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Created July 5, 2021 02:33
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using Biohazrd;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace InfectedWin32.Generator
/// <summary>This class helps configure Biohazrd to include a specific version of the Windows SDK and reference files from it</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Currently only supports the Windows 10 SDK since it relies on the UniversalCRT
/// </remarks>
public sealed class WindowsSdkHelper
public string SdkVersion { get; }
public string SdkRootPath { get; }
private string MsvcToolchainPath { get; }
private string IncludeRootPath { get; }
private string LibraryRootPath { get; }
// These environment variables are the same ones set by a Visual Studio command prompt
private const string Windows10SdkRootEnvironmentVariable = "WindowsSdkDir";
private const string MsvcToolchainRootEnvironmentVariable = "VCToolsInstallDir";
public WindowsSdkHelper(string sdkVersion)
SdkVersion = sdkVersion;
SdkRootPath = LocateWindowsSdkRoot()
?? throw new Exception
"Could not locate Windows 10 SDK root path! " +
// Using the environment variable is allowed on Windows, but ideally the SDK should be properly installed.
(RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) ? "Is it installed?" : "Specify by setting " + Windows10SdkRootEnvironmentVariable)
MsvcToolchainPath = LocateToolchainRoot()
?? throw new Exception
"Could not locate MSVC toolchain path!" +
// Using the environment variable is allowed on Windows, but ideally the SDK should be properly installed.
(RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) ? "Is Visual Studio 2019 or newer installed with desktop development with C++?" : "Specify by setting " + MsvcToolchainRootEnvironmentVariable)
IncludeRootPath = Path.Combine(SdkRootPath, "Include", SdkVersion);
LibraryRootPath = Path.Combine(SdkRootPath, "Lib", SdkVersion, "um", "x64");
if (!Directory.Exists(IncludeRootPath))
{ throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Could not locate Windows SDK {SdkVersion} include root at '{IncludeRootPath}'"); }
if (!Directory.Exists(LibraryRootPath))
{ throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Could not locate Windows SDK {SdkVersion} library root at '{LibraryRootPath}' (Is the x64 SDK not installed?)"); }
string userModeIncludeDirectoryPath = GetIncludeDirectory("um");
if (!Directory.Exists(userModeIncludeDirectoryPath))
{ throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Could not locate Windows SDK {SdkVersion} user mode header files directory '{userModeIncludeDirectoryPath}' (Is the UCRT installed but not the Windows SDK?)"); }
string windowHeaderPath = GetHeaderFilePath("um", "Windows.h");
if (!File.Exists(windowHeaderPath))
{ throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Could not locate Windows.h in Windows SDK {SdkVersion} '{windowHeaderPath}' (Is the UCRT installed but not the Windows SDK?)"); }
public string GetIncludeDirectory(string categoryName)
=> Path.Combine(IncludeRootPath, categoryName);
private string GetMsvcToolchainIncludeDirectory(string? subdirectory = null)
string root = MsvcToolchainPath;
if (subdirectory is not null)
{ root = Path.Combine(root, subdirectory); }
return Path.Combine(root, "include");
public string GetHeaderFilePath(string categoryName, string headerFileName)
=> Path.Combine(IncludeRootPath, categoryName, headerFileName);
public string GetLibraryFilePath(string libraryFileName)
=> Path.Combine(LibraryRootPath, libraryFileName);
/// <summary>Configures the specified builder to use this version of the Windows SDK</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// In many ways, this method manually implements this Clang functionality:
/// </remarks>
public void ConfigureBuilder(TranslatedLibraryBuilder builder)
// Disable standard includes (otherwise Clang will just include the latest SDK that's installed)
// You *can* avoid doing this by adding the include directories with -I (--include-directory) since it is search first
// but this has two issues:
// 1) The system includes are still there just asking for accidental usage
// 2) You loose out on Clang's special treatment of warnings in system headers
//TODO: Do we need to replicate Clang's builtin includes?
// This option introduced in Clang 11 would be helpful:
// Include the MSVC toolchain headers
// We shouldn't need ATL or MFC so we leave them out
// Include the Universal CRT
// Include the Windows SDK
// We don't intend to use WinRT stuff so we leave it out
private static string? LocateWindowsSdkRoot()
if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(Windows10SdkRootEnvironmentVariable) is string pathFromEnvironment)
{ return pathFromEnvironment; }
// On Linux the SDK path must be specified via environment variable
if (!RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
{ return null; }
// Query registry for the Windows 10 SDK root //HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots\KitsRoot10
// This registry key does not seem to be properly documented, but it is used by Clang so it's probably safe:
// It's also randomly mentioned in the HoloLens documentation:
if (Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots", "KitsRoot10", null) is string pathFromRegistry)
{ return pathFromRegistry; }
// Try default install directory as a fallback
string? TryDefault(string root)
string path = Path.Combine(root, "Windows Kits", "10");
return Directory.Exists(path) ? path : null;
return TryDefault(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86))
?? TryDefault(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles));
private static string? LocateToolchainRoot()
if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(MsvcToolchainRootEnvironmentVariable) is string pathFromEnvironment)
{ return pathFromEnvironment; }
// On Linux the SDK path must be specified via environment variable
if (!RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
{ return null; }
if (LocateToolchainRootUsingSetupApi() is string pathFromSetupApi)
{ return pathFromSetupApi; }
return null;
private static string? LocateToolchainRootUsingSetupApi()
static string? GetToolchainRoot(ISetupInstance visualStudio)
string vcPath = visualStudio.ResolvePath("VC");
string defaultToolsVersionPath = Path.Combine(vcPath, "Auxiliary", "Build", "Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.default.txt");
if (!File.Exists(defaultToolsVersionPath))
{ return null; }
string defaultToolsVersion = File.ReadAllText(defaultToolsVersionPath).Trim();
string toolchainRootPath = Path.Combine(vcPath, "Tools", "MSVC", defaultToolsVersion);
return Directory.Exists(toolchainRootPath) ? toolchainRootPath : null;
// The following uses logic similar to Clang
// Unlike Clang, we check if the desktop development with C++ workload is installed and restrict to Visual Studio 2019 or newer
string? result = null;
SetupConfiguration query = new();
IEnumSetupInstances enumInstances = query.EnumAllInstances();
ISetupHelper helper = (ISetupHelper)query;
ISetupInstance[] instance = new ISetupInstance[1];
ulong newestVersionNum = 0;
while (true)
int fetched;
enumInstances.Next(1, instance, out fetched);
if (fetched == 0)
{ break; }
string versionString = instance[0].GetInstallationVersion();
// Skip versions prior to Visual Studio 2019
if (new Version(versionString).Major < 16)
{ continue; }
// Skip versions without the desktop development with C++ workload
string? toolchainRootPath = GetToolchainRoot(instance[0]);
if (toolchainRootPath is null)
{ continue; }
// Look for the newest version available
ulong versionNum = helper.ParseVersion(versionString);
if (newestVersionNum == 0 || versionNum > newestVersionNum)
result = toolchainRootPath;
newestVersionNum = versionNum;
return result;
catch (COMException ex) when (ex.HResult == unchecked((int)0x80040154)) // REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG
{ throw new Exception("Could not locate the Visual Studio setup configuration COM service. (Is Visual Studio installed?)", ex); }
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