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Created January 27, 2018 13:10
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dynamic data transforms + input options in shiny for Gokhan
ui <- navbarPage("test",
tabPanel("dataBuilder", icon = icon("database"),
box(width = 3, title = "Data Upload", solidHeader = TRUE, status = "primary",
helpText("Choose CSV File (Max size 10 MB)"),
fileInput("file1", "",
multiple = FALSE,
accept = c("text/csv",
box(width = 2, title = "Outcome", solidHeader = T,
status = "primary",
helpText("Select a variable to predict"),
selectizeInput("yvar", label = "", choices = character(0))
box(width = 2, title = "Duration", solidHeader = T,
status = "primary",
helpText("Select the duration variable"),
selectizeInput("tvar", label = "", choices = character(0)),
checkboxInput("splines", "Include cubic splines?", FALSE)),
box(width = 5, title = "Predictors", solidHeader = T, status = "primary",
helpText("Select the independent variables"),
selectizeInput("xvar", label = "", choices = character(0), multiple = T,
width = "500px")
column(width = 12, DT::dataTableOutput("table"))
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
rawdata <- reactive({
inFile <- input$file1
df <- read.csv(inFile$datapath)
updateSelectizeInput(session, "yvar", choices = names(rawdata()), selected = names(rawdata())[1])
nums <- colnames(select_if(rawdata(), "is.numeric"))
ints <- colnames(select_if(rawdata(), "is.integer"))
digits <- c(nums, ints)
updateSelectizeInput(session, "tvar", choices = digits)
data_transform <- reactive({
if(input$splines) {
rawdata() %>%
mutate(square = (!! rlang::sym(input$tvar))^2,
cube = (!! rlang::sym(input$tvar))^3)
} else {
nms <- names(data_transform())[names(data_transform()) != input$yvar]
updateSelectizeInput(session, "xvar", choices = nms)
output$table <- DT::renderDataTable({
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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What does the code do after we select the variables, I do not see any results displayed! Please suggest.

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