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Forked from anonymous/gist:260580
Created December 20, 2009 18:02
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:leyal@leyal-desktop:~/personal/devel/haskell/irc$ hlint rovar.hs
rovar.hs:15:1: Error: Redundant do
do loadDir "basic_types" >> loadDir "complex" >>
loadDir "single_types"
Why not:
loadDir "basic_types" >> loadDir "complex" >>
loadDir "single_types"
rovar.hs:18:20: Warning: Redundant brackets
(isSuffixOf (C8.pack "bson")) . C8.pack
Why not:
isSuffixOf (C8.pack "bson") . C8.pack
rovar.hs:23:1: Warning: Eta reduce
runObjects b = (runGet getBSONObject) b
Why not:
runObjects = (runGet getBSONObject)
rovar.hs:23:1: Warning: Redundant brackets
(runGet getBSONObject) b
Why not:
runGet getBSONObject b
rovar.hs:25:1: Warning: Eta reduce
getFile f = L.readFile f
Why not:
getFile = L.readFile
rovar.hs:30:1: Error: Redundant do
do let str = runPut $ putBSONValue o in L.writeFile (f ++ "2") str
Why not:
let str = runPut $ putBSONValue o in L.writeFile (f ++ "2") str
rovar.hs:34:1: Warning: Redundant brackets
if (str == b) then putStrLn $ f ++ ":: SUCCEEDED" else
putStrLn $ f ++ ":: FAILED"
Why not:
if str == b then putStrLn $ f ++ ":: SUCCEEDED" else
putStrLn $ f ++ ":: FAILED"
Found 7 suggestions (2 errors)
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