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Last active December 25, 2015 00:29
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Save Orbots/6888269 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
bare-bones metacircular evaluator in clojurescript
;; Develop your clojurescript program here
(ns metacirc.evaluator (:require [cljs.reader :as reader]))
;; TODO:
;; globals: "let", "do"
;; javascript interop
;; var args or at least get more than 4 for list
;; {} [] #{} '()
(def create-fn )
(def evaluate-form )
(def evaluate-forms )
(def evaluate-args )
(def apply-user-fn )
(def resolve-token )
(defn jserror [m]
;; (js/Error m))
;; the set of special forms and simple macros we hard-code
(defn special-form? [f]
(not (= nil (#{ 'def 'fn 'defn 'if '. '.- } f)))
(and (symbol? f)
(or (= "js/" (subs (str f) 0 3 ))(= "." (subs (str f) 0 1 ))(= ".-" (subs (str f) 0 2 ))))))
;; #{ "if" "cond" "def" "defn" "fn" "do" })
;; primitive core functions that warm-start the global environment
(def fcnmap-debug
'*GLOBAL* true
'+ +
(defn remove-first-chars [sy rem] (let [s (str sy)] (if (= rem (subs s 0 (count rem) ))
(subs s (count rem) (count s))
(defn atosh [a] (if (empty? a)
(if (= (count a) 1)
(first a)
(+ (first a) ", " (atosh (rest a)) ))))
(defn atos [a env]
(atosh (evaluate-args a env)))
(def fcnmap
'*GLOBAL* true
"js" (fn [ o m & a] (js/eval (+ o "." m "(" (atos a) ");" )))
'+ +
'- -
'* *
'/ /
'odd? odd?
'even? even?
'map map
'reduce reduce
'filter filter
'list list
'first first
'rest rest
'nth nth
'get get
'key key
'val val
'true true
'false false
'= =
'not= not=
'== =
'< <
'> >
'<= <=
'>= >=
'str str
'int int
'float float
'inc inc
'count count
(def global-env fcnmap )
(def environment (atom (list {'*GLOBAL* true} global-env)))
(defn global-env [] (deref environment ))
(defn add-to-current-env [ k v ]
(swap! environment (fn [a k1 v1] (cons (assoc (first a) k1 v1) (rest a))) k v ))
(defn lookup-lib-function-map [lk]
(lk fcnmap))
(defn apply-special [sf a env]
(= sf 'fn)
(create-fn a env)
(= sf 'defn)
(add-to-current-env (first a) (create-fn a env))
(= sf 'if)
(if (evaluate-form (first a) env)
(evaluate-form (second a) env)
(evaluate-form (nth a 2) env))
(= ".-" (subs (str sf) 0 2 ))
(js/eval (+ (remove-first-chars (first a) "js/") "." (remove-first-chars sf ".-") ))
(= "." (subs (str sf) 0 1 ))
(js/eval (+ (remove-first-chars (first a) "js/") "." (remove-first-chars sf ".") "(" (atos (rest a) env) ");" ))
(= "js/" (subs (str sf) 0 3 ))
(js/eval (+ (remove-first-chars sf "js/" ) "(" (atos a env) ");" ))
(= sf 'def)
(add-to-current-env (first a) (first (evaluate-args (rest a) env )))))
(defn extract-params [a found-open]
(empty? a)
(vector? (first a) )
(seq (first a) )
(= found-open false)
(extract-params (rest a) false)
(defn exclude-global [env]
(let [xenv (filter #(= (% '*GLOBAL*) nil) env)]
(if (empty? xenv)
(defn create-fn [a env]
(let [ paraml (extract-params a false)
body (last a)
f (cons (fn [call-env] (evaluate-form body call-env)) (cons (exclude-global env) paraml))]
(= (count paraml) 0)
(fn [] (apply-user-fn f '() (global-env)))
(= (count paraml) 1)
(fn [p0] (apply-user-fn f (list p0) (global-env)))
(= (count paraml) 2)
(fn [p0 p1] (apply-user-fn f (list p0 p1) (global-env)))
(= (count paraml) 3)
(fn [p0 p1 p2] (apply-user-fn f (list p0 p1 p2) (global-env)))
(= (count paraml) 4)
(fn [p0 p1 p2 p3] (apply-user-fn f (list p0 p1 p2 p3) (global-env)))
(throw (jserror, "airity max of 4 only supported")))))
(defn apply-user-fn [fp a env]
(let [f (first fp)
create-env (second fp)
paraml (rest (rest fp))
frame (reduce conj {} (map (fn [k v] (assoc {} k v)) paraml a))]
(f (cons frame (concat create-env env)))))
(defn apply-with-args [f a]
(apply f a))
(defn evaluate-forms [tokenl env]
(empty? tokenl)
(cons (evaluate-form (first tokenl) env ) (evaluate-forms (rest tokenl) env))))
(defn evaluate-args [tokenl env]
(evaluate-forms tokenl env ))
(defn evaluate-form [tokenl env]
(symbol? tokenl)
(resolve-token tokenl env)
(or (string? tokenl) (number? tokenl) )
(list? tokenl)
(let [fpos (first tokenl)
args (rest tokenl)]
(empty? tokenl)
(special-form? fpos)
(apply-special fpos args env)
:else ;; a form where first item is a function
(apply-with-args (evaluate-form fpos env) (evaluate-args args env) )))
(or (vector? tokenl) (map? tokenl) (set? tokenl))
(defn lookup-env [k env]
(empty? env)
;;(println "lookup failed " k )
((first env) k)
((first env) k)
(lookup-env k (rest env))))
(defn resolve-token [toke env]
(let [ lookup (lookup-env toke env)]
(if (nil? lookup )
(defn evaluate-all [tokenl]
;;(println "main> " tokenl )
(= (count tokenl) 1)
(evaluate-form (first tokenl) (deref environment))
(evaluate-form (first tokenl) (deref environment))
(evaluate-all (rest tokenl) )))))
(defn read-sl [exp-string]
(reader/read-string (str "(" exp-string ")")))
;;(defn ^:export evaluate [exp-string]
(defn evaluate [exp-string]
(let [tokenl (read-sl exp-string)]
(evaluate-all tokenl )))
(defn tests []
;; (println (evaluate "(+ 3 3)"))
;; (println (evaluate "5"))
;; (println (evaluate "(defn fact [x] (if (= x 0) (+ 0 1) (* x (fact (- x 1))))) (fact 6)"))
;; (println (evaluate "(defn noarg [] (+ 5 5))(noarg)"))
;; (println (evaluate "(defn curry [x] (fn [y] (+ x y)))((curry 10) 12)"))
;; (println (evaluate "(def x 10)(defn foo [y] (fn [] (+ x y)))(def ff (foo 10))(def x 100)(ff)"))
;; (println (evaluate "(map (fn [x] (* x x)) (list 1 2 3 4))"))
;;(evaluate "(js \"document\" \"getElementById\" \"\"game\"\")")
;;(evaluate "(. document getElementById \"game\")")
;;(evaluate "(. document width)")
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