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Created June 12, 2024 15:09
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{"Type":1,"Draft":false,"Body":"- **WIP**\n- **categorySlice Refactored**\n- **customer refactored**\n- **home refactored**\n- **refactored loans**\n- **tradeData Refactor**\n- **multiproviderfx refactored**\n- **payment refactored**\n- **currencyFx refactored**\n- **clean up multiple getstore usage in a single function**\n- **new**\n- **accountSlice and authSlice cleanup**\n- **bankSlice and companySlice**\n- **wallet, vendor, transaction, kyc, document**\n- **Merge branch 'dev' into feat/payments-mobile-respnsv**\n- **trying to provision renienv environment**\n- **add CircularProgress component**\n- **add MobileNavigation component**\n- **update MobileNavigation component**\n- **make page navigation responsive on mobile**\n- **create renienv amplify environment**\n- **add fluna Icon as svg**\n- **make payment screens mobile responsive**\n- **update packages**\n- **update top bar elements ui**\n- **get bank rates from bankexchangerates table**\n- **check is bank name exists and do comparison based on lower cased bank name**\n- **Multi-tenancy UI flow**\n- **amplify updates**\n- **DirectDebitModal UI updates**\n- **Added changes for referral**\n- **extract lowercase bank name to seperate variable**\n- **schema added for multi user tenancy**\n- **added amplify changes**\n- **added amplify changes**\n- **added GetStoredEnvironmentVariables lambda**\n- **updated companyKycInvite custom variables**\n- **removed companyKycInvite variables from team provider**\n- **updated team provider**\n- **updated team provider**\n- **amplify push init**\n- **load default permissions and create default admin role for first user**\n- **Created Enable Access Modal**\n- **Create UI for custom role creation**\n- **feature/disable-team-member-ui**\n- **updated table graphql permissions**\n- **Feature/ Show sucess message after disable action**\n- **pushed amplify after table permissions update**\n- **Make buttons sticky**\n- **get unit test for utils and component working**\n- **Complete UI for deleting user with no dependency**\n- **Create UI for deleting role with dependency**\n- **Integrate dynamic creation of role**\n- **Restructure modal for reassigning roles**\n- **Refactored code to use a for loop instead of map() for improved performance**\n- **trigger husky check (#995)**\n- **Feature/ Edit Member Role**\n- **add honeydev environment**\n- **add permission for dynamodb**\n- **amplify push**\n- **feature/ EditMemberRole UI**\n- **recipient**\n- **feature/setup**\n- **Merge branch 'feature/multiuser-main-fe' of into feature/multiuser-main-fe-renike**\n- **update company and user schema to reflect relationship**\n- **resolve merge conflicts**\n- **pull honeydev environment**\n- **resolve issues with createcompany function**\n- **add updated schema**\n- **add updated schema**\n- **readme changes**\n- **readme changes**\n- **added amplify chnages**\n- **add updated schema**\n- **add updated schema**\n- **resolve issue with schema**\n- **added amplify chnages**\n- **trigger amplify build**\n- **trigger amplify build**\n- **fetch team members and assign company Id to user**\n- **revert changes on custom queries**\n- **pull from amplify environment**\n- **remove duplicate identifiers**\n- **Update team-provider-info.json**\n- **initialize team slice in store**\n- **bring back env config**\n- **recreate lambda functions**\n- **recreate lambda functions**\n- **Update conditional rendering**\n- **Clean up**\n- **input env variables**\n- **Add amplify environment**\n- **pull from honeydev env**\n- **Merge branch 'dev-honeydev' into feature/multiuser-main**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **amplify push**\n- **fix git pull error**\n- **Setting up env**\n- **allow country public**\n- **added public read to tables**\n- **resolve environment issues and lambda function**\n- **pull from honeydev amplify environment**\n- **add query to fetch team members on dashboard layout**\n- **fix git pull error**\n- **Change to dynamic text for modal**\n- **Final commit**\n- **Make edit button visible**\n- **Complete ui for editing role permission**\n- **Take out comments and logs**\n- **fetched team members to populate the table**\n- **add status to role schema**\n- **:zap: update unitEconomics**\n- **:hammer: fix unitEconomics validations**\n- **Added changes for content security policy to index.html**\n- **add function to get all company roles**\n- **change approach to fetch company**\n- **Added provider to getexchangerateservice**\n- **Added envirnoment params to getStoredEnivronmrntVariables**\n- **updated devfive loan schedules url**\n- **Added changes for provider for getExchangeRatesService**\n- **Added content security policy to index.html**\n- **Changed aws exports to devfive**\n- **updated timeout for localhost**\n- **Disable team member integration**\n- **worked on disbursement details in wc**\n- **Removed console log**\n- **work on adding new roles, editing and deleting a role**\n- **work on lambda to edit role**\n- **wrap up rewrite of logic to add, edit and delete a role**\n- **add margin bottom to permissions group**\n- **update schema to reflect user status and new role relationship with user and company**\n- **delete space in schema**\n- **update schema to reflect proper index for role and company**\n- **update schema to reflect proper index mapping**\n- **Added trigger email kyc verification lambda function**\n- **update schema to reflect proper index mapping**\n- **added payment failure status update**\n- **amplify push**\n- **don't show notif for login location email**\n- **SD-1173 update the kyc completed component**\n- **change function to async**\n- **dynamic bank logo in autodebit modal**\n- **add crud methods for role**\n- **amplfy checkout**\n- **re-organize schema relationships**\n- **added GetStoredEnvironmentVariables block**\n- **WIP**\n- **:zap: add no bank connected UI state**\n- **:zap: add UI integrations corrections**\n- **:zap: add multiple select checkmarks dropdown**\n- **falcon dev sync**\n- **trigger amplify build**\n- **trigger BE build**\n- **added env vars**\n- **reorganize schema relationship**\n- **resolve bug with schema**\n- **pulled from falconenv**\n- **added fallback logo**\n- **fix the content-security-policy**\n- **fix the margin on KYC success.**\n- **fix the kyc complete in the info component**\n- **fixed loan creation issue, removed shortuniqueid package**\n- **Enable Team Member Integration**\n- **integration**\n- **pulled amplify**\n- **amplify pull**\n- **Pulled from amplify and ran codegen**\n- **Enable/Disable User Integration**\n- **add ability to save newly created roles**\n- **test out saving functionality, add error and success messages**\n- **Updated review changes**\n- **abstract permission functions for reusability**\n- **ampliify env vars**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **:zap: remove unused codes**\n- **worked on pre-loading team members information for edit**\n- **amplify checkout**\n- **added other loan payment statuses to logic**\n- **Fetched All Permissions and did some clean ups**\n- **Add KYC blocker to loans, loan renewal and loanApplication**\n- **update the pending kyc page**\n- **remove console.log in loan.ts**\n- **Change margin of the PendingPage to 16px**\n- **updated apis auth mode**\n- **git changes to trigger amplify build**\n- **loan payment modal bug**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **removed \"wee\" log**\n- **format**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **Added changess to trigger email for kyc verification**\n- **feature/Build-CustomButton**\n- **Added changes for checkifuser exists**\n- **Added changes for amplify pull**\n- **Merge Esther's env to dev**\n- **Added changes for approve kyc mail template**\n- **removed console.log**\n- **feature/build customButton Component**\n- **feature/build customButton Component**\n- **Added update for trigger check for triggeremailkycverification lambda**\n- **edit user role, delete role and deactivate users**\n- **trigger amplify build**\n- **:hammer: fix state of no bank connected missing UI**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **:zap: made ToolTip component global**\n- **:zap: remove Tooltip component from home**\n- **:zap: add unitEconomics hover states**\n- **add slugs to permissions**\n- **remove unused variables**\n- **add permission slugs**\n- **feature/ add breakpoints props ans styles**\n- **feature/setup env vars**\n- **new design for reecipient**\n- **added document-upload to route**\n- **frm ui document upload**\n- **amplify push**\n- **ui for the document flow**\n- **settings requested documents**\n- **added phone number**\n- **export**\n- **export**\n- **amplify push**\n- **amplify push**\n- **feature/implement textColor**\n- **add permissions functions, routePermissions interface, update permissions array with slugs and list of actions**\n- **add comment**\n- **implement ui fix in settings/integrations page**\n- **add function to map users permissions for each route**\n- **add function to map users permissions for each route**\n- **:hammer: fix direct debit spacing**\n- **Created Permission Guard Component**\n- **Added an array of all routes and saved all users actions to the store**\n- **clean up**\n- **remove console logs**\n- **Added changes for date for complete transaction for verto payout**\n- **Added changes for bank details for fx transaction**\n- **Added changes from amplify pull**\n- **Update schema.json**\n- **pull fron honeydev**\n- **add helper function**\n- **add helper function**\n- **additional document ui build**\n- **pull from amplify**\n- **update data**\n- **update data**\n- **bring back confirm action modal**\n- **clean up functions**\n- **revert no-unused-var eslint**\n- **break down component**\n- **remove comment**\n- **break down component**\n- **remove console.log**\n- **push new exchange rates table updates**\n- **make rates retrieval and sorting source agnostic**\n- **change name of table**\n- **updates to cognitoInvite branch**\n- **pushed to amplify**\n- **create slackNotifier lambda function**\n- **amplify push**\n- **create customSlackNotifier query attached to slackNotifier lambda**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **implement slack notification on onboarding**\n- **create a general service for email and notification**\n- **implement slack legal notification**\n- **fix bug**\n- **amplify push update**\n- **re-organize imports and tweak some things**\n- **fix all_actions import**\n- **fix some minor issues**\n- **minor changes**\n- **added notifications panel and table**\n- **fix issue with table**\n- **Feature/multiuser main fe david (#1017)**\n- **change hook url**\n- **change hook url**\n- **amplify push**\n- **fix minor bugs**\n- **add loading to table**\n- **remove index variable**\n- **sort table data with admin on top**\n- **minor fix**\n- **minor fix**\n- **push fixes**\n- **add proper interaction for select input on enabling a member**\n- **Clean up**\n- **minor fix**\n- **fixed currency bug in sidemodal transaction homepage**\n- **payments sidebar currency mismatch fixπŸ’…πŸ½**\n- **ux improvementsπŸ’•**\n- **amplify push**\n- **cleanup**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **:zap: add slack notifier for loan auto debit**\n- **:zap: add slack notifier for unpaidLoanSchedule**\n- **amplify pulled**\n- **added ttl transformer**\n- **clean up**\n- **amplify checkout**\n- **trigger amplify**\n- **Review Changes made**\n- **removed comment**\n- **checkout to falconenv and created documentRequest Lambda**\n- **updates from checking out to honeydev**\n- **removed ttl directive**\n- **pulled amplify**\n- **added indexes to schema, interfaces and state**\n- **added fetch notifications call to dashboard layout**\n- **added notifications fetched from db**\n- **fixed icoon display ish**\n- **Revert \"3 Quick KYC fix\"**\n- **added badge**\n- **loan application slack notification update**\n- **add slacknotifier lambda to backend-config**\n- **implement sending document**\n- **push multiuser-schema to dev**\n- **generate schema from devfive build**\n- **add environment variables**\n- **added genral icon and style updates**\n- **fix bug with determining users valid permissions**\n- **revert changes on payment**\n- **add status to admin role and remove redundant logs**\n- **revert to proper method of checking team permissions**\n- **SD-1173 update the kyc completed component**\n- **change function to async**\n- **:zap: add slack notifier for currencyExchangeMailingService**\n- **WIP**\n- **fix the content-security-policy**\n- **fix the margin on KYC success.