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Created March 30, 2023 21:55
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* Function defining the difference between 2 colors
* @param {Color} $a - first color
* @param {Color} $b - second color
* @return {Map} The color operations to do in order to find $b from $a where keys are the color functions to apply and values are the values to pass to these functions
@function color-diff($a, $b) {
$sat: saturation($a) - saturation($b);
$lig: lightness($a) - lightness($b);
$fn-sat: if($sat > 0, 'desaturate', 'saturate');
$fn-lig: if($lig > 0, 'darken', 'lighten');
@return (
adjust-hue: -(hue($a) - hue($b)),
#{$fn-sat}: abs($sat),
#{$fn-lig}: abs($lig)
* Compute the diff for each color from the initial palette
* @param {Map} $palette - palette
* @requires {function} color-diff
* @return {List} list of diffs
@function palette-diff($palette) {
$base: map-get($palette, base);
$colors: map-get($palette, colors);
$diffs: ();
@each $color in $colors {
$diffs: append($diffs, color-diff($base, $color));
@return $diffs;
* Initial palette used to define the diff between the base color and each color from the palette. There can be as many colors as one wants.
* @Link Initial color palette
* @type Map
$base-palette: (
base: #FF6351,
colors: #CFDFE8 #BFB9C3 #CF9192 #FF6351 #BF4A3C #7F3128 #732C24
) !default;
* Palette diffs
* Same length as colors key from map-palette
* @type List
$palette-diffs: palette-diff($base-palette);
* Apply differences returned from `color-diff` function to a color in order to retrieve the second color
* @param {Color} $color - color to transform
* @param {Map} $diff - diff map
* @return {Color} transformed color
@function apply-diff($color, $diff) {
// We call the $key (function),
// passing the $color and the $value as parameters
// e.g. `call(adjust-hue, #BADA55, 42)`
@each $key, $value in $diff {
$color: call($key, $color, $value);
@return $color;
* Create a palette from a base color
* @param {Color} $base-color - base color for the palette
* @requires {function} palette-diff
* @requires {function} apply-diff
* @requires {variable} $base-palette
* @return {List} list of colors
@function create-palette($base-color) {
$colors: ();
@each $diff in $palette-diffs {
$colors: append($colors, apply-diff($base-color, $diff));
@return $colors;
* Create a list of colors from the base color
* then turn in into a map with explicit keys
* @param {Color} $base-color - base color for the palette
* @requires {function} create-palette
* @return {Map}
@function palette($base-color) {
$colors: create-palette($base-color);
$keys: 'lightest' 'lighter' 'light' 'base' 'dark' 'darker' 'darkest';
$palette: ();
@for $i from 1 through min(length($colors), length($keys)) {
$palette: map-merge($palette, (nth($keys, $i): nth($colors, $i)));
@return $palette;
* Create and apply a palette
* @param {Color} $base-color - base color
* @requires {function} create-palette
@mixin draw-palette($base-color) {
$palette: create-palette($base-color);
$length: length($palette);
$color-stops: append((), nth($palette, 1), comma);
$stop-size: 100 / $length;
@for $i from 1 through $length {
$color: nth($palette, $i);
@if $i > 1 {
$color-stops: append($color-stops, $color $stop-size * ($i - 1) * 1%);
$color-stops: append($color-stops, $color $stop-size * $i * 1%);
background: nth($palette, ceil($length / 2));
background: linear-gradient(to right, $color-stops);
// Palettes
// Change a value to see the palette adjusted
.test-1 { @include draw-palette(red) }
.test-2 { @include draw-palette(tomato) }
.test-3 { @include draw-palette(deepskyblue) }
.test-4 { @include draw-palette(gold) }
.test-5 { @include draw-palette(magenta) }
.test-6 { @include draw-palette(silver) }
// Demo styles
.test {
margin: 1em 0;
height: 6em;
.p {
text-align: center;
<div class="test test-1"></div>
<div class="test test-2"></div>
<div class="test test-3"></div>
<div class="test test-4"></div>
<div class="test test-5"></div>
<div class="test test-6"></div>
<p class="p">Demo by Hugo Giraudel. <a href="">See article</a>.</p>
* Function defining the difference between 2 colors
* @param {Color} $a - first color
* @param {Color} $b - second color
* @return {Map} The color operations to do in order to find $b from $a where keys are the color functions to apply and values are the values to pass to these functions
* Compute the diff for each color from the initial palette
* @param {Map} $palette - palette
* @requires {function} color-diff
* @return {List} list of diffs
* Initial palette used to define the diff between the base color and each color from the palette. There can be as many colors as one wants.
