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Forked from amsam0/CooldownButton.cs
Last active July 4, 2023 11:12
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CooldownButton for Among Us mods (with example)


  1. Add CooldownButton.cs to your project
  2. Get an image for your button in .png format (100 x 100 pixels is recommended) and add it to the Project resources ( as a file (NOT AS AN IMAGE!!!).
  3. Add Example.cs to your project, change the namespace, change the cooldown/etc, and add code as needed.
// Credits to and for the original code.
using HarmonyLib;
using Reactor.Extensions;
using Reactor.Unstrip;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Reactor.Button
public class CooldownButton
public static List<CooldownButton> buttons = new List<CooldownButton>();
public KillButtonManager KillButtonManager;
public Vector2 PositionOffset =;
public float MaxTimer = 0f;
public float Timer = 0f;
public float EffectDuration = 0f;
public bool IsEffectActive;
public bool HasEffectDuration;
public bool Enabled = true;
public Func<bool> UseTester;
private Dictionary<string, Texture2D> cache = new Dictionary<string, Texture2D>();
private byte[] Image_;
public byte[] Image
get { return Image_; }
Image_ = value;
string sha = GetHashSHA1(value);
if (cache.ContainsKey(sha))
Sprite_ = GUIExtensions.CreateSprite(cache[sha]);
Texture2D tex = GUIExtensions.CreateEmptyTexture();
ImageConversion.LoadImage(tex, value, false);
tex = ScaleTexture(tex, 125, 125);
cache[sha] = tex;
Sprite_ = GUIExtensions.CreateSprite(tex);
private Sprite Sprite_;
public Action OnClick;
public Action OnEffectEnd;
public HudManager HudManager;
public bool CanUse_;
public CooldownButton(Action onClick, float cooldown, byte[] image, Vector2 positionOffset, Func<bool> useTester, HudManager hudManager, float effectDuration, Action onEffectEnd)
SetVars(onClick, cooldown, image, positionOffset, useTester, hudManager);
this.HasEffectDuration = true;
this.IsEffectActive = false;
this.OnEffectEnd = onEffectEnd;
this.EffectDuration = effectDuration;
public CooldownButton(Action onClick, float cooldown, byte[] image, Vector2 positionOffset, Func<bool> useTester, HudManager hudManager)
SetVars(onClick, cooldown, image, positionOffset, useTester, hudManager);
this.HasEffectDuration = false;
private void SetVars(Action onClick, float cooldown, byte[] image, Vector2 positionOffset, Func<bool> useTester, HudManager hudManager)
this.HudManager = hudManager;
this.OnClick = onClick;
this.PositionOffset = positionOffset;
this.UseTester = useTester;
this.MaxTimer = cooldown;
this.Timer = MaxTimer;
this.Image = image;
this.KillButtonManager = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(HudManager.KillButton, HudManager.transform);
internal bool CanUse()
if (PlayerControl.LocalPlayer == null || PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.Data == null) return false;
CanUse_ = UseTester();
return true;
internal static void HudUpdate()
buttons.RemoveAll(item => item.KillButtonManager == null);
for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Count; i++)
if (buttons[i].CanUse())
private void Update()
if (KillButtonManager.transform.localPosition.x > 0f)
KillButtonManager.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((KillButtonManager.transform.localPosition.x + 1.3f) * -1, KillButtonManager.transform.localPosition.y, KillButtonManager.transform.localPosition.z) + new Vector3(PositionOffset.x, PositionOffset.y);
PassiveButton button = KillButtonManager.GetComponent<PassiveButton>();
void listener()
if (Timer < 0f && CanUse_ && Enabled)
KillButtonManager.renderer.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3f);
if (HasEffectDuration)
IsEffectActive = true;
Timer = EffectDuration;
KillButtonManager.TimerText.Color = new Color(0, 255, 0);
Timer = MaxTimer;
KillButtonManager.renderer.sprite = this.Sprite_;
if (Timer < 0f)
if (Enabled)
KillButtonManager.renderer.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
KillButtonManager.renderer.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, .3f);
if (IsEffectActive)
KillButtonManager.TimerText.Color = new Color(255, 255, 255);
Timer = MaxTimer;
IsEffectActive = false;
if (CanUse_ && (PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.CanMove || IsEffectActive))
Timer -= Time.deltaTime;
KillButtonManager.renderer.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3f);
KillButtonManager.renderer.enabled = CanUse_;
if (CanUse_)
KillButtonManager.renderer.material.SetFloat("_Desat", 0f);
KillButtonManager.SetCoolDown(Timer, MaxTimer);
public static string GetHashSHA1(byte[] data)
using (var sha1 = new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider())
return string.Concat(sha1.ComputeHash(data).Join(x => x.ToString("X2")));
// Credit:
public static Texture2D ScaleTexture(Texture2D source, int targetWidth, int targetHeight)
Texture2D result = new Texture2D(targetWidth, targetHeight, source.format, true);
Color[] rpixels = result.GetPixels(0);
float incX = (1.0f / (float)targetWidth);
float incY = (1.0f / (float)targetHeight);
for (int px = 0; px < rpixels.Length; px++)
rpixels[px] = source.GetPixelBilinear(incX * ((float)px % targetWidth), incY * ((float)Mathf.Floor(px / targetWidth)));
result.SetPixels(rpixels, 0);
return result;
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(HudManager), nameof(HudManager.Update))]
public static class ButtonUpdatePatch
public static void Postfix(HudManager __instance)
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(MeetingHud), nameof(MeetingHud.Start))]
public static class ButtonResetPatch
public static void Postfix(MeetingHud __instance)
CooldownButton.buttons.RemoveAll(item => item.KillButtonManager == null);
for (int i = 0; i < CooldownButton.buttons.Count; i++)
CooldownButton.buttons[i].KillButtonManager.TimerText.Color = new Color(255, 255, 255);
CooldownButton.buttons[i].Timer = CooldownButton.buttons[i].MaxTimer;
CooldownButton.buttons[i].IsEffectActive = false;
using Reactor.Extensions;
using Reactor.Unstrip;
using Reactor.Button;
using UnityEngine;
using HarmonyLib;
namespace YourCoolMod
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(HudManager), nameof(HudManager.Start))]
public static class ExampleButton
private static CooldownButton btn;
public static void Postfix(HudManager __instance)
btn = new CooldownButton(
() =>
// Do cool stuff when the button is pressed
5f, // The cooldown for this button is five seconds
Properties.Resources.yournamehere, // change yournamehere to the name you set in step 2
new Vector2(0.125f, 0.125f), // The position of the button, 1 unit is 100 pixels
() =>
// Who has access to the button? This allows alive crewmates to use the new button while the game is started
return !PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.Data.IsDead && !PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.Data.IsImpostor && (AmongUsClient.Instance.GameState == InnerNetClient.GameStates.Started || AmongUsClient.Instance.GameMode == GameModes.FreePlay);
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