**\n- **fix the kyc complete in the info component**\n- **Add KYC blocker to loans, loan renewal and loanApplication**\n- **update the pending kyc page**\n- **remove console.log in loan.ts**\n- **Change margin of the PendingPage to 16px**\n- **add credit line**\n- **update**\n- **document request lambda update**\n- **update lending terms of service**\n- **add notifiation to document request lambda**\n- **ongoing work on invite system**\n- **document redux**\n- **implement document upload**\n- **added delete response**\n- **amplify update env variable from FLUNA_ENV to ENVIRONMENT**\n- **update the hook and channel**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **remove companyUserId from custom query**\n- **Redo FE changes**\n- **update and amplify push**\n- **added resolvers auth to type query**\n- **user invite done**\n- **feature/update lending terms of service**\n- **update custom queries**\n- **added space to description**\n- **fix bug for scrolling**\n- **feature/updating lenders terms of service**\n- **added email for sutodebit switch and resolvers permission**\n- **amplify push**\n- **implement restrict access for fund wallet**\n- **feature/buttons uI fix**\n- **ran amplify codegen**\n- **Start work on restricting loan application**\n- **amplify pull**\n- **added conditions for lamda trigger to document request fn**\n- **remove console log**\n- **amplify push**\n- **loan renewal mddal copy**\n- **document request settings upload copy edit**\n- **Added changes to schema for wallet and account**\n- **push to amplify**\n- **deactivate state for continue and delete options**\n- **pulled dev**\n- **Revert \"Feature Restrict Payment FE integration (SD-1225, SD-1226, SD-1227)\"**\n- **added region vars**\n- **Script to assign existing users to their company and assign them the default admin**\n- **fixed documentRequest**\n- **Added missing region to lambda function**\n- **amplify codegen**\n- **amplify push**\n- **npx update-browserslist-db@latest**\n- **implement permmisions check for user**\n- **Merge branch 'dev' of into feature/assign-default-company**\n- **added env vars**\n- **add missing environment variables**\n- **update devfive team-provider**\n- **update tooltip**\n- **Feature/custom button (#1037)**\n- **update team provider**\n- **revert flunaEmail**\n- **pulled amplify**\n- **add enviroment variable to customMessage lambda**\n- **update tooltip**\n- **Redo changes**\n- **add status to user information**\n- **added env var**\n- **add conditional for company found**\n- **fix dev - customMailSender, ownership, directorship model update**\n- **fix some minor errors in code**\n- **pulled amplify**\n- **modified auth for resolvers**\n- **Permission Invite and deactivate system**\n- **re ran amplify codegen to generate queries for merged pr**\n- **changed event type**\n- **format schema**\n- **change access to AMAZON_COGNITO**\n- **additional document loan renewal ui in wc**\n- **refactor to use custom FlunaButton**\n- **Redo changes**\n- **Cherry pick commit**\n- **Added changes from amplify push**\n- **bug fixes**\n- **add payments slug to ModuleSlugs enum**\n- **Update**\n- **Implement new FlunaButton**\n- **refcator buttons to FlunaButton component**\n- **Show tooltip only when user without permission**\n- **setup new env**\n- **Make PR comment changes**\n- **Complete deactivated state UI**\n- **Set tooltip to show on hover**\n- **COmplete disable state for loans**\n- **Add ternary checks**\n- **Complete PR requested changes**\n- **pushed dev changes to local amplify env**\n- **final cleanups**\n- **removed provider from getExchangeRate Service team provider file**\n- **added fevfive to cognito custom attribute acces**\n- **update team provider file for createAllPermission function**\n- **adds custom check if attribute exists in current env**\n- **trigger build on devfive**\n- **fix email copy**\n- **pr review updates on cdk-stack and post confirmation**\n- **fix email copy**\n- **remove console**\n- **rename file**\n- **Added changes for get verto rates**\n- **add permission for view transactions activity, add cash transaction**\n- **Added User Permissions to buttons**\n- **replace wrong file path**\n- **add slack notification for trade data**\n- **feature/inter-wallet-transfer**\n- **change from html-to-text to htm2plaintext**\n- **feature/inter-wallet-tansfer**\n- **amplify push**\n- **Added new env**\n- **added permissions to rules**\n- **Fixed active loans total amount**\n- **additional document loan renewal ui and functionality**\n- **playing with git**\n- **Added provider for getexchange rate serice**\n- **reverting play play**\n- **deleted**\n- **add changes**\n- **remove whitespace from file**\n- **Amplify pull changes**\n- **Made changes from review**\n- **fixing dev**\n- **Merge branch 'dev' into yuhcee-env**\n- **dcument upload ui**\n- **Deactivate state for edit nad disable buttons**\n- **remove deactivated team mgmt buttons**\n- **Update**\n- **Add deactivated states for and buttons**\n- **added env to cdk stack list**\n- **update whatsapp rates retrieval**\n- **Update**\n- **fix spelling error**\n- **fix spelling error**\n- **add empty state for currency not found**\n- **add empty state for currency not found**\n- **add empty state for currency not found**\n- **add empty state for currency not found**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **fix bug**\n- **Added backend changes for intraWalletTransfer**\n- **fix UI trial**\n- **Amplify pull changes**\n- **Change 'Make Payment' permission**\n- **changed reviewers email**\n- **slack notification updates**\n- **Fix tooltip implementation**\n- **Admin Role UI Fixes**\n- **Refactor tooltip implementation**\n- **Reimplement tooltip across all restricted buttons**\n- **update**\n- **Refactor all tooltip implementations**\n- **Clean up**\n- **clean up**\n- **Feature/api auth (SD-1146) (#1052)**\n- **Complete tooltip implementation**\n- **Remove font from tooltips**\n- **write logic for updating permissions**\n- **Added changes for wallet transfer webhook**\n- **fix permissions ordering, updating permissions, formik issues**\n- **remove check**\n- **feture/interwallet transfer**\n- **fixed file ish**\n- **kyc blocker WIP**\n- **slack notification formatting**\n- **fixed rules bug**\n- **fix/permissions-permissions**\n- **trying query auths**\n- **:hammer: fix company not fetching after onboarding**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **Complete Create and Edit Role UI fixes**\n- **Added env varaibles for create all permission**\n- **Change getRates from POST request to GET request**\n- **Removed intrawalletrequest**\n- **Added changes for fx status**\n- **Moved intra wallet transfer payload**\n- **Moved intra wallet transfer payload**\n- **Moved intra wallet transfer payload**\n- **Added changes for order object in intra wallet transfer**\n- **Complete task for SD-1404**\n- **fix slack notification title on virtual account request**\n- **Added changes for payment id**\n- **Added changes for string remove special characters**\n- **Added wallet request email service**\n- **Complete task for SD-1402**\n- **Merge branch 'feature/restrict-payment-access' into feature/restrict-payment-access-inte**\n- **Done requested changes**\n- **Added changes for wallet email request**\n- **Removed the email request**\n- **amplify build**\n- **Commit graphql changes**\n- **Permission Fixes**\n- **fixed secret ish**\n- **added secrets access for monoreauthwebhook**\n- **added env var**\n- **fixes issues with existing custom attributes onamplify push**\n- **removed prod block from team-provider**\n- **updated env var**\n- **feature/interwallet trnsfer**\n- **Added changes upload of proof of payment for fx payment scheme**\n- **Remove check for add account**\n- **Merge backend changes**\n- **amplify push**\n- **generate schema for invoice discounting**\n- **ui multicurrency wallet**\n- **added variable devfive documentRequest**\n- **add permission for editting and deleting a cash transaction**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **adjust spacing**\n- **trigger amplify build**\n- **fix permissions for lambda function**\n- **hotfix/payment debit (#1129)**\n- **category list update**\n- **Added changes for intra wallet payout request emal**\n- **Extended wallet list for create wallet**\n- **:zap: add invoice-discounting frontend**\n- **feature/interwallet trnsfer**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **removed margin bottom**\n- **amplify push**\n- **Added Multiple Actions for user's permissions**\n- **Clean up**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **pulled latest dev**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **removed override**\n- **amplify push**\n- **individual ui update comapny-kyc**\n- **entity ui update kyc**\n- **updates to dev-austine**\n- **feature inter-wallet transfer**\n- **added extra auth**\n- **disable modal when button is deactivated**\n- **fix bug with user not having permissions**\n- **handle error**\n- **fix bug with user not having permissions (#1137)**\n- **fix pagination bug**\n- **Separate different admins**\n- **redirect user after payment to /transaction-activity**\n- **fix path issue**\n- **add lint for types**\n- **readMe**\n- **nevigate**\n- **fix bugs**\n- **fix bugs**\n- **UI fixes**\n- **Added Permission for edit state**\n- **trigger amplify build**\n- **trigger amplify build**\n- **fix issue with creating role**\n- **Update**\n- **update readme**\n- **fix the bug with missing }**\n- **Revert Permission title UI**\n- **:hammer: remove invoice-discounting changes**\n- **amp trigger**\n- **amplify pull changes**\n- **removed env var**\n- **fixes and clean ups**\n- **add a default fallback for credit line email.**\n- **minor updates to pagination on team table**\n- **minor updates to pagination on team table**\n- **Term Loans Table (UI Upgrade)**\n- **Amplify pull changes**\n- **pulled ampl**\n- **add logic for fetching vertoFxRates**\n- **Added changes for order payload**\n- **LoanUpgradeUi and fixes**\n- **Remove negation**\n- **removed extra field validation ownnership form**\n- **validation for ownership details form**\n- **removed cognito auth for custom resolvers**\n- **write logic for getting vertoFxRates**\n- **write logic for getting vertoFxRates**\n- **Remove negation from permission for ticket SD-1429**\n- **Added an adjustment for walletFromDetails in wallet controller**\n- **updated validation ownership**\n- **Added changes for fx webhook**\n- **Added changes for pull from austinddev**\n- **Added changes for fx rate**\n- **added permission update for kyc**\n- **Removed functionUpdateuserpermissionsName from function**\n- **updated custom vars**\n- **reverted custom attributes**\n- **remove name from company interface, change name to legalName**\n- **return name to company interface**\n- **add empty state for currency not found**\n- **add empty state for currency not found**\n- **add empty state for currency not found**\n- **fix spelling error**\n- **add empty state for currency not found**\n- **fix spelling error**\n- **update whatsapp rates retrieval**\n- **add changes**\n- **update-lending-tos-remove-link-placeholder**\n- **Onlending Loan Application Fixes**\n- **:zap: update uniteconomics page**\n- **:zap: update summary page for unit economics**\n- **:hammer: fix unitEconomics validations**\n- **:zap: update unitEconomics**\n- **:zap: add unitEconomics hover states**\n- **create slackNotifier lambda function**\n- **amplify push**\n- **create customSlackNotifier query attached to slackNotifier lambda**\n- **implement slack notification on onboarding**\n- **create a general service for email and notification**\n- **implement slack legal notification**\n- **amplify push update**\n- **change hook url**\n- **loan application slack notification update**\n- **:zap: add slack notifier for currencyExchangeMailingService**\n- **add credit line**\n- **Added changes for other wallet currency**\n- **Updated webhook with correct API reference**\n- **formatted Override**\n- **merge**\n- **:green_heart: trigger amplify build**\n- **:hammer: add invoice-discounting**\n- **Added changes for intra wallet request payout**\n- **disable interaction for upcomg payments sections**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **clean up**\n- **Replace text with constant**\n- **work on recipient UI**\n- **Clean up**\n- **payment refactored**\n- **Add loading state to button**\n- **update modal UI**\n- **create new branch and update file**\n- **wallet, vendor, transaction, kyc, document**\n- **bankSlice and companySlice**\n- **accountSlice and authSlice cleanup**\n- **clean up multiple getstore usage in a single function**\n- **currencyFx refactored**\n- **remove unused variables**\n- **categorySlice Refactored**\n- **update**\n- **formatting file**\n- **amplify update env variable from FLUNA_ENV to ENVIRONMENT**\n- **update the hook and channel**\n- **update and amplify push**\n- **update devfive team-provider**\n- **update team provider**\n- **revert flunaEmail**\n- **add enviroment variable to customMessage lambda**\n- **replace wrong file path**\n- **add slack notification for trade data**\n- **API update**\n- **change from html-to-text to htm2plaintext**\n- **Update**\n- **fix bug**\n- **slack notification updates**\n- **fix slack notification title on virtual account request**\n- **add a default fallback for credit line email.