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Last active November 27, 2016 16:49
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Optional Loggin extension
import Foundation
// MARK:- Private
class MyAwesomeLogger {
static func log(message: String) {
struct Friend {}
class DB {
static func friend(byName name: String) -> Friend? {
return nil
// MARK: Fun things
extension Optional {
func logNil<T>(function: String = #function,
filename: String = #file,
line: Int = #line,
message: String = "not found",
context: T
) -> Wrapped? {
if self == nil {
let messageToLog = "\((filename as NSString).lastPathComponent):\(line) \(function) \(context) \(message)"
MyAwesomeLogger.log(message: messageToLog)
return self
func findFriend(byName name: String) -> Friend? {
return DB.friend(byName: name)
.logNil(context: name) // <-- Here is the trick
findFriend(byName: "Awesome")
// Output
// playground50.swift:40 findFriend(byName:) Awesome not found
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