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Created October 10, 2013 12:56
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Connect F# To Access Via Odbc
open System
open System.Data.Odbc
open System.Windows.Forms
let connectToAccess filename =
let connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;FileDSN=" + filename + ";User Id=admin;Password=;"
new OdbcConnection(connectionString)
let connectToDb() =
let userProfileDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("UserProfile")
let accessFile = userProfileDir + @"\Documents\FortuneCookie.accdb"
connectToAccess accessFile
let pasteStringToClipboard string =
Clipboard.SetText string
let buildQuoteString quote author =
sprintf "%s\n -- %s" quote author
let getRandomQuote()=
let connection = connectToDb()
let tableName = "FortuneCookieQuotes"
//Note: the order by clause has to be in the order it is or you get the same quote repeatedly
let randomQuoteSQL = "SELECT TOP 1 ID,FortuneCookieText,CreditedTo FROM " + tableName + " ORDER BY LastUsed ASC, RND(ID)"
let getQuoteCommand = new OdbcCommand(randomQuoteSQL,connection)
let result = getQuoteCommand.ExecuteReader()
let ableToReadResult = result.Read()
let s = buildQuoteString (result.["FortuneCookieText"] :?> string) (result.["CreditedTo"] :?> string)
let quoteID = result.["ID"] :?> int
let updateQuoteSQL = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET LastUsed = '" + DateTime.Now.ToString("d") + "' WHERE ID = " + quoteID.ToString()
let updateResultCommand = new OdbcCommand(updateQuoteSQL,connection)
let updateResult = updateResultCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
let main (argv:string[]) =
let quote = getRandomQuote()
pasteStringToClipboard quote
main fsi.CommandLineArgs;;
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