**\n- **remove name from company interface, change name to legalName**\n- **return name to company interface**\n- **update prepare-prod to work**\n- **update endpoint_secret for flunaPlaidAuth**\n- **InvoiceTable UI**\n- **autodebit ui bugs**\n- **removed apiAuthorizer dependencies and made code leaner**\n- **amplify codegen**\n- **refactor code**\n- **Iplement loading state for rates**\n- **use mock data for wallet to implement conversion**\n- **disable input field while rates is loading \u0026\u0026 implement responsiveness**\n- **disable input field while rates is loading \u0026\u0026 implement responsiveness**\n- **Added changes for create wallet fc pay in function**\n- **Added changes for create pay in wallet function**\n- **Added create wallet transfer api call in payments file**\n- **feature/inter-wallet-transfer**\n- **removed currency dropdown in loans and added permission text to rules button**\n- **update modal**\n- **fix listbank and catgories double run**\n- **implement Create wallet transfer**\n- **resolvs issue with secret manager permission on apiAuthorizer and adds custom company check on wallet**\n- **WhatsApp bot fix**\n- **added companyId to check wallet flow on habdleDebit**\n- **trigger backend build**\n- **fix/invite flow bugs (#1155)**\n- **add extra permissions and update copy**\n- **revert changes from pervious PR**\n- **revert change**\n- **fix wierd layout on mobile**\n- **Revert/Permission Changes (#1159)**\n- **Merge branch 'dev' of into fix/multiuser**\n- **remove white space causing syntax error**\n- **refactored ownsershipCountry validation for registration id**\n- **amplify checkout**\n- **Invoice Table UI**\n- **Redo changes**\n- **Save role changes**\n- **Checkbox clean up**\n- **Fix cancel role edit bug**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **review changes**\n- **MultiCurrency bug fix and update**\n- **remove variable**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **filter recipient base on currency**\n- **minor fixes**\n- **recipient filter**\n- **amplify push**\n- **add route to sidebar panel**\n- **loans related fixes**\n- **Edit Recipient**\n- **Added changes for intra wallet transfer**\n- **fix trailing comma issue on prod team provider**\n- **Update**\n- **resolved request changes**\n- **fix the wallet init flow bug**\n- **new branch for restrict acess ti create multicurrency wallet**\n- **Added changes for total balance**\n- **backend changes**\n- **fix wallet create bug fix**\n- **Added changes for payment details validation**\n- **improved the validation with optionalChaining**\n- **bug fix on overview**\n- **get wallet data from local/global account**\n- **fixed overview currency bug**\n- **updated doc upload logic**\n- **fixed working capital**\n- **fixed unitlevel form update**\n- **fixed onledning doc ish**\n- **hid customer module nav**\n- **Added changes for modal bahaviour for intra wallet transfer**\n- **recipient validation**\n- **fixes issues with account reauth and payment request permission**\n- **write logic for recalculating amount based on currency change**\n- **implement logic for checking balance against source amount**\n- **implement logic for checking balance against source amount**\n- **:package: update devdependencies**\n- **:heavy_plus_sign: add loan overview assets**\n- **:sparkles: add loan overview slider component**\n- **:sparkles: add loan overview slider to home page**\n- **:sparkles: add lending offerings component**\n- **:sparkles: add lending offerings to loans home**\n- **restrict acess create multicurrency account**\n- **implement delete account**\n- **refactor code**\n- **fix loan row click**\n- **fix bug with adding cash transaction**\n- **reload user information after onboarding**\n- **fix redirect after payment**\n- **remove console logs**\n- **amplify push**\n- **remove console.log**\n- **Update**\n- **remove receive_money_wallet from permissions list**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **remove log**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **add kycBlocker modal**\n- **Restriction to add, edit amd delete category feature**\n- **build**\n- **Added a check to view Accounts with ViewPermission**\n- **:sparkles: add invoice overview page**\n- **:construction: (wip) add invoice overview to invoice-discounting**\n- **mapped account details**\n- **fix rate error**\n- **changed the copy of document upload from documents tab**\n- **document upload ui**\n- **renamed documentrequest file**\n- **:heavy_plus_sign: add onBlur to file upload**\n- **:zap:add invoice discounting to loan pages**\n- **:zap:add invoice discounting to mix panel**\n- **:zap:add invoice discounting to loans**\n- **:hammer: fix invoice discounting url**\n- **:hammer: move invoice discpounting folder**\n- **:hammer: add validations for invoice discounting**\n- **:sparkles: complete invoice discounting UI**\n- **:construction: (wip) temporary remove unlock credit**\n- **:zap:add invoice discounting to redux**\n- **:zap:add invoice discounting to redux**\n- **:zap:add invoice discounting to routes**\n- **fix validation**\n- **fix validation**\n- **update UI for same currency payments**\n- **update UI for same currency payments**\n- **remove console.log**\n- **Added the Tables**\n- **Added changes for fxPayoutFromWallet**\n- **refactoring and empty state ui**\n- **added document request data**\n- **amplify push**\n- **Added changes for recipient creation**\n- **fix build**\n- **overview page fixes**\n- **Ui fixes**\n- **..**\n- **change spelling**\n- **fix the margin on apply loan on loan overview**\n- **add missing interface and remove console.log**\n- **change accountId**\n- **Remove plus button**\n- **amplify push**\n- **prettier format**\n- **Changed amplify env**\n- **remove some currencies for the bot**\n- **Pulled changes for austinddev**\n- **Clean up**\n- **Added changes for wallet chaining**\n- **Added changes from amplify codegen**\n- **removed unused code**\n- **Add Convert button to sidebar in payments page**\n- **updated category additional documents**\n- **adjust loan overview for extra wide screens**\n- **Added changes from amplify codegen**\n- **fix mobile responsive on accountTypes for loan disbursement**\n- **fix the kyc complement check bug**\n- **add padding left and right for loan navigation**\n- **Added for form validation**\n- **default empty value to zero**\n- **remove log**\n- **remove log**\n- **remove log**\n- **remove log**\n- **remove log**\n- **fix mobile responsiveness on each loan process.**\n- **summary items card**\n- **tasks SD-1458, SD-1459, and SD-1461 done**\n- **scaffold layout**\n- **bot modifications**\n- **slack notification update**\n- **feature/upload-payment-proof**\n- **slack noification update**\n- **feature/upload-payment-proof**\n- **fix kyc delete bug**\n- **same currency ui**\n- **amplify push**\n- **Resolve requested changes**\n- **Added change from amplify codegen**\n- **:lipstick: make lending offerings mobile responsive**\n- **:lipstick: add mobile responsive to loan overview slider**\n- **Clean up**\n- **Added changes for paymentId**\n- **code refactoring and UI fix**\n- **create document**\n- **amplify checkout**\n- **Added changes for paymentid for payment submission**\n- **ui fix**\n- **remove log**\n- **Added fixes from amplify codegen**\n- **update the test in App.test.tsx**\n- **revert babel-jest version**\n- **revert the jest version**\n- **add missing dependency**\n- **update the unit test**\n- **prettier format fix**\n- **implement download document**\n- **fix missing key prop**\n- **filter and sort items**\n- **change document request schema**\n- **change to review**\n- **Added Tooltip to headers and fixed Total row**\n- **implement loading state**\n- **amplify push**\n- **remove comment**\n- **update same currency form logic**\n- **update same currency form logic**\n- **Added Date Filter**\n- **bug fixes on jira**\n- **UI fix, workflow fix for interwallet transfer and send money flow**\n- **Added changes for transaction type to payments and mapped fxorder to payments intable**\n- **add additional document update and remove duplicates from company documents**\n- **fix document saving loan renewal**\n- **updates on graphql fetch for multitenancy**\n- **revert filtering only base currency**\n- **fixes issues with inviteUser lambda function permission access**\n- **refactor loading button and UI fix**\n- **Added changes from amplify codegen**\n- **UI fix and loading button refactor**\n- **Update TransActivityRoutes.tsx**\n- **Update TransActivityRoutes.tsx**\n- **UI fix**\n- **Clean up and removing redundant items**\n- **Amplify push**\n- **Layout setup**\n- **Start UI for kyc**\n- **extend custom pagination functionality**\n- **updates on graphql fetch for multitenancy**\n- **fixes issues with inviteUser lambda function permission access**\n- **change document request schema**\n- **extend custom pagination functionality**\n- **Fixed Pagination issue**\n- **..**\n- **Clean up**\n- **Removed red background color**\n- **Added Background color to hover state**\n- **new environment updates**\n- **add black market and tradeFX as rate sources**\n- **remove loan table test changes**\n- **update paymentSource in send money logic**\n- **fix hiding of the stepper when a form is clicked on**\n- **fix multiple name bug**\n- **update category list**\n- **introduce bot fixes**\n- **add success handler**\n- **implement function to parse documents uploaded**\n- **fix issue with previous role and current role email**\n- **fix popup modal text copy**\n- **remove perpetual state for tooltip**\n- **fix bug with cancelling change on edit or invite**\n- **Shareholder Ui flow**\n- **refactor code for inter-wallet transfer \u0026\u0026 same currency flow**\n- **undo disable kyc check**\n- **UI fixes made**\n- **Remove unnecessary logs**\n- **updated SelectMultipleInput**\n- **Added changes for create international payout**\n- **Added error message changes for beneficiary in virtual account**\n- **remove extra button**\n- **resolves issues with disinviting a user (#1224)**\n- **Added changes for beneficiary**\n- **Added document request for team provider**\n- **Task completed**\n- **Amplify changes**\n- **fixed bugs**\n- **amplify status**\n- **Amplify changes**\n- **updated falconenv**\n- **Added changes from queries**\n- **amplify pull**\n- **Added changes for error returned for beneficiary**\n- **Fixes done**\n- **Added margin to the checkbox**\n- **Amplify changes**\n- **Added fixes for payment details**\n- **Added changes for payment recipient**\n- **overview transaction fix**\n- **added CountryDropdownMultiple component**\n- **code cleaning**\n- **payments wallet transaction fix**\n- **Added changes from amplify codegen**\n- **edited copy document upload**\n- **added functionality for account statement**\n- **sidebar balance fix overview**\n- **code cleaning**\n- **updated payments reference**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **display backend error message**\n- **Added changes to remove handleTransactions**\n- **Added changes for removing NGN wallets from convert wallet list**\n- **Added changes for filter currency in convert currency**\n- **Added changes for backend changes**\n- **updated schema auth**\n- **invoice discounting application integration**\n- **Added delayed for fx transactions**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **added conversion schema**\n- **added description**\n- **updated account statement interfaces**\n- **invoice discounting application integration**\n- **amplify push**\n- **invoice discounting application integration**\n- **Added changes for allowing wallet update payment details**\n- **fix bugs with the integration**\n- **fix bugs with the integration**\n- **Added changes for intra wallet**\n- **amplify pull and codegen**\n- **amplify codegen**\n- **updates to plaid-reauth task list**\n- **Added changes for transaction wallet**\n- **Added changes from pull branch**\n- **Added changes from PR review for wallet transfer**\n- **Added changes from amplify codegen**\n- **added credit flow to loan statements**\n- **added phone number to recipient**\n- **fix edit and hiding stepper**\n- **invoice discounting details integration**\n- **add PaymentsByCompany query**\n- **international payment**\n- **pull from dev**\n- **added check for data**\n- **KYC checkin bug fixes**\n- **close modal**\n- **Added changes for get wallet from get by user to get by companyid on virtual account backend**\n- **removed override file for custom resources add**\n- **remove recipient currency**\n- **wrap up details section integration**\n- **add formatting to amount field**\n- **fix issue with document upload**\n- **add feature/upload-payment invoice**\n- **add feature/upload-payment invoice**\n- **rm console.log**\n- **fix document upload**\n- **add margin bottom to document list**\n- **Added changes for recipient details for new bank details**\n- **Added changes for recipient details UI view**\n- **show confimation