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Created July 1, 2014 16:41
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group :development do
# Sass, Compass and extensions.
gem 'sass' # Sass.
gem 'sass-globbing' # Import Sass files based on globbing pattern.
gem 'compass' # Framework built on Sass.
gem 'compass-validator' # So you can `compass validate`.
gem 'compass-normalize' # Compass version of normalize.css.
gem 'compass-rgbapng' # Turns rgba() into .png's for backwards compatibility.
gem 'susy' # Susy grid framework.
gem 'singularitygs' # Alternative to the Susy grid framework.
gem 'toolkit' # Compass utility from the fabulous Snugug.
gem 'breakpoint' # Manages CSS media queries.
gem 'oily_png' # Faster Compass sprite generation.
gem 'css_parser' # Helps `compass stats` output statistics.
# Guard
gem 'guard' # Guard event handler.
gem 'guard-compass' # Compile on sass/scss change.
gem 'guard-shell' # Run shell commands.
gem 'guard-livereload' # Browser reload.
gem 'yajl-ruby' # Faster JSON with LiveReload in the browser.
# Dependency to prevent polling. Setup for multiple OS environments.
# Optionally remove the lines not specific to your OS.
gem 'rb-inotify', '~> 0.9', :require => false # Linux
gem 'rb-fsevent', :require => false # Mac OSX
gem 'rb-fchange', :require => false # Windows
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