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Last active September 13, 2024 10:32
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Bindings over a CurrentValue subject allow you to use combine for side affects
//: [Previous](@previous)
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import Combine
//: Current Value Subject is a value, a publisher and a subscriber all in one
let currentValueSubject = CurrentValueSubject<Bool, Never>(true)
//: Bindings are used in SwiftUI to get and Set state, CurrentValueSubjects work well with Bindings
let binding = Binding<Bool>(
return currentValueSubject.value
print("The Binding is NOT the value \(binding)\n see how it is an object not just Bool")
//: INstead to get the current value use `wrappedValue`
print("The Value is now \(binding.wrappedValue)")
//: Now Lets Set the binding to false to see how it affects the currentValueSubject
binding.wrappedValue = false
print("The Value is now \(binding.wrappedValue)")
//: The currentValueSubject can also send(_:) affecting the value displayed by the binding
print("The Value is now \(binding.wrappedValue)")
//: Lets do something random and display the set
//: First lets create a stream that listens to the values of our currentValueSubject, lets maps the booleans to a string just for show
var allStrings: [String]?
let cancel ={ (next) -> String in
if next {
return "Set To True"
} else {
return "Set To False"
//: Collect will hold all the values in an array until .finished is sent
.collect().sink { (collectedStrings) in
// Sink will set our array with the array collected when the currentValueSubject has finished
allStrings = collectedStrings
//: Here we Set the binding 10 random times, run the playground more than once to check
for _ in 0..<10 {
let randomBool = arc4random() % 2 == 0 // flip a coin ;)
binding.wrappedValue = randomBool
//: Complete the stream, in a real app this might be from deallocation of an object that owns it for example
currentValueSubject.send(completion: .finished)
//: when you subscribe to the currentValue Subject it will send the latest value to the subscriber how many items do you expect in allStrings?
print("Number of items collected: \(allStrings!.count)")
//: Lets print all of the items out
print(allStrings!.joined(separator: ",\n"))
//: [Next](@next)
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Great learning thanks!

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Thank you, this is fantastic. That said, I still wonder why there isn't a simpler way, built in SwiftUI.

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extension CurrentValueSubject {
  var binding: Binding<Output> {
    Binding(get: {
    }, set: {

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