modal when user tries to click outside team**\n- **error message**\n- **space**\n- **ui update**\n- **:zap: add documentIcon svg**\n- **:construction:(wip) add documents labels**\n- **:zap: update kyc success page**\n- **amplify push**\n- **implement slack notification**\n- **:sparkles: complete kyc documents UI**\n- **:sparkles: complete kyc documents UI**\n- **added new payemnt type**\n- **added response from delete loan**\n- **amplify push**\n- **correct spelling**\n- **space**\n- **remove validation for phone number**\n- **remove validation for phone number since its optional**\n- **Update**\n- **amplify codegen**\n- **hid loan account statement from menu interimly**\n- **Added changes for wallet transfer payload**\n- **country dropdown placeholder updates**\n- **remove declaations of paymentPurpose**\n- **:sparkles: add documents page scroll**\n- **amplify checkout**\n- **complete fixes**\n- **:sparkles: UI update for success page (where there are shared forms)**\n- **fix failed deployment**\n- **pull from dev**\n- **update env variable for documentRequest function**\n- **add repayment type**\n- **fix bugs raised by Ima and revamp details page**\n- **fix duplicate name bug**\n- **trigger build**\n- **fix bug with terms of service**\n- **Added changes for fx order update payment entry**\n- **build trigger**\n- **added auth**\n- **amp pull**\n- **added repayment type**\n- **Added update for bank details**\n- **Amplify codegen**\n- **adds override file back**\n- **updated duplicate loan name ish**\n- **fixed incorrect outstanding balance**\n- **updated rds related auth**\n- **more rds auth fix**\n- **triggering build**\n- **added description, updated payment typefor credit and sorting logic**\n- **autodebit fixes**\n- **Capitaised Bank NAme and added loading button to autodebit flow**\n- **trigger build**\n- **commented out company name**\n- **ovveride ish**\n- **merged with dev**\n- **Added changes from amplify codegen**\n- **Remove nullable on fxorderId on payment type**\n- **Added changes for ids in interwallet transfer**\n- **update invoice upload flow**\n- **Added Management Accounts and Audited Finance Documents UI Across Loan Applications**\n- **Added changes for fxOrder payment update**\n- **Added change from amplify codegen**\n- **Added changes for payment entry update**\n- **Added changes for update expression for update payment**\n- **Added changes for credit for payments**\n- **add phone number**\n- **recipient update**\n- **clean up**\n- **update country**\n- **update country**\n- **Merge branch 'feature/harmonise-recipient' of into feature/harmonise-recipient**\n- **add approved tempalte**\n- **revert changes to schema**\n- **revert changes to schema**\n- **Added changes for upload fx invoice payment**\n- **Fix UI bugs**\n- **Fix form integration bugs**\n- **amplify push and update**\n- **create instance of payment schedule lambda**\n- **create instance of payment schedule lambda**\n- **update schema with less index**\n- **update env variables**\n- **remove conflicts**\n- **update**\n- **update schema**\n- **amplify push**\n- **update index v2**\n- **update index v3**\n- **import aws library**\n- **autoDebit UI**\n- **ui fixes fx**\n- **recreate lambda function for invoice entry**\n- **recreate lambda function for invoice entry**\n- **add unpaidinvoiceschedule lambda function**\n- **change slack change and category enums**\n- **amplify push**\n- **Fix form integration bugs**\n- **pull from dev**\n- **KYC checkin bug fixes**\n- **complete fixes**\n- **Fix UI bugs**\n- **Fix form integration bugs**\n- **country undefined fundWallet**\n- **Resolve cherry-pick conflict**\n- **Resolve merge conflict**\n- **add unpaidinvoiceschedule lambda function**\n- **review changes**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **Codegen**\n- **update the aws-export**\n- **:zap: add autosave on document upload**\n- **:zap: add autosave on document delete**\n- **Additional Document Upload Integration**\n- **Additional Document Upload Integration**\n- **update team-provider**\n- **ampify codegen**\n- **amplify codegen**\n- **amplify codgen**\n- **Added changes for upload payment document and optimizing new wallet component**\n- **adds fix to default secret token value**\n- **added default secret token to shared secret resource**\n- **Added changes for graphql code generation**\n- **fix upload bug**\n- **add default for FLUNA_GUEST_TOKEN**\n- **Added changes for cancel transfer**\n- **upload payment proof integration**\n- **update the upload input**\n- **remove tooltip**\n- **add handleChange to uploadID**\n- **add handleChange**\n- **wrap function inside useCallback**\n- **fix upload bug**\n- **Clean up**\n- **Clean up**\n- **fix permmisions for multiwallet creation**\n- **add notification**\n- **Merge branch 'dev' of into feature/invoice-discounting-base**\n- **Fix issue SD-1425**\n- **add sesEmail variable**\n- **add notification to loan that is approved**\n- **BAckend changes**\n- **update resource for invoice lambda functions**\n- **ui fix**\n- **update dependency array**\n- **add redirect page for invoice discounting**\n- **pass proper table param to notification**\n- **fix bug with invoice payment schedule**\n- **update env variables**\n- **resolve netlify errors**\n- **re-format state selector**\n- **fix ts errors**\n- **amplify push**\n- **update queries after amplify push**\n- **update queries after amplify push**\n- **fix minor bugs**\n- **improvements**\n- **fix route for funding**\n- **update graphQL files**\n- **amplify push**\n- **remove s3 permission**\n- **move react-swipeable-views to package.json**\n- **Change checkbox to false when manual request is clicked**\n- **Change checkbox to false when manual request is clicked**\n- **amplify push**\n- **fix NotificationsByReceiverQuery bug**\n- **fix transactionActivitiesWithCount bug**\n- **Removed dulicated create wallet method in create international wallet**\n- **:package: resolve package dependencies issues**\n- **add env variables**\n- **Base branch changes**\n- **pull from amplify dev**\n- **add env variables**\n- **fixed credit filter**\n- **added loan statemnt nav back**\n- **added env var**\n- **resolved submit bug**\n- **add footer to table component**\n- **trigger build**\n- **amplify codegen**\n- **change url for funding wallet to the right path**\n- **email cancellation**\n- **checkout**\n- **fix build**\n- **Merged changes from amplify pull**\n- **build**\n- **amplify push**\n- **fix bug with application and routing on homepage**\n- **Fix bug with next button**\n- **Remove comments**\n- **Revert \"feature/implement unit test\"**\n- **amplify push**\n- **new env**\n- **Total row Alignment**\n- **trigger new build**\n- **amplify pull**\n- **error**\n- **backend config edit**\n- **trigger new build**\n- **added space**\n- **Added changes for yarn.lock**\n- **amplify push**\n- **added utils folder**\n- **resolve conflicts**\n- **fix submission validation on director step**\n- **document upload ui**\n- **update document request function**\n- **Added changes for code mail**\n- **Added changes for fetch wallet in components**\n- **ui fixes**\n- **fix documents autosave**\n- **Added changes for rate modal**\n- **fix undefined country and cancel transfer button width**\n- **update currency to country list**\n- **currency to country list update**\n- **fix currency display and formatting issue**\n- **remove unused variable**\n- **minor fix**\n- **updated currency to country**\n- **edited submitted document template**\n- **factored in single curency loan payments**\n- **Added changes for update payment entry**\n- **Added changes for team provider env variables**\n- **removed log**\n- **Added changes from amplify env variables**\n- **wallet conversion fixes**\n- **fix bvn not saving on director flow**\n- **Success Toast and next button fixes**\n- **Success Toast and next button fixes**\n- **logged email helper**\n- **Added changes from amplify codegen**\n- **Redesign init**\n- **logging event**\n- **update handleBack logic**\n- **check if user serves**\n- **dcumentName change**\n- **changed log**\n- **interwallet transfer fixes**\n- **add footer to the table component**\n- **Added changes from create pay in**\n- **Complete delete progress fixes**\n- **Remove logs**\n- **:test_tube: setup jest with enzyme tests**\n- **:white_check_mark: add Alert component test**\n- **:white_check_mark: add sample utils test**\n- **:white_check_mark: add App component test**\n- **:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merge branch 'dev' into feat/setup-unit-test-latest**\n- **amplify commit**\n- **fixes**\n- **fix double submittion**\n- **Remove comments**\n- **fix the home page bug**\n- **fix the pending page bug if formSent is true**\n- ** implement international payout**\n- **fix payment schedule for invoice discounting**\n- **run yarn to install latest packages**\n- **add env variables**\n- **add env variables**\n- **add recurring invocation of unpaidInvoiceSchedule**\n- **:construction_worker: add github tests workflows**\n- **add validation for uploaded document**\n- **text correction**\n- **fix bug with lambda**\n- **fix bug with lambda**\n- **make director step skippable**\n- **Complete UI chnages**\n- **trigger new build**\n- **fixed doc ish**\n- **fixed marshall stuff and accomodated status changes**\n- **Complete UI changes for Documents tab**\n- **updated notification view logic**\n- **doc request staging release**\n- **minor cleanups**\n- **Change condition of next button**\n- **Remove margin from submit button**\n- **Clean up**\n- **make director step skippable**\n- **Change condition of next button**\n- **Remove margin from submit button**\n- **Remove cherry-pick error**\n- **Create main.yml**\n- **Update main.yml**\n- **Update App.test.tsx**\n- **Update Alert.tsx**\n- **remove env from redirect url for invoice discounting notification**\n- **Changed Total Disbursement to Toal Balance**\n- **Initial commit**\n- **format**\n- **fix payment queries to company**\n- **fix naming of field from schema**\n- **:white_check_mark: add CustomAccordion test**\n- **removed export**\n- **fixed document request bug**\n- **fix query**\n- **WIP**\n- **Added changes for verto approve payment for autodebit**\n- **fix bank wallet**\n- **removed unused code**\n- **merge conflit resolved**\n- **Added changes for phone number validation for AWS**\n- **clean codebase**\n- **:hammer: fix document delete functionality**\n- **:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merge branch 'dev' into fix/kyc-fix-document-delete**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **Start unit testing**\n- **additional info continous loader**\n- **:hammer: fix document autosave**\n- **unit level autosave**\n- **fix payment query**\n- **Added changes for prettier**\n- **Added changes for transfer type**\n- **Added changes for wallet id controller checkuser**\n- **:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merge branch 'dev' into feat/unit-testing/uchenna**\n- **fix issue with table data mutability**\n- **fix payment routes on home page**\n- **remove console.log in documents tab**\n- **loan application waiting and loan submitted templates**\n- **Added inapp notification for active, submitted and approved loan states**\n- **Test for KYC components**\n- **Added changes for wallet autodebit**\n- **route to internation currency page**\n- **Loan email send out**\n- **Added fix for i18n test and removed enzyme for testing**\n- **Director form unit tests**\n- **Onlending Application test floe**\n- **table unit tests integration**\n- **revert changes to bankTransactions component**\n- **correct spelling mistake**\n- **format test file**\n- **fix review requests**\n- **fix review requests**\n- **Added Test for summary page on Onlending flow**\n- **Clean up**\n- **implement bugs**\n- **:zap: add invoice discounting slack notification**\n- **Kyc/components test complete**\n- **Remove some test errors**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **implement payment receipt**\n- **remove console.log**\n- **Feedback fixes**\n- **fix validation logic**\n- **Added changes for autodebit**\n- **wallet conversion tests**\n- **removed unused function**\n- **fixed application Id issue.**\n- **added appurl to devtoktwo**\n- **fixed app id ish**\n- **Added changes from pull amplify**\n- **Added changes from amplify codegen**\n- **Added changes for removal of createpaymententry**\n- **Added changes for payout vertofx**\n- **Added changes for amplify vertoFxPayment**\n- **added logs to function**\n- **Added changes for missing imports for autodebit function**\n- **:white_check_mark: cleanup tests console errors**\n- **Added changes for missing aws import**\n- **Added changes for beneficiary payload and errors**\n- **:white_check_mark: add discounting modal tests**\n- **Added changes for payment autodebit**\n- **Added changes for payment fx order**\n- **fix formatting issues**\n- **Added changes for vertoFxLOGIN IMPORT**\n- **update the workflow**\n- **code review changes**\n- **Added changes for amount convert usd**\n- **update test scripts**\n- **fixed application Id issue.