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Created July 8, 2012 04:28
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RubyMotion class to auto-size font for text in a multi-line UILabel
class UILabel_Adjustable
# Borrowed and modified the excellent example at
# adapting it for RubyMotion
# This applies only to a multi-line label. You can use '.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true' for a single-line label
# usage is:
# text = "It's bad luck to be superstitious"
# text_label = UILabel.alloc.initWithFrame([[20, 20], [70, 120]])
# text_label.numberOfLines = 0 # set 0 for word wrap
# text_label.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap
# text_label.setText(text)
# adjustableLabel ={:fontName => "Arial", :fontSize => 72, :msg => text, :labelHeight => 120, :labelWidth => 360.0})
# ==== or you can be more verbose ====
# adjustableLabel =
# adjustableLabel.fontName = "Arial"
# adjustableLabel.fontSize = 72
# adjustableLabel.msg = text
# text_label.setFont(adjustableLabel.bestFit)
DEBUG_MODE = false
MIN_FONT_SIZE = 8.0 #change this as desired for your purposes
:msg, # the text to display in the UILabel
:fontName, #define the font you want (using iOS font name)
:fontSize, #define the largest font size you want
:labelHeight, #this must be set - the height of your UILabel
:labelWidth #this must be set - the height of your UILabel
attr_accessor prop
def initialize(params = {})
@labelHeight = params[:labelHeight] if params[:labelHeight]
@fontName = params[:fontName] if params[:fontName]
@fontSize = params[:fontSize] if params[:fontSize]
@msg = params[:msg] if params[:msg]
params.each{ |key,value|
if self.class.const_get(:PROPERTIES).member?key.to_sym
def bestFit
#some defaults
@msg ||= "It's bad luck to be superstitious"
@fontName ||= "Marker Felt"
@fontSize ||= 28
@labelHeight ||= 180.0
@labelWidth ||= 360.0
font = UIFont.fontWithName(@fontName, size:@fontSize)
# the loop begins at the largets font size and counts down two point sizes until
# either it hits a size that will fit or the minimum size we want to allow
for s in @fontSize.downto(MIN_FONT_SIZE) do
#set the font size
font = font.fontWithSize(s)
NSLog("Trying size: #{s}") if DEBUG_MODE
#This step is important: We make a constraint box using only the fixed WIDTH of the UILabel.
#The height will be checked later.
#Next, check how tall the label would be with the desired font.
labelSize = @msg.sizeWithFont(font, constrainedToSize:[@labelWidth, Float::MAX], lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeWordWrap)
#Here is where you use the height requirement!
#Set the value in the if statement to the height of your UILabel
#If the label fits into your required height, it will break the loop and use that font size.
break if(labelSize.height <= @labelHeight)
NSLog("Best size is: #{s}") if DEBUG_MODE
#return the selected font
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