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Last active December 15, 2017 16:39
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For the research
# code taken from
# import multiprocessing as mp
import collections, sys
from Bio import Seq, SeqIO, SeqRecord
# Create reverse complement
def twin(km):
return Seq.reverse_complement(km)
# Chunk reads into k sized chunks
def kmers(seq,k):
for i in range(len(seq)-k+1):
yield seq[i:i+k]
# Move sequence analysis one nucleotide forward
def fw(km):
for x in 'ACGT':
yield km[1:]+x
# Move sequence analysis one nucleotide backward
def bw(km):
for x in 'ACGT':
yield x + km[:-1]
# count kmers and build dictionary with counts
# use limit as cut off of very down regulated seq
def build(f,k=31,limit=1):
d = collections.defaultdict(int)
# For each filename in input parse fast.q file
# for f in fn:
reads = SeqIO.parse(f,'fastq')
# Extract reads
for read in reads:
seq_s = str(read.seq)
seq_l = seq_s.split('N')
for seq in seq_l:
for km in kmers(seq,k):
d[km] +=1
seq = twin(seq)
for km in kmers(seq,k):
d[km] += 1
# Remove k-mer elements of dict that
d1 = [x for x in d if d[x] <= limit]
for x in d1:
del d[x]
return d
def merge_dicts(d1,d2):
merge = {}
for i in d1.keys():
merge[i] = (d1[i], d2[i])
for i in d2.keys():
merge[i] = (d1[i], d2[i])
return merge
def contig_to_string(c):
return c[0] + ''.join(x[-1] for x in c[1:])
def get_contig(d,km):
c_fw = get_contig_forward(d,km)
c_bw = get_contig_forward(d,twin(km))
if km in fw(c_fw[-1]):
c = c_fw
c = [twin(x) for x in c_bw[-1:0:-1]] + c_fw
return contig_to_string(c),c
def get_contig_forward(d,km):
c_fw = [km]
while True:
if sum(x in d for x in fw(c_fw[-1])) != 1:
cand = [x for x in fw(c_fw[-1]) if x in d][0]
if cand == km or cand == twin(km):
break # break out of cycles or mobius contigs
if cand == twin(c_fw[-1]):
break # break out of hairpins
if sum(x in d for x in bw(cand)) != 1:
return c_fw
def all_contigs(d,k):
done = set()
r = []
for x in d:
if x not in done:
s,c = get_contig(d,x)
for y in c:
G = {}
heads = {}
tails = {}
for i,x in enumerate(r):
G[i] = ([],[])
heads[x[:k]] = (i,'+')
tails[twin(x[-k:])] = (i,'-')
for i in G:
x = r[i]
for y in fw(x[-k:]):
if y in heads:
if y in tails:
for z in fw(twin(x[:k])):
if z in heads:
if z in tails:
return G,r
def print_GFA(G,cs,k,d):
print("H VN:Z:1.0")
for i,x in enumerate(cs):
for i in G:
for j,o in G[i][0]:
for j,o in G[i][1]:
for i in d.keys():
print("#\t%s\tRC A:%d B:%d"%(i,d[i][0],d[i][1]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 3: exit("args: <k> <reads_1.fq> ...")
k = int(sys.argv[1])
# d = build(sys.argv[2:], k, 1)
dA = build(sys.argv[2], k, 1)
dB = build(sys.argv[3], k, 1)
d = merge_dicts(dA, dB)
with open('dict_of_ratio_1.txt', "w+") as f:
G,cs = all_contigs(d,k)
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