**\n- **split the action into two**\n- **Merge pull request #1364 from fluna-tech/test/loan-application**\n- **exclude mix panel on test**\n- **update**\n- **Added changes for vertoFxPayoutFromWallet**\n- **Added changes for transfer payload**\n- **:white_check_mark: add discounting modal tests**\n- **wip: invoice discounting tests**\n- **fix tests**\n- **autodebit feedback**\n- **Unit Test for Working Capital Loan Application flow**\n- **fix github tests errors**\n- **update the github actions**\n- **update**\n- **:hammer: fix account card UI**\n- **:hammer: fix account card UI**\n- **Added changes for mca autobit**\n- **african currency funding component**\n- **Added custom bg row color to table**\n- **Ui african wallet**\n- **Autodebit changes**\n- **Add download statement feature for pdf and csv**\n- **add proper name for exported pdf and csv files**\n- **Added changes for approve payment send mail**\n- **Added skip to a test**\n- **removed skip**\n- **kyc pages components**\n- **Fixed error**\n- **Wrap up ui and integration afican wallet**\n- **removed wathcedAll**\n- **Added test:coverage**\n- **fix working capital**\n- **add utils**\n- **Added skip to details form**\n- **form validation purchase order**\n- **Merge branch 'dev' of into bugfix/form-validation**\n- **import scrollAndFocus**\n- **updated helper loan application reminder function**\n- **remove alert**\n- **fixes**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **Edit test assertion**\n- **fix trigger to send when a record is approved**\n- **revert setting.json**\n- **bug fix on transactionCount**\n- **Statement PDF UI**\n- **profitability analysis UI**\n- **removed excess padding**\n- **update the github actions**\n- **fix the failing test**\n- **update team-provider**\n- **Unit test integration for the home page**\n- **make view scrolllable when items are more than the view**\n- **:white_check_mark: add invoice discounting payment tests**\n- **Clean up**\n- **same-currency testing**\n- **Delete walletTransfer.test.tsx**\n- **:white_check_mark: add invoice discounting tests**\n- **Clean up**\n- **remove file**\n- **fix failing test**\n- **onboarding tests**\n- **Intl payment tests**\n- **onboarding tests**\n- **fix scroll**\n- **amount integration**\n- **Updatated Activity and UpcomingPayment Tables**\n- **Removed latest activity pill**\n- **onboardng tests**\n- **Complete document upload**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **purchase order error validation**\n- **scroll**\n- **onboardng tests**\n- **get rates for every currency**\n- **:white_check_mark: add invoice discounting table tests**\n- **Fixed pdf scrolling issue**\n- **fix the kyc navigation**\n- **:white_check_mark: add invoice discounting loan document upload tests**\n- **recipient test**\n- **added new data to custom query uniteconomics**\n- **Complete summary components tests**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **Graphql changes**\n- **Correct wrong import**\n- **:white_check_mark: add invoice discounting documents tests**\n- **:white_check_mark: add invoice discounting international tests**\n- **:white_check_mark: add invoice discounting naira tests**\n- **currency exchange**\n- **Added changes for testing**\n- **fix build fail**\n- **business information tests**\n- **Added fixes for get wallet**\n- **:white_check_mark: add invoice overview tests**\n- **Added changes for get wallets balance**\n- **:white_check_mark: add invoice overview disbursement tests**\n- **:white_check_mark: add invoice overview documents tests**\n- **document upload tests**\n- **fix lint issues: remove unused vars**\n- **fix test issues: remove unused vars**\n- **document upload tests**\n- **fix test issues: remove unused vars**\n- **Added some testing**\n- **Update wallets balance**\n- **Added changes for autodebit**\n- **account statement V2 UI and integration complete**\n- **integration profitability analysis**\n- **fix loan email and notification not sending bug**\n- **Added final test changes to authentication folder**\n- **Added update for devfive env for aws export**\n- **Unit tests integration for POF**\n- **Added Currency**\n- **removed**\n- **disbursement page bug**\n- **Working on the platform helper test**\n- **Added changes for prettier formatter**\n- **Added changes for waitfor**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **:hammer: fix lint issues**\n- **Payments v2 component tests completed**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **Remove comments**\n- **some changes**\n- **Added changes for yarn.lock**\n- **Added changes for schema**\n- **dev pull**\n- **Added changes for review changes and beneficary changes**\n- **Added auto debit status code**\n- **Added env varaibles for austinddev for loan application reminder**\n- **Added changes for error**\n- **amplify push**\n- **added logg**\n- **Added changes for get data**\n- **Added flag to loan statement pdf**\n- **added changes for autodebit error**\n- **Added changes for verto error**\n- **Added changes for error**\n- **Added changes for error message**\n- **Added changes for error message**\n- **clean up**\n- **Added changes from amplify codegen**\n- **version 1 - individual flow**\n- **update**\n- **fix changes with currency not showing in dropdown and bug with table not rendering the right data**\n- **usage type moved to user**\n- **added env var**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **guide helpful integration**\n- **pulled amplify plus codegen**\n- **updated button to use fluna button**\n- **added user usage type on creation**\n- **add new field to ownership**\n- **reverted user pool ish**\n- **backend update**\n- **generate new query**\n- **update npm start script**\n- **update the type interface**\n- **amplify push**\n- **WIP**\n- **Added changes for wallet fetch wallet**\n- **autosave lending**\n- **trigger for amplify be build**\n- **word wrap profitability analysis**\n- **removed comment**\n- **user pool issue**\n- **loan tracker**\n- **:sparkles: init product analytics**\n- **:sparkles: add totalNumOfUsers**\n- **:sparkles: add total num of Kycd users**\n- **:sparkles: add MCA inflow volume**\n- **:sparkles: add total MCA opened**\n- **:sparkles: add MCA outflow volume**\n- **:sparkles: add new fx volume**\n- **:sparkles: add active users count**\n- **:zap: (wip) product analytics**\n- **loanTracker UI**\n- **:sparkles: move platformData files to folder**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **changed loan tracker width**\n- **fix status colors sideModal**\n- **minor change**\n- **remove console log**\n- **fix upload bug**\n- **map status on company settings**\n- **setup retry button on setting page**\n- **change the build script**\n- **Added new amplify env devsix**\n- **sidepanel autodebit scroll**\n- **Updated schema**\n- **profitability guide**\n- **removed file**\n- **added permission**\n- **updated dependices loan application**\n- **:sparkles: calculate all loans interest**\n- **:sparkles: calculate all loans percentage in Naira**\n- **:sparkles: calculate all loans interest below 90 days**\n- **:sparkles: calculate all active loans**\n- **update table name on FxOrders**\n- **:zap: update product analytics lambda**\n- **changes to schema**\n- **trigger build**\n- **removed comment SidePanel.tsx**\n- **:zap: update newFX volume**\n- **:zap: update naira loan percentage**\n- **codegen and added tracking changes to interface**\n- **changed the schema to include loan tracker**\n- **:zap: update active users on platform**\n- **:zap: update active loan interests on platform**\n- **:zap: update active loan interests \u003c 90 days on platform**\n- **:zap: update active loans on platform**\n- **:sparkles: add helper functions**\n- **:zap: update lambda function**\n- **:sparkles: update product analytics lambda**\n- **:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merge branch 'dev' into feat/platform_analytics**\n- **Added changes for api key expiration epoch**\n- **:zap: trigger amplify build**\n- **:zap: trigger amplify build**\n- **Added changes for devfour**\n- **navigate to loan application tracker**\n- **added missing import**\n- **Complete KYC UI updates**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **scroll fix**\n- **Added changes for transaction type for wallet pay in**\n- **:hammer: fix env variable issue**\n- **:sparkles: add Business Metrics**\n- **:zap: move loans data**\n- **:zap: move platform data**\n- **:sparkles: add getPreviousWeekData**\n- **:sparkles: add storePreviousWeekData**\n- **:sparkles: add updateAndCalculatePercentageChange**\n- **:zap: update product analytics**\n- **:zap: add update previous week analytics**\n- **:hammer: refactor platform data keys**\n- **:hammer: refactor loans data keys**\n- **:zap: minor updates**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **Added changes for devfour**\n- **Added changes for migrate user lamdba function**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **changed console.log**\n- **:zap: add minor fixes**\n- **Added changes for save authenticatedUser VALUE**\n- **Sign In Email Copy update**\n- **WIP**\n- **Update helper.js**\n- **added env var for product analytics**\n- **Loan statement Unit Tests**\n- **integrating loan tracker**\n- **creditstatus optional chain**\n- **Added changes for package.json for migrate to another pool**\n- **Added changes for migrate users to another userpool**\n- **Added changes for export in migrate user**\n- **loans home integration**\n- **fixed import**\n- **Added changes for cognito permission**\n- **Added changes for user attributes for userAtrributes**\n- **Removed sub from attribute update**\n- **test**\n- **fixed tracking loan**\n- **added attribute values**\n- **just trying to trigger rebuild**\n- **chnaged filter expression**\n- **added keycondition expression**\n- **added keycondition expression**\n- **edited function**\n- **trigger build again**\n- **added an index name**\n- **fixed application reminder bug**\n- **profitability analysis changes**\n- **removed tracking from loan state**\n- **added the permission check**\n- **working capital renewal test**\n- **added custom policy to loan application reminder**\n- **space**\n- **added a timeout to popup**\n- **working capital renewal test**\n- **updat validation uniteconomics**\n- **Unit Tests for Business Details and Security (Settings 3)**\n- **tracker and profitability fixes**\n- **platform helper test**\n- **schema updates from fluna core**\n- **Team members unit test**\n- **Fixed homev2 failing test**\n- **Added changes for custom auth**\n- **Clean up**\n- **loan renewal test for POF and start of OLF**\n- **OLF test loan renewal loanbook, request and overview**\n- **OLF renewal summary test and removed unused components**\n- **changed cursor to default loan tracker next steps when not user actions.**\n- **loan tracker copy update and removed loansummary from lending**\n- **added padding**\n- **Added changes for migerate userpool trigger forgot password details**\n- **Added changes for creation of password**\n- **Added changes for query parameters for migration for user pools**\n- **Formatted document**\n- **Added changes for query migrate users**\n- **Added changes for user migrate**\n- **Added changes for user migrate**\n- **Added changes for user migrate**\n- **Added permissions to cloud formation for admincreateuser and set password**\n- **Created congnitoISP**\n- **Added changes for admincreateuser**\n- **Added changes for users**\n- **Added changes for dev-four**\n- **Unit Tests for team components**\n- **remove aws-export mocking**\n- **remove test**\n- **update**\n- **:lipstick: add nav settings assests**\n- **:sparkles: add modal to redux state**\n- **:zap: update nav items**\n- **:sparkles: add Download statement modal**\n- **:zap: (wip) Download statement modal**\n- **:zap: move UserMenu to a file**\n- **:zap: typo fix**\n- **fix typo**\n- **Added changes for migration**\n- **Added more unit test under permissions**\n- **Clean up**\n- **Added changes for amplify codegen run**\n- **Changed type to input**\n- **Added sentry to migration dependencices**\n- **Update changes for created user parameters**\n- **Update changes for created user parameters**\n- **Added changes for name triggersource**\n- **Added changes for update user**\n- **Added target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" to the anchor tag**\n- **Added changes for user data for get user details**\n- **clean up**\n- **loan renewal test**\n- **proof-of-accounts**\n- **Added changes to update user CongnitoID**\n- **Added changes for autodebit email**\n- **currency exchange funding**\n- **send-payment payment curreny exchange test**\n- **currency exchange recipient test**\n- **proof of account download**\n- **:sparkles: add Account statement Document**\n- **:sparkles: add Download statement Document**\n- **update proof-of-accounts data**\n- **update proof-of-accounts data**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **:sparkles: