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Created September 28, 2023 11:29
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Writing an Interpreter in Rust: Bytecode and Stack-based VM -
use std::env;
use lrlex::lrlex_mod;
use lrpar::lrpar_mod;
lrlex_mod!("coconut.l"); // brings the lexer for `coconut.l` into scope.
lrpar_mod!("coconut.y"); // brings the Parser for `coconut.y` into scope.
mod ast;
mod instruction;
use ast::Node;
use instruction::Op;
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
if args.len() > 1 {
let input = &args[1]; // Create a lexer
match from_str(input) {
Ok(Some(r)) => println!("{:?}", r),
Ok(None) => {}
_ => eprintln!("Unable to evaluate expression."),
} else {
println!("Please provide at least one cli argument!")
fn from_str(input: &String) -> Result<Option<u64>, String> {
let lexer_def = coconut_l::lexerdef(); // Lex the input.
let lexer = lexer_def.lexer(&input);
let (res, errs) = coconut_y::parse(&lexer); // Parse the input.
// Check for errors
for e in errs {
println!("{}", e.pp(&lexer, &coconut_y::token_epp));
match res {
Some(Ok(r)) => Ok(eval(r)),
_ => Err("Unable to evaluate expression.".to_string()),
pub fn eval(ast: Vec<Node>) -> Option<u64> {
let ops = &mut vec![];
for a in ast {
ast_to_bytecode(a, ops);
let mut stack: Vec<u64> = vec![];
for instruction in ops {
match instruction {
Op::Push { value } => stack.push(*value),
Op::Add => {
let rhs = stack.pop().unwrap();
let lhs = stack.pop().unwrap();
stack.push(lhs + rhs);
Op::Mull {} => {
let rhs = stack.pop().unwrap();
let lhs = stack.pop().unwrap();
stack.push(lhs * rhs);
return stack.pop();
pub fn ast_to_bytecode(node: Node, ops: &mut Vec<Op>) {
match node {
Node::Add { lhs, rhs } => {
ast_to_bytecode(*lhs, ops);
ast_to_bytecode(*rhs, ops);
ops.push(Op::Add {})
Node::Mul { lhs, rhs } => {
ast_to_bytecode(*lhs, ops);
ast_to_bytecode(*rhs, ops);
ops.push(Op::Mull {})
Node::Number { value } => ops.push(Op::Push { value }),
fn eval_expressions() {
"expected 0+1*1*1"
"expected 1+1=2"
"expected 1*(1+2)=3"
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