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Created March 26, 2018 18:14
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-- Searching an n'ary tree returning the char or null
-- Benjamin Blundell
-- [email protected]
module Main where
data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch a [Tree a] deriving (Show)
-- cheating by flattening into a list and then searching
-- I couldn't figure out how best to return the char OR
-- None, so I let a builtin function do that :/
-- The many part of this is weird. We use map to apply
-- find to every item in the list, but for some reason
-- map returns [[a]] not [a] so we need to 'unwrap' it
-- with concat $. The dollar is a way of avoidng ()s.
-- could also use concatMap?
flatten :: Tree a -> [a]
flatten (Branch a (xs)) = a : concat (map flatten xs)
flatten (Leaf a) = [a]
-- Apparently there is no such thing a Null value
-- so we make a monad (yay!) that deals with that
-- data Maybe a
-- = Just a
-- | Nothing
-- Or I could just try a Bool?
-- Because we are using 'a' and not 'char' we have to add an Eq clause
find :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe a
find x (h:t) = if x == h then Just h else find x t
find x [] = Nothing
main :: IO ()
main =
putStrLn "Print Tree"
let tree1 = Branch 'a' [Branch 'b' [ Leaf 'd', Leaf 'e', Leaf 'f' ], Branch 'c' [ Branch 'g' [ Leaf 'h']]]
print tree1
putStrLn "Find letter 'g'"
--- For some reason, we MUST put the result into a variable,
-- otherwise haskell tries to print it :/ Makes sense when
-- you think about it.
let res = find 'g' $ flatten $ tree1
print res
let res = find 'z' $ flatten $ tree1
print res
putStrLn "End program"
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