update account statement**\n- **:sparkles: update download statement modal**\n- **loanrequest test bug**\n- **Changes from dev**\n- **Added changes for switch recipient details**\n- **Added changes from amplify codegen**\n- **Added changes for branch**\n- **Added changes for amplify resource**\n- **Added changes from amplify codegen**\n- **fixes issues with authorization header in payment request**\n- **:sparkles: add getStatement lambda**\n- **Revert to previous upload integration**\n- **:sparkles: update getAccountStatement lambda**\n- **:zap: update getAccountStatement lambda**\n- **:construction: (wip) getAccountStatement**\n- **Added changes for wallets**\n- **Added changes for webhooks**\n- **:sparkles: add getAccountStatement queries**\n- **Added changes for payment details**\n- **general cleanup**\n- **update jest environment**\n- **update testEnvironment**\n- **:sparkles: update getAccountStatement**\n- **add jsdom**\n- **update test**\n- **update**\n- **update**\n- **updates**\n- **Revert \"unit testing/platformhelper\"**\n- **change transformer to esbuild-jest**\n- **remove ts-jest**\n- **update failing test**\n- **resolves issue with creating a payment request**\n- **Added changes for recipients**\n- **:construction: (wip) getAccountStatement**\n- **Added changes for removing conflict**\n- **fix table alignment issue**\n- **update**\n- **Added changes for transfer details for fx order**\n- **Added requested fixes for merge request**\n- **currency conversion route fix**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **:zap: add AccountStatement interface**\n- **add dev-four env to custom permission**\n- **add dev-four env to custom permission**\n- **amplify checkout**\n- **Footer and Request Payment Unit Tests**\n- **update with Capitalize**\n- **update utils.test.ts to utils.test.tsx**\n- **remove authGuard test**\n- **update**\n- **remove test**\n- **Added changes for MCA onboarding account**\n- **add a tsx test**\n- **add a files**\n- **update test**\n- **update the tes**\n- **add new missing tests**\n- **update**\n- **remove the scroll test**\n- **add jsdom docblock**\n- **another try mocking out addEventListener**\n- **remove the buggy tests**\n- **update**\n- **:zap: add minor updates**\n- **:hammer: fix flag issue on statement pdf**\n- **:zap: refactor fetch logic**\n- **:zap: minor updates**\n- **Added changes for mca email trigger**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **:zap: clear logs**\n- **:zap: fix test**\n- **Added changes for env variable for lambda function**\n- **general components tests**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **update and fixes**\n- **schema changes and loan metrics**\n- **total loan request loan analytics**\n- **team provider change**\n- **loan platform analytics**\n- **fix broken test types**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **:hammer: fix statement not fetching**\n- **:hammer: minor fix**\n- **:hammer: minor fix**\n- **:hammer: fix loading state**\n- **added schema updates**\n- **Compliance and Payment KPIs**\n- **Added changes for mca email trigger**\n- **Added changes for cdk env**\n- **remove console.log and amplify push and update test folder**\n- **Added aws-sdk to dependices for lambda functions**\n- **Added changes for new prod env**\n- **Added optional chaining to vertoKYc**\n- **Update changes for mca wallet status update**\n- **general-components-tests**\n- **general-components-tests**\n- **Added changes for team provider**\n- **Added changes for team provider**\n- **Added changes for changes for env prodtwo**\n- **Added changes from pulling prodtwo**\n- **Added changes for the graphql endpoint**\n- **update**\n- **Added changes for team prodiver in prod two**\n- **Added changes for prodtwo aws export file**\n- **loan analytics - loan book size, active loans and loan requests**\n- **rapayment rate loan analytics**\n- **conversion rate loan analytics**\n- **conversion rate loan analytics**\n- **loan completion time analytics**\n- **added application completion time frontend**\n- **:zap: add fix for recommendations**\n- **Added changes for vertofxurl to team provider**\n- **:zap: refactor files**\n- **Added changes for getcompanycurrency**\n- **refactor: Test and fix bug loan analytics Add func getexchangerate permission. Add default values to functions.**\n- **minor updates**\n- **checkout to falconenv**\n- **Removed owned accounts from userByemail**\n- **Clean up**\n- **Clean up**\n- **clean up**\n- **pulled amplify**\n- **amplify codegen**\n- **Fix: profitability analysis prod bug**\n- **hot fix**\n- **Fixed TableData issue**\n- **updated and clean up**\n- **Persist data on refresh**\n- **update ovveride**\n- **clean up**\n- **reverted update**\n- **removed open ssl from build**\n- **FIX: defaultRoleAndPermission lambda bug**\n- **trigger build**\n- **updated devfive exports**\n- **updated prod 2 exports**\n- **added ssl for netlify**\n- **triggering amplify**\n- **fix bug on createDefaultUserCategories bug**\n- **Add to 5 hear about us platforms to platform analytics Add to number of users linked account to platform analytics**\n- **new env setup failed**\n- **fix uncertain bug defaultRoleAndPermission**\n- **general components tests**\n- **general-components-tests**\n- **fix roleId bug**\n- **Added changes for international payment for currency**\n- **Added changes for payment fixes**\n- **:zap: convert currency to symbol**\n- **:hammer: add fixes for statement pdf**\n- **:zap: add utils**\n- **:zap: update function**\n- **:sparkles: fetch active wallets**\n- **:sparkles: add generate statement**\n- **:sparkles: get company details**\n- **:sparkles: get quarter dates**\n- **:sparkles: add email sender**\n- **:sparkles: send quarterly statements**\n- **:zap: minor changes**\n- **Dropdown component test**\n- **Country selecton fx**\n- **Country input test**\n- **Added changes for prodtwo**\n- **fix: link to submit document loan tracker.**\n- **Clean up**\n- **2 bug fix on kyc reverting and permission for guestKyc**\n- **Added update mca-onboarding**\n- **Added changes for MCAWalletStatus**\n- **Added changes for wallet status update for MCA**\n- **Added changes for team provider**\n- **components tests**\n- **Added changes for team provider**\n- **Added changes for email mca email trigger**\n- **Added changes from other env**\n- **Add changes for values**\n- **Added changes for dashboard style**\n- **more components tests**\n- **Added changes for getCompanyCurrency**\n- **remoced ssl**\n- **Added changes for failing rates**\n- **npm start script fix with NODE_OPTIONS and cross-env**\n- **remove build scripts**\n- **:zap: add utils changes**\n- **:zap: add templates for pdf**\n- **:zap: update files**\n- **update queries**\n- **update aws-export to point to temienvtwo backend**\n- **allow reupload to submit SD-1924**\n- **skipped util_test**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **:zap: update env vars**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **:hammer: fix broken files**\n- **:zap: format data for pdf**\n- **:zap: update utils**\n- **Added changes to fix scroll issues**\n- **:sparkles: complete getAccountStatement backend**\n- **:sparkles: implement download CSV**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **more components testing**\n- **Add currency update for live messages for wallet status lambda**\n- **Fixed Loan Statement Outstanding Balance**\n- **more components tests**\n- **more components tests**\n- **update gitignore**\n- **remove --openssl-legacy-provider from build script**\n- **:hammer: fix CSV download data not showing**\n- **general components unit testing**\n- **Change aws export back to dev-five for dev**\n- **Added changes for font-size**\n- **update kycV3**\n- **add back --openssl-legacy-provider**\n- **add cleanup to failing test**\n- **Added changes for amount**\n- **Update the GuestKyc success heading and subheading**\n- **:white_check_mark: add DownloadStatementModal tests**\n- **Added changes for austinddev**\n- **Added changes for env**\n- **:hammer: fix pdf template format**\n- **:hammer: fix pdf template format**\n- **:hammer: fix team-provider error**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **Feature: Autodebit payment flow**\n- **Changes to the shareholder forms**\n- **update metamap for entity**\n- **create a new custom query**\n- **Fix: Go back button international payment recipient details**\n- **:zap: update KPI reporting structure**\n- **Added changes for migration for users**\n- **Removed prodtwo from customserver**\n- **Added changes for amplify codegen**\n- **payments ui/ux modifications**\n- **added logging to mail sender**\n- **replaced ima's mail with mailinator**\n- **added usgetype to company**\n- **removed prodtwo from env list and commented back ovveride**\n- **Added changes for API changes for company currency**\n- **Added fixes to array**\n- **pulled amplify and codegen**\n- **Rewrote View Test**\n- **updated loan maintenance fee and usasge type logic**\n- **loan disbursement autosave**\n- **updated usage type for invited users**\n- **fixed maintenance update**\n- **updated maintenance fee logic**\n- **maintenance fee clean up**\n- **pulled amplify and amplify codegen**\n- **reverted override**\n- **Clean up tests**\n- **:zap: minor changes**\n- **:white_check_mark: add DownloadStatementModal UI tests**\n- **:white_check_mark: add DownloadStatementModal UI tests**\n- **:white_check_mark: add DownloadStatementModal UI tests**\n- **:hammer: minor fix**\n- **reverting start script**\n- **Added changes for currency nationid**\n- **Removed open-ssl-provider command in package.json**\n- **Ran amplify checkout to prodtwo**\n- **WIP**\n- **Added changes for get user details before login**\n- **:green_heart: sync amplify backend changes**\n- **updated doc request categories**\n- **:hammer: minor fix**\n- **kyc bug fixes**\n- **Fix: Change net rate cash flow to a line. Dynamic step size and max value cash flow chart.**\n- **fixed ongoing doc request**\n- **ovveride revert for my env**\n- **amplify pull and codegen**\n- **reverted override for dev**\n- **:zap: minor updates**\n- **Added changes for accoun inpunt**\n- **Added changes forgot password entry**\n- **kyc doeuments bug**\n- **kyc doeuments bug**\n- **Added fixes for get user email in post confirmation**\n- **Added changes for post confirmation**\n- **Added prodtwo to cdk stack for auth congnito permission**\n- **update on-going doc prod**\n- **update copies document upload**\n- **fix: update mail copies document upload**\n- **update the metamap for both company**\n- **clean up for both individual and company**\n- **fix formatting issue and update the company check webhook**\n- **transform category text**\n- **fix: document copy changes**\n- **fix: rejected document mail on-going doc**\n- **reverting start change**\n- **:zap: minor updates**\n- **Added changes for currency update**\n- **remove metamap related**\n- **update**\n- **Fix: Empty recipient name and reciever account wallet to wallet transaction payment table.**\n- **Added changes to remove prodtwo**\n- **Added changes from amplify codegen**\n- **Added changes for team provider**\n- **allow public on encoder**\n- **Added Email trigger for verified users and made a permission change to customGenericMailSender**\n- **fixed custom attributes ish**\n- **Added ses mail to team provider**\n- **wallet conversion**\n- **Clean up**\n- **pull from devfive and add test for filter component**\n- **Clean up**\n- **replace query name**\n- **Improve coverage on going document collection test**\n- **added dynamodb check for invited users (#1520)**\n- **Fix: bug running on going document tests**\n- **payment module tests**\n- **amplify swtich**\n- **minor updates**\n- **new bank details test**\n- **initialCommit of the test**\n- **change Int to Float to support decimal**\n- **update from Int to Float**\n- **updates**\n- **updates**\n- **Added changes for pay in service for vertofx**\n- **Fix: Upload button position on settings document tab.