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Last active November 25, 2015 20:38
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Ignite 2015 session Using Desired State Configuration to Deploy SQL
# Active Directory Module for PowerShell feature needs to be installed
# spAccounts.csv can be downloaded from:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory -EA 0
# Create AD Users and Groups
#region Parameters
$file = "C:\DevOps\Microsoft\SQL Server 2014\config\spAccounts.csv"
$users = Import-Csv -Path $file
$serverName = $env:logonserver
$serverName = $serverName.Replace("\","")
$domainName = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN
$dmain= $domainName.split(".")
$path = "CN=Managed Service Accounts, DC=" + $dmain[0] +", DC=" + $dmain[1]
$DC = "LDAP://" + $serverName + "/" + $path
function password {
#Set up random number generator
$newPassword = $null
$rand = New-Object System.Random
#Generate a new 18 character $newPassword
1..18 | ForEach { $newPassword = $newPassword + [char]$,127) }
return $newPassword
function encodePassword ($pw) {
$pw = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $pw -AsPlainText -Force
return $pw
function validateUser ($userName) {
[bool]$status = ([adsisearcher]"samaccountname=$userName").FindOne()
return $status
#region Create User
foreach ($user in $users) {
if (($user.CN -ne "") -and ($user.Create -eq $true)) {
$sam = $user.sAMAccountName
$validUser = validateUser($user.sAMAccountName)
if ($validUser -ne $true) {
Write-Host("Creating $sam...")
$CN = $user.CN
$pw = password
$user.Password = $pw
New-ADUser `
-AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString $pw -AsPlainText -Force) `
-ChangePasswordAtLogon $false `
-DisplayName $CN `
-Enabled $true `
-Name $CN `
-SamAccountName $sam `
-Path $path `
-Description $CN
$encPassword = encodePassword($pw)
$user.encPassword = $encPassword | ConvertFrom-SecureString
Write-Host($sam + " is already in AD...")
#region Create SP Admin Group
$sgName = ($users | Where-Object {($_.adGroup -eq "SharePoint Administrators Group Name") -and ($_.Create -eq $true)}).sAMAccountName
$exists = $null
$exists = Get-ADGroup $sgName
Write-Host("Creating " + $sgName + " in AD...")
New-ADGroup -Name $sgName -Path $path -GroupScope Global
If ($exists) {
Write-Host($sgName + " is already in AD...")
#region Validate Group Members
$sgUsers = ($users | Where-Object {($_.adGroup -eq "SharePoint Administrators Group Member") -and ($_.adGroupName -eq $sgName)}).sAMAccountName
$adGroupMembers = $null
$adGroupMembers = Get-ADGroupMember $sgName
if ($adGroupMembers -eq $null) {
foreach ($sgUser in $sgUsers) {
Add-ADGroupMember $sgName $sgUser
Write-Host("Added $sgUser to $sgName Security Group...")
foreach ($sgUser in $sgUsers) {
foreach ($adGroupMember in $adGroupMembers) {
if ($sgUser.ToLower() -eq $adGroupMember.SamAccountName.ToLower()) {
Write-Host($sgUser + " already exists in " + $sgName + "...")
Add-ADGroupMember $sgName $sgUser
Write-Host("Added $sgUser to $sgName Security Group...")
# Output Table
$users | Export-CSV $file -Force
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