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Last active October 24, 2019 17:32
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import "dart:core";
Stream<Map<int, int>> getRandomNumbers(int seed, int modulus, int increment, int multiplier, int max) async* {
int prevxn = seed;
int result = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= max; i++)
result = (multiplier*prevxn + increment) % modulus;
yield {i : result};
prevxn = result;
void main() {
int seed = 7;
int modulus = 16;
int increment = 3;
int multiplier = 5;
int maximum = 32;
print("Calculando números pseudo aleatorios utilizando Congruencia Lineal:");
print("Semilla (x0): $seed");
print("Módulo: $modulus");
print("Multiplicador: $multiplier");
print("Cantidad de iteraciones: $maximum");
/* Print */
getRandomNumbers(seed, modulus, increment, multiplier, maximum).
listen((values) {
print("x${values.keys.first} = ${values.values.first}");
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