**\n- **ran amplify codegen**\n- **Fixed error in the filter test file**\n- **kyc documents updates**\n- **Added changes for fx conversion webhook**\n- **more tests for the sam currency payments flow**\n- **Added changes for stagingtwo**\n- **Added changes for auto debit fix**\n- **Added changes for fix amount in webhook**\n- **Added change for vertofx**\n- **Added changes for prodtwo in custom in amplify backend**\n- **more tests for the same currency payments flow**\n- **fixed compliance doc ish**\n- **made updates**\n- **more tests for the same currency payments flow**\n- **Fix: Add consitional operator to item.category**\n- **Fix: Increased test coverage curr-exchange**\n- **Fix: Increase test coverage**\n- **Fix: DomesticTransferDetails improve coverage to 100**\n- **added optional**\n- **fix DocumentList type mismatch**\n- **fix DocumentList type mismatch**\n- **Fix: Improve code coverage payment curr-exchange**\n- **Added Sender Email to the Schema**\n- **Commented out override**\n- **corrected payload**\n- **corrected doc payload**\n- **corrected test status reference**\n- **Added changes to fix completed payout webhook on mca**\n- **Added changes for removing prodtwo on custom cdk stack**\n- **Repositioned Sender Mail**\n- **Added changes for error response**\n- **Amplify codegen**\n- **Added test for autoSave**\n- **Fix: Increase test coverage curr-exchange**\n- **Added index test**\n- **Work in progress**\n- **Added success file**\n- **replace slack hook**\n- **Added changs for payment payments**\n- **Fix: Improve coverage curr-exchange**\n- **Fix: increase coverage curr-exchnage send-payment recipients**\n- **Clean up mail template**\n- **override.ts**\n- **Added changes for payment mca virtual account backend**\n- **UPDATE THE SLACK URL HOOK**\n- **Added changes for status code**\n- **Added changes for status code**\n- **Added changes for status code**\n- **Added changes error status**\n- **Adjusted error message**\n- **clean up**\n- **clean up**\n- **clean up**\n- **Added changes for status message**\n- **Updated changes for error**\n- **recipients-create tests**\n- **Fix: increase test coverage send-payment reciepts**\n- **fix the lint error**\n- **Added invoice overview test**\n- **Test for domestic**\n- **Added test for paymentDetails**\n- **Added changes for cdk stack**\n- **Test for ShareDetails**\n- **Updated documents test file**\n- **Added details test file**\n- **Fix: Increase coverage send payment summary**\n- **Added changes for reject**\n- **Added changes for failing pay in**\n- **update failing tests**\n- **update filter and add cleanup to invoiceDiscounting Application test**\n- **update unwanted comment**\n- **Added overview test**\n- **Added invoiceDiscountingTabs test**\n- **Added index test**\n- **Summary Details test**\n- **added invoice overview test**\n- **Added test for index**\n- **Added document test**\n- **disbursement test**\n- **Added redirect test**\n- **helper test**\n- **Accountcard test**\n- **Spending graph test**\n- **added datatest is**\n- **removed datatest id**\n- **test for sideModal**\n- **Fix failing tests, remove console.log, move some tests to __tests__ folder**\n- **File upload components tests**\n- **Dev changes**\n- **Fix: Increase coverage send-payment tests.**\n- **Revert \"payment module unit tests\"**\n- **Code cleanup**\n- **Test init**\n- **tests**\n- **disbursementForm test**\n- **updated spelling**\n- **Wallet conversion test**\n- **Fix Director Form test**\n- **Fix Director Form Test**\n- **fix query ish**\n- **fixed query ish**\n- **custom attribute ish**\n- **Code cleanup**\n- **pushed amplify**\n- **amplify codegen**\n- **Fix: Improve coverage send-payment**\n- **Fix: Document upload self serve mobile flow in settings**\n- **fixed ovveride ish**\n- **update gitignore**\n- **payments test**\n- **Payment Histort test**\n- **Minor PaymentHistory fix**\n- **removed unused files in invoice discouting folder**\n- **Summary page tests**\n- **onboarding tests**\n- **Fix: Improve test coverage send-payment**\n- **recipients tests cleanup**\n- **add security test because it was failing**\n- **add clean up to profileAvatar test**\n- **add clean up**\n- **update failing test**\n- **fix failing test**\n- **recipients tests**\n- **Fix: Increase coverage send-payment**\n- **Fix: improve code coverage send-payment**\n- **βœ… TEST: add some test config**\n- **Fix: Improve test coverage send-payment**\n- **Fix: improve test coverage home sendpayment**\n- **update jest config**\n- **add missing functions env variables**\n- **update the staging environment variables**\n- **Added clean up for tests in homev2 and invoice-discounting**\n- **fix env ish**\n- **Fix: Improve test loanRenewal workingcapital**\n- **fix cdk-custom with adding prodtwo**\n- **Fix: imporve code coverage working capital loan renewal**\n- **update the aws-export**\n- **Fix: improves test coverage wc**\n- **Fix: Added optional chaining before tolocalestring**\n- **remove the prodtwo from stack.ts**\n- **adds fix for storage api**\n- **Overwritten ish**\n- **update readme**\n- **update the cdk-stack file**\n- **Loan statement tests**\n- **Remove errors**\n- **Clean up**\n- **Remove afterEach call for wallets**\n- **Clean up**\n- **Fix: Improve code coverage above 80% working capital**\n- **Fix: Improve test coverage to \u003e80% purchase order renewal**\n- **Get coverage report onending renewal**\n- **Fix: failing test send-payment**\n- **Added changes for two factor verification**\n- **Loans Home Components**\n- **update the readme**\n- **add cleanup**\n- **add cleanup**\n- **update README**\n- **Fix: added optional chaining to isnext values**\n- **Fix: Improve code coverage onlending**\n- **Fix: improve test coverage onlending renewal**\n- **triggers another code and test build**\n- **Improve test coverage purchase order loan renewal**\n- **Fix: placed test in right folder**\n- **Added changes for testing authentication**\n- **invoice discounting table test**\n- **Added correct CRID for in defaultRoleAndPermission lambda**\n- **Fix; Added optional chaining**\n- **Fix: Improve test coverage loanshome**\n- **Fix: improve loan home test coverage**\n- **Fix: improve loanshome test coverage**\n- **Fix: Improve test coverage loanshome**\n- **Fix: Optional chaining routegaurd**\n- **Fix: improve test coverage**\n- **Fix: remove unused components**\n- **Fix: improve test coverage loanshome**\n- **Fix: improve test coverage loanshome**\n- **fix: improve test coverage**\n- **Transaction activity test init**\n- **Add cleanup function to table tests**\n- **Restore currencyConverter file**\n- **Fix: test coverage improvement**\n- **fix: improve test coverage**\n- **fix: improve test coverage**\n- **Fix: improve test coverage**\n- **Fix: improve test coverage**\n- **amplify push**\n- **fix failing lint**\n- **add fallback for destructured documents in PO details page**\n- **add touched property to document upload fields**\n- **fixes to direct debit stability for plaid an stripe**\n- **cleaned up plaid popup**\n- **cleaned up plaid popup**\n- **Create an account ux improvement**\n- **add new test update to loanApplication**\n- **removed customer module from react fe**\n- **removed apideck package**\n- **update the loanApplication tests**\n- **Transaction Activity tests**\n- **update the state**\n- **Skip test for changing receiving currency**\n- **Remove categorization test file**\n- **fix the graphQL auth error**\n- **fix prettier issue on TwoFactorVerification test file**\n- **final metamap update**\n- **add kyc update**\n- **update the loanOverviewSlider**\n- **add cleanup**\n- **Fix error handling in metaMapController**\n- **Update ID upload label in OwnershipDetailsIndividualForm**\n- **Update the placeholder text**\n- **updating dev function**\n- **override ish**\n- **Refactor CompanyDocuments.test.tsx**\n- **worked on doc req mail copies**\n- **reverted overide ish**\n- **Verify an account onboarding optimization**\n- **Add new test, Fix UI rendering issues and add data-testid attributes**\n- **Update lint and test workflows to use bun instead of yarn**\n- **Update Bun setup and add linting step**\n- **Update dependency installation command**\n- **Update dependency installation command**\n- **Update lint and test workflows to use specific Node.js version**\n- **fixed loan ish and renewal id ish**\n- **ran yarn**\n- **push fix for chartjs**\n- **rearrange name and filename of document**\n- **fix currency breakdown for loan statement**\n- **initialize bun for cicd**\n- **initialize bun for cicd**\n- **initialize bun for cicd**\n- **initialize bun for cicd**\n- **initialize bun for cicd**\n- **initialize bun for cicd**\n- **import jest-dom**\n- **import jest-dom**\n- **import jest-dom**\n- **import jest-dom**\n- **import jest-dom**\n- **import jest-dom**\n- **import jest-dom**\n- **Init commit**\n- **schema update for repayment**\n- **Supplier Onboarding UI complete**\n- **remove unused packages**\n- **working draft one**\n- **update function trigger**\n- **fix failing test**\n- **add trigger using cloudWatchevent**\n- **check if registrables is defined**\n- **WIP**\n- **add fallback for registrables**\n- **Fix loan penalty calculation and update payment type names**\n- **schema nad other updates**\n- **working on payments late fee**\n- **reverted start scripts**\n- **added application id to test data**\n- **added appl id to mock data**\n- **Remove unnecessary settings and dependencies**\n- **Remove commented code and update title in KycListBody component**\n- **Remove redundant code for 'Country' field**\n- **WIP**\n- **update the failing test**\n- **Update AWS exports and fix test in Transactions and DirectorForm**\n- **Fix bug in login functionality**\n- **replace the aws-export.ts**\n- **Complete integration for supplier onboarding flow**\n- **dev changes**\n- **Rename Interface.ts to interface.ts**\n- **Fix select input and remove console.log More tests on trade data**\n- **Update tradeData object in trade-organization tests**\n- **Fix formatting and update test.yml**\n- **Update dependencies and fix test cases**\n- **Add metamap functionality to FileUpload component**\n- **Remove console logs in CountryDropdown component**\n- **Remove console logs and update file upload component**\n- **WIP**\n- **Update Amplify environments in cdk-stack.ts**\n- **Optimization for settings/team**\n- **Complete Setting UX optimization and clean up**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **started checklist schema update**\n- **updating checklist tables schema**\n- **fixed schema ish**\n- **updated for trigger**\n- **cleanup for trigger**\n- **fixed schema duplicate key ish**\n- **updeted query ish**\n- **triggering build**\n- **trigger build**\n- **trigger**\n- **WIP**\n- **directors and shareholder flow adjustment**\n- **Amplify push**\n- **added todo**\n- **updated operations table**\n- **commit**\n- **Rewrite failing tests in settings**\n- **amplify codegen**\n- **company documents \u0026\u0026 directors page ux modification**\n- **update Late Fees Logic**\n- **Rewrite failing tests**\n- **Add daysPastDue variable to calculate loan penalty**\n- **fix failing test and button allignment fix**\n- **fix failing tests**\n- **write more tests**\n- **linear progress**\n- **amplify init**\n- **amplify pull**\n- **onboarding layout ui change**\n- **Merge business info and overview, separate address onboarding**\n- **Fileupload for non-login users**\n- **env change**\n- **devfive pull**\n- **env checkout**\n- **testing local fixes on local**\n- **re generated graphql queries**\n- **align schema changes**\n- **changed numberofFullTimeEmployees data type to string**\n- **show sucess page onboarding**\n- **changes requested**\n- **added repayment record to stripe processing**\n- **navbar updates**\n- **Onboarding tests fix**\n- **fix(ui): add fallback for company currency array**\n- **fix(schema): fix indentation and punctuation inconsistencies with json file**\n- **fix(types): add type props to password criteria component**\n- **WIP**\n- **fix(types): add type props to password criteria component**\n- **Commented out unnecessary assertions in YearDatePicker test**\n- **Added changes for redux testing**\n- **Test: Onboarding**\n- **Test Onboarding businessinformation/BankStatement**\n- **βœ… TEST: add component tests**\n- **πŸ› FIX: fix unused variable in portal.test.tsx**\n- **fix package.json**\n- **Onboarding tests**\n- **amplify push**\n- **update lambda scheduling to daily**\n- **fix(invoice-discounting): change variable reference for document retrieval**\n- **fix(invoice-discounting): format expected discount fee**\n- **Added changes for company slice testing**\n- **Init for Business profile test**\n- **Added changes for auth slice testing**\n- **Remove wallet from serive test**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **copy update**\n- **update**\n- **Test: Onboarding BusinessInformation and DataConnect**\n- **Improve coverage BusinessInformation onboarding**\n- **Test: Onboarding**\n- **Test Onboarding businessinformation/BankStatement**\n- **Test: Onboarding BusinessInformation and DataConnect**\n- **Improve coverage BusinessInformation onboarding**\n- **fix(loan): remove destructuring of credit status values**\n- **fix(loan): destructure credit status values**\n- **work on the layout folder**\n- **Fix eslint issues and update test files**\n- **Add missing test IDs and cleanup in AccountStatement and DownloadStatement components**\n- **Update test command to ignore failures**\n- **Onboarding test improve coverage**\n- **Ownership and Overview Tests**\n- **added optional chaining**\n- **Clean up**\n- **Add tests for kycSlice**\n- **Clean up**\n- **Update initial states in Redux slices and test**\n- **Remove unused test file and fix formatting**\n- **onboarding -AuthenticationLayout**\n- **onboarding/index**\n- **verification sucess test**\n- **onboarding tests**\n- **Complete product Profile tests**\n- **onboarding/tests**\n- **onboarding/tests**\n- **add cleanups**\n- **fix the finalDaysPastDue