hc keybind $Mod-Shift-Tab cycle_all -1
hc keybind $Mod-c cycle
hc keybind Mod1-Tab cycle +1
hc keybind Mod1-Shift-Tab cycle -1
hc keybind $Mod-h focus left
hc keybind $Mod-j focus down
hc keybind $Mod-k focus up
hc keybind $Mod-l focus right
hc keybind $Mod-t jumpto urgent
hc keybind $Mod-Shift-h shift left
hc keybind $Mod-Shift-j shift down
hc keybind $Mod-Shift-k shift up
hc keybind $Mod-Shift-l shift right
# lockdown
hc keybind $Mod-BackSpace spawn xlock
# screen manipulation
hc keybind $Mod-Mod1-BackSpace spawn sswitch
hc keybind $Mod-aring spawn sswitch
hc keybind $Mod-adiaeresis spawn sswitch VGA1
hc keybind $Mod-[ spawn sswitch
hc keybind $Mod-\' spawn sswitch VGA1
hc keybind $Mod-Mod1-p spawn ss
# dmenu hax
hc keybind $Mod-Control-space spawn dmenu_exec -z
hc keybind $Mod-space spawn dmenu_www
# dzentinel hax
hc keybind $Mod+g spawn dzentinel
hc keybind $Mod+Mod1+g spawn pkill dzentinel
# run-or-raisers
hc keybind $Mod+a spawn mor alt
hc keybind $Mod+d spawn mor dev
hc keybind $Mod+e spawn mor dc ninjaloot
hc keybind $Mod+i spawn mor irc ninjaloot
hc keybind $Mod+m spawn mor mail
hc keybind $Mod+n spawn mor main ninjaloot
hc keybind $Mod+q spawn ror "luakit" '("luakit" "luakit")' "luakit"
# volume
hc keybind $Mod+z spawn amixer set Master toggle
hc keybind $Mod+Mod1+h spawn amixer set PCM 10-
hc keybind $Mod+Mod1+l spawn amixer set PCM 10+
# mpd
hc keybind $Mod+Mod1+a spawn mpc -q prev
hc keybind $Mod+Mod1+s spawn mpc -q toggle
hc keybind $Mod+Mod1+d spawn mpc -q next
# colors
hc set frame_bg_transparent 1
hc set frame_border_active_color '#222222'
hc set frame_border_normal_color '#101010'
hc set frame_border_width 2
hc set window_border_width 3
hc set window_border_inner_width 1
hc set window_border_normal_color '#454545'
hc set window_border_active_color '#6c8ca7'
hc set window_border_urgent_color '#9f2200'
hc set always_show_frame 1
hc set frame_gap 4
# add overlapping window borders
hc set window_gap -2
hc set frame_padding 2
hc set smart_window_surroundings 0
hc set smart_frame_surroundings 1
hc set mouse_recenter_gap 0
# rules
hc unrule -F
hc rule focus=off
hc rule class~'(.*[Rr]xvt.*|.*[Tt]erm|Konsole)' focus=on
hc rule class~'(luakit)' focus=on
hc rule windowtype~'_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_(DIALOG|UTILITY|SPLASH)' pseudotile=on
hc rule windowtype='_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG' focus=on
hc rule windowtype~'_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_(NOTIFICATION|DOCK)' manage=off
# unlock, just to be sure
hc unlock
herbstclient set tree_style '╾│ ├└╼─┐'
hc pad 0 16
pkill dzentinel &> /dev/null
# if [[ $(hc layout | wc -l) -eq 1 ]]; then
# # Seems to be the initial start. Go do the layout.
# hc split h 0.65
# hc focus right
# hc split v 0.65
# hc focus down
# hc spawn mux irc ninjaloot
# hc focus up
# hc spawn mux alt
# hc spawn mux main
# hc focus left
# hc spawn mux mail
# hc spawn mux dev
# hc spawn luakit
# fi
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