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Panakotta00 Panakotta00

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Panakotta00 /
Last active November 18, 2023 13:31
FicsIt-Cam Documentation

1. Termology

First, let's talk about termology.

  • Animation: Refers the atomated camera movement scenes you create with the animation editor. Such a animation consists of multiple attributes that define how the camera of general animation should behave when you play the animation. Such a animation also has one major timeline.
  • Timeline: The timeline is simply the "progression" of your animation over time. The Timeline is split into frames, has a start frame and a end frame aswell as a timeline framerate (fps).
  • Frame: A frame is a qunantized time increment on the timeline. We have to quantize the timeline to be able to reasonably refer to single frames. F.e. You can define your camera is position at a given location at a specific frame. Because it is quantized, you can have a value at f.e. Frame 1 and a different value at frame 2. You can not place any other values in between those because this is the min. time increment you have. It makes the the experience of aligning keyframes on your t
Panakotta00 / conveyorGraph.lua
Created September 26, 2021 21:08
Crappy Conveyor-Crawler and Item-Router
---@class Node
---@field connected Node[]
local Node = {}
---@class SplitterNode : Node
---@field private outputs table<Node, number>
local SplitterNode = {}
function SplitterNode:findOutput(node)
return self.outputs[node]
Panakotta00 / Bootstrap FicsIt-OS.lua
Last active April 17, 2022 06:14
Installs FicsIt-OS on this EEPROM and a inserted Drive/Floppy
local script = ""
print("Load internet...")
internet = computer.getPCIDevices(findClass("FINInternetCard"))[1]
if not internet then
print("ERROR! No internet-card found! Please install a internet card!")
Panakotta00 / Foxaholic Discord WebHook.adoc
Last active January 8, 2022 15:48
Foxaholic Manga/Novel Discord WebHook Notification in Go

Foxaholic Manga/Novel Discord WebHook Notification in Go

This shitty, quick and dirty program can be executed to check a given manga/novel on the foxahlic page for new chapters.
For this you have to define a config.toml file, which lets you define the manga/novels and the discord webhook you want to trigger.
The program uses the manga-update RSS feed of foxaholic that can be found under

The URL_Prefix requested in the .toml for each Manga is just stimply the first part of the links to a given chapter that is always the same for the same novel.
f.e. is a chapter URL, the prefix we want is because this part is for all chapter of the same novel the same, but different per Novel.

Panakotta00 / FIN Reflection.adoc
Last active July 26, 2021 19:41
FIN Reflection in great detail

FIN Reflection System

Generally a reflection system is use in usually a programming language to allow the code base dynamically adapt and analyze it’s own and additional structure and functinallity. With it, you can f.e. figure out which kind of classes you can use, what functions there are and how to call them, and sometimes you even get a meta data like documentation in terms of descriptions about those.

Panakotta00 / Unreal Engine - Diff-Merge-Tool Setup.adoc
Last active February 13, 2025 10:30
Use the Unreal Editor as Git Diff/Merge Tool

Unreal Engine Asset Diff/Merge-Tool with Git!

Since unreal engines assets are binary encoded classical text based git diff/merge tools will give up on merge conflicts of unreal assets. But fear not! You can setup your git environment to actually be able to diff/merge these .uasset files by using already built-in functionallity of the unreal editor!

Creating the PowerShell-Script

First of all do we have to create a small PowerShell-Script that copies the diff files into temporary files and to convert relative paths to absolute ones.