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Ruby Discord Jurassic Challenge
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Goldberg–Tarjan Push–Relabel Algorithm
# with FIFO active set and BFS pre-labeling
# *
# *
# variable names are in dummies’ terminologies
class PushRelabel
class Node
# `{ neighbour => flow capacity remaining }`
# Residual Graph: tracks both forwards and backwards
attr_reader :edges
# technically known as *excess*
attr_reader :pressure
protected attr_writer :pressure
# technically known as ***label*** or less-commonly *height*
attr_accessor :rank
def initialize(id)
@id = id
@edges =
@pressure = 0
@rank = -1
def hash = @id.hash
# Note: does _not_ assert {#rank}
# @return `amount`
def push(to, amount = [pressure, edges.fetch(to)].min ||raise)
@pressure -= amount
to.pressure += amount
edges[to] -= amount
to.edges[self] += amount
# Note: does _not_ assert {#pressure}
# @return new {#rank}
def relabel
# Target: one rank higher than that of the lowest-rank neighbour with capacity to push
@rank = edges.filter_map do|neighbour, capacity|
neighbour.rank if capacity.positive?
end.min&.succ || (
warn "[#{self.class}:#{@id}] unexpected lack of capacity to depressurize"
def initialize(map, source:, sink:)
nodes = {|it, id| it[id] = id }
# Initialize
map.each do|from_key, edges| edges.each do|to_key, capacity|
from = nodes[from_key]
to = nodes[ to_key]
from.edges[to] = capacity
to.edges[from] = 0
end end
@source = nodes.fetch source
@source.rank = nodes.size
@sink = nodes.fetch sink
# Optional: optimize non-`source` {Node#rank}s with BFS
# if skip: set them to `0` in {Node#initialize}
@sink.rank = 0
(1..).inject [@sink] do|queue, neighbour_rank|
break if queue.empty?
queue.flat_map do|this|
this.edges.each_key.filter_map do|neighbour|
if neighbour.rank.negative? # `rank` not specialized
neighbour.rank = neighbour_rank
def call
# Preparation: force-{Node#push} maximum amounts from `source`
@source.edges.each do|neighbour, capacity|
@source.push neighbour, capacity
# Using {Hash} over {Set} because {Hash} is insertion-ordered
# while {Set} is so only because it’s implemented using {Hash}.
# The algorithm still works in arbitrary order, just not as optimal.
fifo = @source.edges.except @sink # shallow clone
terminals = [@source, @sink]
# Main Loop
while (active_node, = fifo.shift) do catch :while do
neighbour_rank = active_node.rank.pred # the target {Node#rank} to be suitable for {Node#push}ing to
active_node.edges.each do|neighbour, capacity|
if neighbour.rank == neighbour_rank and capacity.nonzero? # check if neighbour is suitable
# **Push** any pressure away – may be a forward pump or a backward surge
active_node.push neighbour
# We now queue up this neighbour – now an active node
# (has pressure buildup) – unless it’s the `source` or `sink`.
# Since we’re just using the key set, the value list doesn’t matter.
fifo[neighbour] = 0 unless terminals.include? neighbour
# Optional: short-circuit to the next-in-queue if `active_node`’s outta steam
throw :while if
if active_node.pressure.nonzero? # still under pressure?
# **Relabel** for re-queue
fifo[active_node] = 0 # queue, ditto
end end
def flow = @sink.pressure
class PushRelabel
type amount = Integer # contextual alias
class Node
@id: Symbol
attr_reader edges: Hash[instance, amount]
attr_reader pressure: amount
private attr_writer pressure: amount
attr_accessor rank: Integer
def push: (instance to, ?amount amount) -> amount
def relabel: () -> Integer
@source: Node
@sink : Node
type map = Hash[Symbol, Hash[Symbol, amount]]
def (map map, source: Symbol, sink: Symbol) -> amount
def initialize: (map map, source: Symbol, sink: Symbol) -> void
def call: () -> void
def flow: () -> amount
# frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative 'Push–Relabel Maximum Flow'
puts <<~"MD"
## What is your favorite dinosaur and why?
My favorite “dinosaurs” are normally the pterodactyls, but everyöne knows they’re not actually dinosaurs.
After a while, I choose **the Triceratops** as my favorite dinosaur kind.
I find them and their close relatives the most identifiable dinosaur with their tri-horns and rugged build.
In comparison, the other big names all look like either ostriches or monster reptiles.
Heck, ‘dinosaur’ is literally “large and terrible reptile” in Greek.
Our favorite pack hunters are actually primal chickens and our favorite apex predators may’ve eaten carrion.
My selection is rather a reflection on how unfortunately limited our understanding of these majestic giants are.
## What is the total number of guests that can be safely evacuated in 2 hours?
As it is not given how long guests take to travel on each path,
I’ll assume the question as sampling from a continuous stream of people.
In which case, my answer is:
MAP = {
A: {E: 23, F: 17},
B: {A: 23, C: 20, G: 30},
C: {D: 4, G: 18, H: 7, },
E: {F: 13, J: 21, K: 28, L: 19},
F: {B: 29, C: 9, G: 14, K: 19}, #B:29
G: {D: 5, H: 10},
H: {D: 28},
I: {N: 21},
J: {I: 19, N: 29, O: 9},
K: {J: 25, O: 7, P: 18},
L: {F: 21, G: 19, K: 13, M: 23, P: 29},
M: {F: 12, G: 14, H: 24},
O: {I: 9, N: 18},
P: {J: 20, O: 25},
capacity_sum = MAP.each_value.sum { _1.each_value.sum }
MAP[:supersource] = {A: capacity_sum, L: capacity_sum}
MAP[:D] = MAP[:N] = {supersink: capacity_sum}
puts PushRelabel.(MAP, source: :supersource, sink: :supersink) * 2
A: 9
B: 0
C: 9
D: 37
E: 7
F: 28
G: 15
H: 28
I: 21
J: 50
K: 32
L: 96
M: 23
N: 68
O: 27
P: 29
A->E: 7/23
A->F: 2/17
C->D: 4/ 4
C->G: 5/18
E->J: 7/21
F->C: 9/ 9
F->K: 19/19
G->D: 5/ 5
G->H: 10/10
H->D: 28/28
I->N: 21/21
J->I: 12/19
J->N: 29/29
J->O: 9/ 9
K->J: 25/25
K->O: 7/ 7
L->F: 21/21
L->G: 10/19
L->K: 13/13
L->M: 23/23
L->P: 29/29
M->F: 5/12
M->H: 18/24
O->I: 9/ 9
O->N: 18/18
P->J: 18/20
P->O: 11/25
# frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative 'Push–Relabel Maximum Flow'
puts PushRelabel.({
s: {a: 15, c: 4},
a: {b: 12},
b: {c: 3, t: 7},
c: {d: 10},
d: {a: 5, t: 10}
}, source: :s, sink: :t)
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