* @Link Initial color palette
* @type Map
* Palette diffs
* Same length as colors key from map-palette
* @type List
* Apply differences returned from `color-diff` function to a color in order to retrieve the second color
* @param {Color} $color - color to transform
* @param {Map} $diff - diff map
* @return {Color} transformed color
* Create a palette from a base color
* @param {Color} $base-color - base color for the palette
* @requires {function} palette-diff
* @requires {function} apply-diff
* @requires {variable} $base-palette
* @return {List} list of colors
* Create a list of colors from the base color
* then turn in into a map with explicit keys
* @param {Color} $base-color - base color for the palette
* @requires {function} create-palette
* @return {Map}
* Create and apply a palette
* @param {Color} $base-color - base color
* @requires {function} create-palette
.test-1 {
background: red;
background: linear-gradient(to right, #98c0ce, #98c0ce 14.2857142857%, #958d9e 14.2857142857%, #958d9e 28.5714285714%, #b65964 28.5714285714%, #b65964 42.8571428571%, red 42.8571428571%, red 57.1428571429%, #812929 57.1428571429%, #812929 71.4285714286%, #411515 71.4285714286%, #411515 85.7142857143%, #351111 85.7142857143%, #351111 100%);
.test-2 {
background: tomato;
background: linear-gradient(to right, #c8d9e5, #c8d9e5 14.2857142857%, #bbb4be 14.2857142857%, #bbb4be 28.5714285714%, #cc8c8a 28.5714285714%, #cc8c8a 42.8571428571%, tomato 42.8571428571%, tomato 57.1428571429%, #b74d3a 57.1428571429%, #b74d3a 71.4285714286%, #773226 71.4285714286%, #773226 85.7142857143%, #6b2d22 85.7142857143%, #6b2d22 100%);
.test-3 {
background: deepskyblue;
background: linear-gradient(to right, #ceb398, #ceb398 14.2857142857%, #919e8d 14.2857142857%, #919e8d 28.5714285714%, #59aab6 28.5714285714%, #59aab6 42.8571428571%, deepskyblue 42.8571428571%, deepskyblue 57.1428571429%, #296b81 57.1428571429%, #296b81 71.4285714286%, #153641 71.4285714286%, #153641 85.7142857143%, #112c35 85.7142857143%, #112c35 100%);
.test-4 {
background: gold;
background: linear-gradient(to right, #9e98ce, #9e98ce 14.2857142857%, #9e8d98 14.2857142857%, #9e8d98 28.5714285714%, #b69c59 28.5714285714%, #b69c59 42.8571428571%, gold 42.8571428571%, gold 57.1428571429%, #817429 57.1428571429%, #817429 71.4285714286%, #413a15 71.4285714286%, #413a15 85.7142857143%, #352f11 85.7142857143%, #352f11 100%);
.test-5 {
background: fuchsia;
background: linear-gradient(to right, #98cea6, #98cea6 14.2857142857%, #8d969e 14.2857142857%, #8d969e 28.5714285714%, #ab59b6 28.5714285714%, #ab59b6 42.8571428571%, fuchsia 42.8571428571%, fuchsia 57.1428571429%, #812981 57.1428571429%, #812981 71.4285714286%, #411541 71.4285714286%, #411541 85.7142857143%, #351135 85.7142857143%, #351135 100%);
.test-6 {
background: silver;
background: linear-gradient(to right, #f4f4f4, #f4f4f4 14.2857142857%, #d6d6d6 14.2857142857%, #d6d6d6 28.5714285714%, #c8c8c8 28.5714285714%, #c8c8c8 42.8571428571%, silver 42.8571428571%, silver 57.1428571429%, #969696 57.1428571429%, #969696 71.4285714286%, #6c6c6c 71.4285714286%, #6c6c6c 85.7142857143%, #646464 85.7142857143%, #646464 100%);
.test {
margin: 1em 0;
height: 6em;
.p {
text-align: center;
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