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Last active October 19, 2020 09:43
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Save PaulWoitaschek/e63a766e35921e7fd1df47f7f81df811 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env kotlin
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.UsageError
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.output.TermUi
class App : CliktCommand() {
enum class DaemonType {
Gradle, Kotlin
data class Daemon(
val type: DaemonType,
val processId: Int,
val version: String
override fun run() {
val daemons = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ps aux").inputStream.bufferedReader()
.filter { line -> line.contains("gradle") || line.contains("kotlin") }
.mapNotNull { line ->
val processId = "[ \\t]+(.*?)[ ]".toRegex().find(line)!!.groupValues.drop(1).first().toInt()
val gradleVersion =
"org.gradle.launcher.daemon.bootstrap.GradleDaemon (.*)".toRegex().find(line)?.groupValues?.drop(1)?.firstOrNull()
if (gradleVersion == null) {
val kotlinVersion = "kotlin-compiler-embeddable\\/(.*?)\\/".toRegex().find(line)?.groupValues?.drop(1)?.firstOrNull()
if (kotlinVersion != null) {
Daemon(type = DaemonType.Kotlin, version = kotlinVersion, processId = processId)
} else {
} else {
Daemon(type = DaemonType.Gradle, version = gradleVersion, processId = processId)
.groupBy { it.type }
.mapValues { it.value.sortedByDescending { it.version } }
.flatMap { it.value }
val promptItems = daemons
.mapIndexed { index, daemon ->
"[${index + 1}]\t${daemon.type}\t${daemon.version}"
.joinToString(separator = "\n")
val selectedDaemons = TermUi.prompt("Enter the numbers, separated by commas you want to kill") { input ->
input.split(",").map { rawNumber ->
val index = (rawNumber.toIntOrNull() ?: -1) - 1
daemons.getOrElse(index) {
throw UsageError("Invalid input")
selectedDaemons.forEach { daemon ->
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("kill -9 ${daemon.processId}")
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I created a repo for this:

You just execute it, the kotlin compiler will fetch the dependencies and cache the compilation.

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