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flight payload
"itinerary": {
"segments": [
"legs": [
"origin": {
"code": "EZE",
"name": "Aeropuerto Buenos Aires Ministro Pistarini Ezeiza",
"country_name": "Argentina",
"city_name": "Buenos Aires",
"timezone": "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"
"destination": {
"code": "MIA",
"name": "Aeropuerto Internacional Miami",
"country_name": "Estados Unidos de América",
"city_name": "Miami",
"timezone": "America/New_York"
"departure_date": "2019-08-11",
"departure_time": "22:40",
"arrival_date": "2019-08-12",
"arrival_time": "06:49",
"marketing_carrier": {
"code": "AA",
"name": "American Airlines"
"operating_carrier": {
"code": "AA",
"name": "American Airlines"
"number": 908,
"aircraft": {
"code": "772",
"name": "Boeing 777-200"
"cabin": {
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"flight_duration": "09:09"
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"code": "MIA",
"name": "Aeropuerto Internacional Miami",
"country_name": "Estados Unidos de América",
"city_name": "Miami",
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"destination": {
"code": "MAD",
"name": "Aeropuerto Barajas",
"country_name": "España",
"city_name": "Madrid",
"timezone": "Europe/Madrid"
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"departure_time": "16:00",
"arrival_date": "2019-08-13",
"arrival_time": "06:40",
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"name": "American Airlines"
"operating_carrier": {
"code": "AA",
"name": "American Airlines"
"number": 68,
"aircraft": {
"code": "772",
"name": "Boeing 777-200"
"cabin": {
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"code": "M",
"description": "Económica"
"fare_base": "ONN0NZN3",
"flight_duration": "08:40"
"baggage_message": "2 valija/s de 23KG",
"time_between_legs": [
"flight_duration": "27:00",
"baggage": {
"quantity": 2,
"weight": 23,
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"legs": [
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"code": "MAD",
"name": "Aeropuerto Barajas",
"country_name": "España",
"city_name": "Madrid",
"timezone": "Europe/Madrid"
"destination": {
"code": "JFK",
"name": "Aeropuerto Internacional John F Kennedy",
"country_name": "Estados Unidos de América",
"city_name": "Nueva York",
"timezone": "America/New_York"
"departure_date": "2019-08-17",
"departure_time": "16:50",
"arrival_date": "2019-08-17",
"arrival_time": "18:40",
"marketing_carrier": {
"code": "AA",
"name": "American Airlines"
"operating_carrier": {
"code": "IB",
"name": "Iberia"
"number": 8647,
"cabin": {
"designator": "O",
"code": "M",
"description": "Económica"
"fare_base": "ONN0NZN3",
"flight_duration": "07:50"
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"code": "JFK",
"name": "Aeropuerto Internacional John F Kennedy",
"country_name": "Estados Unidos de América",
"city_name": "Nueva York",
"timezone": "America/New_York"
"destination": {
"code": "EZE",
"name": "Aeropuerto Buenos Aires Ministro Pistarini Ezeiza",
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"timezone": "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"
"departure_date": "2019-08-17",
"departure_time": "21:55",
"arrival_date": "2019-08-18",
"arrival_time": "09:52",
"marketing_carrier": {
"code": "AA",
"name": "American Airlines"
"operating_carrier": {
"code": "AA",
"name": "American Airlines"
"number": 953,
"aircraft": {
"code": "772",
"name": "Boeing 777-200"
"cabin": {
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"code": "M",
"description": "Económica"
"fare_base": "ONN0NZN3",
"flight_duration": "10:57"
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"time_between_legs": [
"flight_duration": "22:02",
"baggage": {
"quantity": 2,
"weight": 23,
"weight_unit": "KG"
"price_info": {
"adults": {
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"total_tax": 25056.3,
"base_fare": 7966,
"ptc_total": 33022.3,
"base_tax": 0,
"total_surcharges": 0,
"quantity": 1,
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"corporate_ids": [],
"extra_taxes": [
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"type": "AR"
"amount": 477.2,
"type": "AY"
"amount": 1034.6,
"type": "JD"
"amount": 29.3,
"type": "OG"
"amount": 426,
"type": "QO"
"amount": 168.3,
"type": "QV"
"amount": 426,
"type": "TQ"
"amount": 337.4,
"type": "XA"
"amount": 191.7,
"type": "XF"
"amount": 2087.4,
"type": "XR"
"amount": 596.4,
"type": "XY"
"amount": 491.6,
"type": "YC"
"amount": 17040,
"type": "YR"
"surcharges": []
"currency": "ARS",
"conversion_rate": 42.6
"updated_price_info": {
"adults": {
"fare": {
"base_fare": 7966,
"net_fare": 7886.34,
"total_fare": 8047.29,
"detail": {
"commission_and_over": 79.66,
"markup": 81.29
"total_fare": 33103.59,
"total_tax": 25056.3,
"ptc_total": 33103.59,
"quantity": 1
"validating_carrier": "AA",
"provider": "AMADEUS",
"flight_type": "ROUND_TRIP",
"domestic": false,
"product": "FLIGHT",
"office_id": "BUEG12262",
"brand": "ALMUNDO"
"tickets": [
"number": "MOCK-1",
"emission_date": "2020-05-14",
"passenger_type": "ADULT",
"status": "OPEN"
"cancelled": false,
"last_ticketing_date": "2020-05-15",
"last_ticketing_date_time": "2020-05-15T23:59",
"created_at": "2019-07-16",
"cart_id": "JY6-D21-PGE",
"passengers": [
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"first_name": "Maria Eugenia",
"last_name": "Almundito",
"gender": "FEMALE",
"birth": "1981-01-01",
"document_type": "3047430",
"document": "AAD23344",
"nationality": "COL"
"messages": [
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"date": "2020-05-14"
"polcom_information": {
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"over": "0",
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"calculation": "DIRECTA"
"pnr": "MK-CND",
"contact": {
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"email": "[email protected]"
"status": "ISSUED",
"cluster_combination_id": "3650225d-a011-4203-9e70-23a96362fdc0Z8cd7a674-40e4-4eb5-b31e-82c868e372b1*02d79c0d-f9b3-40e3-901f-2ec561954c38"
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