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Paul Capestany PaulCapestany

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nickfarrow /
Last active May 23, 2024 03:10
Private Collaborative Custody with FROST

Private Collaborative Custody with FROST

With multiparty computation multisignatures like FROST [0], it is possible to build a collaborative custodian service that is extremely private for users.

Today's collaborative custodians can see your entire wallet history even if you never require them to help sign a transaction, and they have full liberty to censor any signature requests they deem inappropriate or are coerced into censoring.

With FROST, a private collaborative custodian can hold a key to a multisig while remaining unaware of the public key (and wallet) which they help control. By hiding this public key, we solve the issue of existing collaborative custodians who learn of all wallet transactions even if you never use them.

Further, in the scenario that we do call upon a private collaborative custodian to help sign a transaction, this transaction could be signed blindly. Being blind to the transaction request itself and unknowing of past onchain behavior, these custodians have no practical in

nickfarrow /
Last active November 26, 2024 01:22
Modifying FROST Threshold and Signers

Modifying FROST Signers and Threshold

FROST's distributed key generation involves N parties each creating a secret polynomial, and sharing evaluations of this polynomial with other parties to create a distributed FROST key.

The final FROST key is described by a joint polynomial, where the x=0 intercept is the jointly shared secret s=f(0). Each participant controls a single point on this polynomial at their participant index.

The degree T-1 of the polynomials determines the threshold T of the multisignature - as this sets the number of points required to interpolate the joint polynomial and compute evaluations under the joint secret.

T parties can interact in order to interpolate evaluations using the secret f[0] without ever actually reconstructing this secret in isolation (unlike Shamir Secret Sharing where you have to reconstruct the secret).

darconeous /
Last active December 7, 2024 17:45
Hacking the Rectangular Starlink Dishy Cable
#!/usr/bin/python3 -u
# Copyright Dan Smith <[email protected]>
# This downloads USGS topo GeoPDF maps in bulk, by default the current
# high-resolution 7.5-minute maps. For reference, all of Oregon comes to
# 96GB, all of Washington is 78G. For each state, the index will be downloaded
# into the root of the per-state directory, which is how you find which
# section map you need, by name.
aaronNGi /
Created April 28, 2020 20:38
Boilerplate for new POSIX shell scripts
version_text="Boilerplate for new scripts v$version"
options="h o: q v V"
help_text="Usage: $prog_name [-o <text>] [-hqvV] [<file>]...
Boilerplate for new scripts
campoy / main.go
Last active November 9, 2019 12:28
Dgraph: K-Shortest Path with all predicates
package main
import (
Omar-Ikram / EndpointSecurityDemo.m
Last active March 5, 2025 18:19
A demo of using Apple's EndpointSecurity framework - tested on macOS Monterey 12.2.1 (21D62)
// main.m
// EndpointSecurityDemo
// Created by Omar Ikram on 17/06/2019 - macOS Catalina 10.15 Beta 1 (19A471t)
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 15/08/2019 - macOS Catalina 10.15 Beta 5 (19A526h)
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 01/12/2019 - macOS Catalina 10.15 (19A583)
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 31/01/2021 - macOS Big Sur 11.1 (20C69)
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 07/05/2021 - macOS Big Sur 11.3.1 (20E241)
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 04/07/2021 - macOS Monterey 12 Beta 2 (21A5268h)
bretton /
Last active June 26, 2024 16:08
Detailed guide to installing LND and Bitcoind on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS for Mainnet


This guide is specific to getting LND 0.5-beta and Bitcoind running on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS for mainnet. It is aging rapidly and includes steps not necessary on newer versions of LND. As of April 2021 it is very out of date for bitcoind. As of December 2021 it is outdated for LND too.

Original installation guide:

This guide is broken into the following sections:

  • Install bitcoind and set to start automatically
  • Install development tools and dependancies
bretton /
Last active January 27, 2025 10:05
Visualisers of the Lightning Network (and some other explorers)

A (mostly) visual collection of the Lightning Network


Network views tend to be the view of the network from a single node, or small selection of nodes. They are not complete views of the network. This is impossible to achieve. Even if many node views were combined, it would still be incomplete.

These network views, or network maps, have been termed 'visualisers' by the LN community.

Screenshots may reflect older visual styles, and are dated accordingly.

ttscoff / logr.bash
Last active November 28, 2024 18:37
Bash logging utility that simplifies use of logger command
# Logging utility that simplifies user of bash logger command
# # First source the script
# source ~/scripts/logr.bash
# # Start the logger, generates log name from scripts filename
# logr start
# # or define your own
# logr start LOG_NAME