error**\n- **default amount to zero for late**\n- **Remove console.log statements**\n- **Remove \"only\" from test descriptions**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **Removed merge conflict marker**\n- **Update CodeVerification.test.tsx - rm console.log**\n- **Export Terms test**\n- **Renamed validation file**\n- **Clean up**\n- **Complete Layout test**\n- **Increase coverage onboarding**\n- **onboarding layout tests**\n- **improve test coverage**\n- **Tests for loandetails tab**\n- **nabar bug fixes**\n- **nabar bug fixes**\n- **Added more tests**\n- **Update schema to accomodate name of additional document**\n- **Amplify push attempt**\n- **Added new tests for document**\n- **fixing query ish**\n- **console logfing**\n- **fixing invite user function**\n- **Fixed all supplier onboarding page bugs**\n- **overview and redirect tests**\n- **loandetails tab coverage**\n- **added test files**\n- **supplier onboarding test init**\n- **react prop type validation**\n- **removed commented code**\n- **Updated supplier onboarding test**\n- **Tweaked test to rebuild**\n- **Fix bug with multiple products**\n- **More tests**\n- **added updated for date submitted and roll over and loan document**\n- **More tests**\n- **Add wallaby.js to .gitignore and add data-testid to FlunaButton**\n- **Increased index test**\n- **clean up**\n- **Fix button data-testid and date format**\n- **Remove console.log statements**\n- **Refactor IDatePicker component back to Moment**\n- **Phone number customization**\n- **Fix design bugs**\n- **Add debug logs to insertLoanPaymentRecord function**\n- **Loan renewal test init**\n- **Fix add role bug**\n- **Notifications UI update**\n- **updated notifications for unpaid loans schedule**\n- **added notificatins for loan payments**\n- **Increased test coverage**\n- **update**\n- **border color phone input fix**\n- **updated lending and docs notification**\n- **added notifications for invoice discounting statuses**\n- **Improve codecov report**\n- **fixed failed test**\n- **phone input failing test**\n- **register phone input test fix**\n- **codegen**\n- **fix failed test**\n- **Finish loan renewal test**\n- **invoice discounting test**\n- **increase document coverage to 100%**\n- **invoice discounting templates tests**\n- **detele screenshot folder**\n- **detele loanRenewal LoanRequestTemplate**\n- **update the loan penalty calculation**\n- **Refactor loanPenalty.js and package.json**\n- **add loanRenewal LoanRequestTemplate**\n- **add -u flag to test:coverage script**\n- **updates to notification**\n- **clean up**\n- **Complete InvoiceDiscountingDetails tests**\n- **Backend changes**\n- **reverting start script**\n- **removed duplicate date packages**\n- **Changes from Dev**\n- **Resolve graphql error\"**\n- **Fix the InputAutoComplete component**\n- **Add showCreateOptionAlways prop to InputAutoComplete component**\n- **Refactor NotificationPanel.test.tsx to improve code organization**\n- **Complete settings/business-details tests**\n- **amplify push**\n- **πŸ“¦ NEW: amplify push again stagingtwo**\n- **Fix formatting and remove unnecessary code**\n- **Fix typo in loanPenalty s3Key value**\n- **PR for staging**\n- **duplicate length of input field fix**\n- **add payment optimization to staging**\n- **sidebar fix**\n- **removed proof of account for ngn wallet**\n- **removed rate feature**\n- **Add Invoice discounting changes**\n- **Backend change from mocking function**\n- **Additional changes**\n- **Revert vscode setting**\n- **Merging dev staging (#1771)**\n\n## Description\n\n\u003c!--- Description of PR that completes issue here... --\u003e\n\n## Changes\n\n\u003c!--- bullet list of changes that comes with this `pr` --\u003e\n\n## How To Test\n\n\u003c!--- Clear Descriptive approach on how to recreate the work that was done on this pr on a local machine --\u003e\n\n## Screenshots\n\n\u003c!--- screenshots if any of your work done on frontend --\u003e\n\n(prefer animated gif)\n\n## StoryBook Link\n\n\u003c!--- if any reusable component exists in this pr, provide the link to the component documentation on storybook --\u003e\n\n## Checklist\n\n- [ ] Requires dependency update?\n- [ ] includes tests\n- [ ] Looks good on large screens\n- [ ] Looks good on mobile\n- [ ] Code can be automatically merged (no conflicts)\n\n## Functionality Reviewer\n\n \u003c!--- @reviewer-name, @second-reviewer-name --\u003e\n\n## Main Reviewer\n\n \u003c!--- @main-reviewer --\u003e\n\nCloses [SD-14](\n","Title":"PRE-PROD RELEASE","Metadata":null,"Reviewers":null,"Assignees":[],"Labels":null,"Projects":null,"Milestones":null,"MetadataResult":null}
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  • WIP
  • categorySlice Refactored
  • customer refactored
  • home refactored
  • refactored loans
  • tradeData Refactor
  • multiproviderfx refactored
  • payment refactored
  • currencyFx refactored
  • clean up multiple getstore usage in a single function
  • new
  • accountSlice and authSlice cleanup
  • bankSlice and companySlice
  • wallet, vendor, transaction, kyc, document
  • Merge branch 'dev' into feat/payments-mobile-respnsv
  • trying to provision renienv environment
  • add CircularProgress component
  • add MobileNavigation component
  • update MobileNavigation component
  • make page navigation responsive on mobile
  • create renienv amplify environment
  • add fluna Icon as svg
  • make payment screens mobile responsive
  • update packages
  • update top bar elements ui
  • get bank rates from bankexchangerates table
  • check is bank name exists and do comparison based on lower cased bank name
  • Multi-tenancy UI flow
  • amplify updates
  • DirectDebitModal UI updates
  • Added changes for referral
  • extract lowercase bank name to separate variable
  • schema added for multi user tenancy
  • added amplify changes
  • added GetStoredEnvironmentVariables lambda
  • updated companyKycInvite custom variables
  • removed companyKycInvite variables from team provider
  • updated team provider
  • amplify push init
  • load default permissions and create default admin role for first user
  • Created Enable Access Modal
  • Create UI for custom role creation
  • feature/disable-team-member-ui
  • updated table graphql permissions
  • Feature/ Show success message after disable action
  • pushed amplify after table permissions update
  • Make buttons sticky
  • get unit test for utils and component working
  • Complete UI for deleting user with no dependency
  • Create UI for deleting role with dependency
  • Integrate dynamic creation of role
  • Restructure modal for reassigning roles
  • Refactored code to use a for loop instead of map() for improved performance
  • trigger husky check (#995)
  • Feature/ Edit Member Role
  • add honeydev environment
  • add permission for dynamodb
  • amplify push
  • feature/ EditMemberRole UI
  • recipient
  • feature/setup
  • Merge branch 'feature/multiuser-main-fe' of into feature/multiuser-main-fe-renike
  • update company and user schema to reflect relationship
  • resolve merge conflicts
  • pull honeydev environment
  • resolve issues with createcompany function
  • add updated schema
  • readme changes
  • added amplify changes
  • resolve issue with schema
  • trigger amplify build
  • fetch team members and assign company Id to user
  • revert changes on custom queries
  • pull from amplify environment
  • remove duplicate identifiers
  • Update team-provider-info.json
  • initialize team slice in store
  • bring back env config
  • recreate lambda functions
  • Update conditional rendering
  • Clean up
  • input env variables
  • Add amplify environment
  • pull from honeydev env
  • Merge branch 'dev-honeydev' into feature/multiuser-main
  • πŸ’š sync amplify backend changes
  • fix git pull error
  • Setting up env
  • allow country public
  • added public read to tables
  • resolve environment issues and lambda function
  • pull from honeydev amplify environment
  • add query to fetch team members on dashboard layout
  • fix git pull error
  • Change to dynamic text for modal
  • Final commit
  • Make edit button visible
  • Complete ui for editing role permission
  • Take out comments and logs
  • fetched team members to populate the table
  • add status to role schema
  • ⚑ update unitEconomics
  • πŸ”¨ fix unitEconomics validations
  • Added changes for content security policy to index.html
  • add function to get all company roles
  • change approach to fetch company
  • Added provider to getexchangerateservice
  • Added environment params to getStoredEnvironmentVariables
  • updated devfive loan schedules url
  • Added changes for provider for getExchangeRatesService
  • Added content security policy to index.html
  • Changed aws exports to devfive
  • updated timeout for localhost
  • Disable team member integration
  • worked on disbursement details in wc
  • Removed console log
  • work on adding new roles, editing and deleting a role
  • work on lambda to edit role
  • wrap up rewrite of logic to add, edit and delete a role
  • add margin bottom to permissions group
  • update schema to reflect user status and new role relationship with user and company
  • delete space in schema
  • update schema to reflect proper index for role and company
  • update schema to reflect proper index mapping
  • Added trigger email kyc verification lambda function
  • update schema to reflect proper index mapping
  • added payment failure status update
  • amplify push
  • don't show notif for login location email
  • SD-1173 update the kyc completed component
  • change function to async
  • dynamic bank logo in autodebit modal
  • add crud methods for role
  • amplify checkout
  • re-organize schema relationships
  • added GetStoredEnvironmentVariables block
  • ⚑ add no bank connected UI state
  • ⚑ add UI integrations corrections
  • ⚑ add multiple select checkmarks dropdown
  • falcon dev sync
  • trigger amplify build
  • trigger BE build
  • added env vars
  • reorganize schema relationship
  • resolve bug with schema
  • pulled from falconenv
  • added fallback logo
  • fix the content-security-policy
  • fix the margin on KYC success
  • fix the kyc complete in the info component
  • fixed loan creation issue, removed shortuniqueid package
  • Enable Team Member Integration
  • integration
  • pulled amplify
  • amplify pull
  • Pulled from amplify and ran codegen
  • Enable/Disable User Integration
  • add ability to save newly created roles
  • test out saving functionality, add error and success messages
  • Updated review changes
  • abstract permission functions for reusability
  • amplify env vars
  • πŸ’š sync amplify backend changes
  • ⚑ remove unused codes
  • worked on pre-loading team members information for edit
  • amplify checkout
  • added other loan payment statuses to logic
  • Fetched All Permissions and did some clean ups
  • Add KYC blocker to loans, loan renewal and loanApplication
  • update the pending kyc page
  • remove console.log in loan.ts
  • Change margin of the PendingPage to 16px
  • updated apis auth mode
  • git changes to trigger amplify build
  • loan payment modal bug
  • πŸ’š sync amplify backend changes
  • removed "wee" log
  • format
  • πŸ’š sync amplify backend changes
  • Added changes to trigger email for kyc verification
  • feature/Build-CustomButton
  • Added changes for checkifuser exists
  • Added changes for amplify pull
  • Merge Esther's env to dev
  • Added changes for approve kyc mail template
  • removed console.log
  • feature/build customButton Component
  • feature/build customButton Component
  • Added update for trigger check for triggeremailkycverification lambda
  • edit user role, delete role and deactivate users
  • trigger amplify build
  • πŸ”¨ fix state of no bank connected missing UI
  • πŸ’š sync amplify backend changes
  • ⚑ made ToolTip component global
  • ⚑ remove Tooltip component from home
  • ⚑ add unitEconomics hover states
  • add slugs to permissions
  • remove unused variables
  • add permission slugs
  • feature/ add breakpoints props and styles
  • feature/setup env vars
  • new design for recipient
  • added document-upload to route
  • frm ui document upload
  • amplify push
  • ui for the document flow
  • settings requested documents
  • added phone number
  • export
  • export
  • amplify push
  • amplify push
  • feature/implement textColor
  • add permissions functions, routePermissions interface, update permissions array with slugs and list of actions
  • add comment
  • implement ui fix in settings/integrations page
  • add function to map users permissions for each route
  • add function to map users permissions for each route
  • πŸ”¨ fix direct debit spacing
  • Created Permission Guard Component
  • Added an array of all routes and saved all users actions to the store
  • clean up
  • remove console logs
  • Added changes for date for complete transaction for verto payout
  • Added changes for bank details for fx transaction

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