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Created July 17, 2018 19:37
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import Foundation
import os.log
final class Searcher {
struct Result: Equatable {
let count: Int
let hasMore: Bool
let indexer: Indexer
init(index: Indexer) {
self.indexer = index
func search(query: String) -> Result {
let flushed = indexer.flush()
print("Flushed = \(flushed ? "yes": "no")")
let options = SKSearchOptions(kSKSearchOptionDefault)
let skSearch = SKSearchCreate(indexer.index, query as NSString, options).takeRetainedValue()
var documentIDs = [SKDocumentID]()
var scores = [Float]()
var foundCount = 0
let hasMore = SKSearchFindMatches(skSearch, 100, &documentIDs, &scores, 0, &foundCount)
return Result(count: foundCount, hasMore: hasMore)
final class Indexer {
enum IndexerError: Error {
case unableToCreate
let index: SKIndex
init(url: URL, name: String) throws {
guard let index = SKIndexCreateWithURL(url as NSURL, name as NSString, SKIndexType(kSKIndexInverted.rawValue), nil)?.takeRetainedValue() else {
throw IndexerError.unableToCreate
self.index = index
func flush() -> Bool {
return SKIndexFlush(index)
func index(_ source: Searchable) {
let objectURL = source.URIRepresentation as NSURL
let document = SKDocumentCreateWithURL(objectURL).takeRetainedValue()
let indexed = SKIndexAddDocumentWithText(index, document, source.summary as NSString, true)
os_log("Indexed to disk: %@", indexed ? "true" : "false")
let flushed = self.flush()
os_log("Flushed index to disk: %@", flushed ? "true" : "false")
func createSearch() -> Searcher {
return Searcher(index: self)
func search(query: String) -> Searcher.Result {
return createSearch().search(query: query)
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