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Created January 25, 2018 20:11
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Quick and simple BMP writer for Ruby
# This code is meant for debugging purposes. Its performance is probably bad,
# it's just meant to work for some hacky scripts you throw out tomorrow :)
# Create an instance of `Bitmap`, passing the file (IO or string), the width and height.
# Then push one (or more) 32bit pixels in ARGB format using `Bitmap#<<`.
# Pixel format is thus: 0xAARRGGBB (Alpha is highest byte, blue lowest).
# (Alpha is ignored by most programs however)
class Bitmap
def initialize(io, width, height)
io =, "wb") if io.is_a?(String)
@io = io
@width = width
@height = height
private def write_header
bitmap_size = @width * @height * 4
file_size = 54 + bitmap_size
# Magic
@io.write MAGIC
# File size, Reserved, Offset to bitmap:
@io.write [ file_size, 0, 54 ].pack("l<*")
info = [
40, # u32, biSize
@width, # i32, biWidth
-@height, # i32, biHeight
1, # u16, biPlanes
32, # u16, biBitCount
0, # u32, biCompression
bitmap_size, # u32, biSizeImage
0, # i32, biXPelsPerMeter
0, # i32, biYPelsPerMeter
0, # u32, biClrUsed
0, # u32, biClrImportant
@io.write info.pack("L<l<l<S<S<l<l<L<L<l<l<")
def <<(argb)
@io.write Array(argb).pack("l<*")
def close
# Usage sample: 256x256 bitmap with a color gradient:
# Best piped through display: ruby bmp.rb | display -
# Or put something else than `STDOUT`.
pic =, 256, 256)
256.times do |y|
c = y << 8 # Use the y as green channel
pic <<{|i| c | i} # And x as blue channel.
pic.close # Done.
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