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Created April 29, 2016 00:09
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Individual Contributor License Agreement (iCLA)
The PoC-Library is licensed under the [Apache License 2.0][al20].
Due to the modular structure of the PoC-Library, contributions can come in two distinct forms:
- **(1)** modifications of the core code (i.e., the code under the copyright of the
Chair for VLSI Design, Diagnostics and Architecture, Faculty of Computer Science,
Technische Universität Dresden, including extensions in the core repository) as well as
- **(2)** **third party extensions**, translations and similar additions.
Essentially, the difference between the two is that type **(1)** contributions cannot be
removed without compromising the PoC-Library as a whole, while type **(2)** contribution can be
removed without compromising the rest.
Contributions of type **(2)** do not require a [contributor license agreement][wiki:cla] (CLA) or copyright
assignment agreement (CAA). Such contributions only require the [Apache License 2.0][al20]. Because
of Section 5 of the [Apache License 2.0][al20]), the contributor’s active decision to submit code
to PoC (e.g., via a pull request) should be sufficient.
If you want to contribute to the core of PoC, please sign the CLA at You will receive a confirmation
email after signing. If you are submitting code as an employee of another entity, we'll
get in touch with you to sort out the details.
Thank you for contributing to the PoC-Library!
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