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Created December 12, 2014 07:57
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  • Save OnkelTem/ea6d66b8ad1f3dc6993f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save OnkelTem/ea6d66b8ad1f3dc6993f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[[ -n $args ]] || info "Use params to set number of MBytes to transmit, default 100. e.g.: $current_task=50"
IFS=',' read -a params <<< "$args"
local mb="${params[0]:-100}"
local iperf_port=5001
# Kill possible failed iperf
rcmd root "for pid in \$(pidof iperf); do kill -9 \$pid; done"
rcmd root "nohup iperf -s -D -p$iperf_port > /dev/null 2>&1 &" 1 0 "Starting up iperf daemon"
info "Running test (downloading ${mb} MBytes of data)..."
iperf "-p$iperf_port" -c "$R_HOST" -i 2 -n ${mb}M
rcmd root "for pid in \$(pidof iperf); do kill -9 \$pid; done" 1 0 "Stopping iperf daemon"
[[ -n $args ]] || info "Use params to set transfer size in Mb, e.g.: test=10 for 10Mb"
IFS=',' read -a params <<< "$args"
random=$[ 1 + $[ RANDOM % 1000 ]]
local test_dir="$R_DEPLOY_ROOT/${R_DEPLOY_DIRS[0]}/speedtest$random"
test_host=$(basename $test_dir)
dbg test_dir=$test_dir
local method="urandom"
info "Generating $method.bin file..."
rcmd $R_USER "mkdir -p $test_dir/www && cd $test_dir/www && dd if=/dev/$method of=$method.bin bs=1MB count=$size" || exit 1
# Apply acl
mkdir -p "$tmp_dir/$current_task"
declare -A acl_vars
m11 "$(declare -p acl_vars)" "acl.conf" > "$tmp_dir/$current_task/acl.conf"
. $AWSCONF_DIR/includes/acl || exit 1
acl_reset "$test_dir"
acl_apply "$test_dir" "$tmp_dir/$current_task/acl.conf"
test_host=$(basename $test_dir)
echo $(dnsip "$R_HOST") "$test_host" > "$tmp_dir/hosts"
info "Running test (downloading $method.bin [${size}MB])..."
sudo unshare --mount -- /bin/bash -c "mount --make-rprivate / && mount --bind $tmp_dir/hosts /etc/hosts && sudo -u $USER curl -s -w 'scale=0; %{speed_download}/1\n' http://$test_host/$method.bin -o /dev/null" | bc
bits=$(( speed * 8 ))
suffixes=( '' Kbits Mbits Gbits Tbits )
while (( bits / 1000 / 1000 )); do
(( ++s, bits/=1000 ))
info "Speed: $bits ${suffixes[s]}/sec"
# Cleaning up
rcmd $R_USER "rm -rf $test_dir" 1 0 "Cleanup."
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