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Created September 12, 2023 09:56
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An easy way to store test data in the json files, read them, change them on the fly and use as a Dictionary or Decodable model.
import XCTest
/// JSON supports two widely used (amongst programming languages) data structures.
/// This protocol is to define them.
protocol JSONStructure {
associatedtype Container: Any
static var container: Container { get }
/// **A collection of name/value pairs**.
/// In `Swift.Codable` known as `KeyedEncodingContainer`.
/// In other programming languages, it is called as object, record, struct, dictionary, hash table, keyed list, or associative array.
enum KeyedJSONContainer: JSONStructure {
typealias Container = [String: Any]
static var container: Container { [:] }
/// **An ordered list of values**.
/// In `Swift.Codable` known as `UnkeyedEncodingContainer`.
/// In other programming languages, it is called as array, vector, list, or sequence.
enum UnkeyedJSONContainer: JSONStructure {
typealias Container = [[String: Any]]
static var container: Container { [] }
enum TestBundleJSONDecoder {
/// Errors that might be thrown by `TestBundleJSONDecoder`.
enum RawError: Error {
/// Indicates that file with given name does not exist in test bundle.
case fileNotFound(_ fileName: String)
/// Indicates that specified container type does not match the structure in the decoded file.
case invalidContainerType(expected: Any.Type, got: Any.Type)
var localizedDescription: String {
switch self {
case .fileNotFound(let fileName):
let bundle =
return """
Unable to find a file named \(fileName) in the \(bundle) bundle.
Look for typos in the name. Remember file has to be a member of the target.
case .invalidContainerType(let expected, let got):
return """
Top level structure of the json file does not match expected one.
Expected: \(expected).
Got: \(got).
Revisit file structure or value given in `container` parameter.
/// Creates a json from given file. Allows customization.
/// - Parameters:
/// - fileName: A name of the file where the json is located. Pass value without `.json` extension.
/// - container: A type of the json structure. Can be either keyed or unkeyed.
/// - customizeContainer: An optional closure that allows to customize json before returning it.
/// - file: File path to display XCTest failure popup in a proper file. **Do not override.**
/// - line: A line to display XCTest failure popup on a proper line within the file. **Do not override.**
/// - Returns: In case of successful parsing, returns json. Otherwise throws an error.
/// - Throws: `TestBundleJSONDecoder.RawError`.
static func json<U: JSONStructure>(
fromFile fileName: String,
container: U.Type,
customizeContainer: ((inout U.Container) -> Void)? = nil,
file: StaticString = #filePath,
line: UInt = #line
) throws -> U.Container {
/// Retrieve path to file.
let path = TestBundle.bundle.path(forResource: fileName, ofType: "json")
guard let path else {
let error = RawError.fileNotFound(fileName.appending(".json"))
XCTFail(error.localizedDescription, file: file, line: line)
throw error
/// Convert content of file to `Data` object.
let data = try Data(
contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: path),
options: .mappedIfSafe
/// Create json from retrieved data.
let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(
with: data,
options: .allowFragments
/// Ensure that structure of the json matches expected one.
guard var container = json as? U.Container else {
let error = RawError.invalidContainerType(
expected: U.Container.self,
got: type(of: json)
XCTFail(error.localizedDescription, file: file, line: line)
throw error
/// If customization is not needed, just return genuine content of the file.
guard let customizeContainer else {
return container
/// Otherwise invoke customization closure, then return customized container.
return container
/// Grabs file content and creates a model from it. Allows customization.
/// - Parameters:
/// - model: A name of the model that should be decoded.
/// - fileName: A name of the file where the json is located. Pass value without `.json` extension.
/// - decoder: A decoder used for decoding data taken from file. Inject in case of custom decoding strategy.
/// - container: A type of the json structure. Can be either keyed or unkeyed.
/// - customizeContainer: An optional closure that allows to customize json before turning it into model.
/// - file: File path to display XCTest failure popup in a proper file. **Do not override.**
/// - line: A line to display XCTest failure popup on a proper line within the file. **Do not override.**
/// - Returns: In case of successful decoding, returns a decoded model. Otherwise throws an error.
/// - Throws: `TestBundleJSONDecoder.RawError`.
static func decode<T: Decodable, U: JSONStructure>(
model: T.Type,
fromFile fileName: String,
decoder: JSONDecoder = JSONDecoder(),
container: U.Type,
customizeContainer: ((inout U.Container) -> Void)? = nil,
file: StaticString = #filePath,
line: UInt = #line
) throws -> T {
let json = try json(
fromFile: fileName,
container: container,
customizeContainer: customizeContainer,
file: file,
line: line
let data = try json)
return try decoder.decode(model, from: data)
private final class TestBundle {
static var bundle: Bundle {
Bundle(for: type(of: TestBundle().self))
static var name: String {
bundle.bundlePath.components(separatedBy: "/").last ?? "unknown"
/// Usage:
/// Gain a dictionary from a file named "file_from_test_bundle_without_json_extension" to e.g. stub HTTP call:
let dictionary = try TestBundleJSONDecoder.json(
fromFile: <#file_from_test_bundle_without_json_extension#>,
container: KeyedJSONContainer.self // or UnkeyedJSONContainer.self
/// Gain a model from a file named "file_from_test_bundle_without_json_extension":
let model = try TestBundleJSONDecoder.decode(
model: <#Model#>.self,
fromFile: <#file_from_test_bundle_without_json_extension#>,
container: KeyedJSONContainer.self // or UnkeyedJSONContainer.self
/// JSON customization for `KeyedJSONContainer`:
let model = try TestBundleJSONDecoder.decode(
model: <#Model#>.self,
fromFile: <#file_from_test_bundle_without_json_extension#>,
container: KeyedJSONContainer.self
customizeContainer: { json in // json is already a dictionary
json["email"] = nil /// remove email from the json body
json.append(["foo": "bar"]) /// compiler time error
/// JSON customization for `UnkeyedJSONContainer`:
let model = try TestBundleJSONDecoder.decode(
model: <#Model#>.self,
fromFile: <#file_from_test_bundle_without_json_extension#>,
container: UnkeyedJSONContainer.self
customizeContainer: { json in // json is already an array of objects
json["email"] = nil // compiler time error
json.append(["sex": "other"]) /// add another object
/// Example model defition:
struct User: Decodable {
let email: String
let id: String
let username: String
/// Example of `KeyedJSONContainer` json, e.g. /users/me endpoint:
"email": "[email protected]",
"id": "b997cb98-fe0d-4f81-bc79-ccb1d7034e20",
"username": "fixture.user"
/// Example of `UnkeyedJSONContainer` json, e.g. /users endpoint:
"email": "[email protected]",
"id": "b997cb98-fe0d-4f81-bc79-ccb1d7034e20",
"username": "fixture.user.1"
"email": "[email protected]",
"id": "aff7cbf7-db65-458a-92c3-1ee59cbcc026",
"username": "fixture.user.2"
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