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Created January 7, 2015 14:35
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Visualize FTGL indicators
import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Mem.Weak (addFinalizer)
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.FTGL as FTGL
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
import qualified Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW
resX, resY :: Int
resX = 640
resY = 480
initScreen :: IO GLFW.Window
initScreen = do
True <- GLFW.init
-- Do we want to give these window hints?
-- [GLFW.DisplayRGBBits 8 8 8,
-- GLFW.DisplayDepthBits 8]
Just win <-
(fromIntegral resX)
(fromIntegral resY)
"Graphics-drawingcombinators demo"
Nothing Nothing
GLFW.makeContextCurrent $ Just win
return win
color :: GL.GLfloat -> GL.GLfloat -> GL.GLfloat -> GL.GLfloat -> GL.Color4 GL.GLfloat
color = GL.Color4
withoutTextures :: IO a -> IO a
withoutTextures action =
GL.texture GL.Texture2D GL.$= GL.Disabled >> action
r2f :: (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
r2f = realToFrac
vector3 :: GL.GLdouble -> GL.GLdouble -> GL.GLdouble -> GL.Vector3 GL.GLdouble
vector3 = GL.Vector3
setAttrs :: IO a -> IO a
setAttrs code =
GL.preservingAttrib [GL.AllServerAttributes] $ do
GL.blend GL.$= GL.Enabled
GL.blendFunc GL.$= (GL.SrcAlpha, GL.OneMinusSrcAlpha)
-- For now we assume the user wants antialiasing; the general solution is not clear - maybe let the
-- user do the opengl setup stuff himself? otherwise need to wrap all of the possible things GL lets
-- you set.
GL.polygonSmooth GL.$= GL.Enabled
GL.lineSmooth GL.$= GL.Enabled
GL.lineWidth GL.$= 1.5
GL.hint GL.LineSmooth GL.$= GL.DontCare
main :: IO ()
main = do
[ttfFile] <- getArgs
font <- FTGL.createTextureFont ttfFile
let ftSize :: Num a => a
ftSize = 288
FTGL.setFontFaceSize font ftSize ftSize
addFinalizer font (FTGL.destroyFont font)
win <- initScreen
let r = 1/fromIntegral resX :: GL.GLdouble
GLFW.setWindowCloseCallback win $ Just $ const $ error "Quit"
let strs =
[ "(Heƒjjo)"
, "f"
, " "
, " "
, ""
, "xxx"
, "x"
, " x "
putStrLn $ "Ascender=" ++ show (FTGL.getFontAscender font)
putStrLn $ "Descender=" ++ show (FTGL.getFontDescender font)
putStrLn $ "LineHeight=" ++ show (FTGL.getFontLineHeight font)
finishIteration <- newIORef False
let loop act = do
p <- readIORef finishIteration
unless p $ act >> loop act
GLFW.setKeyCallback win $ Just $ const $
\_key _i ks _mods ->
when (ks==GLFW.KeyState'Pressed) $
writeIORef finishIteration True
forM_ (cycle strs) $ \str -> do
print str
writeIORef finishIteration False
loop $ GL.preservingMatrix $ do
GL.clearColor GL.$= color 0 0 0 1
GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer]
let rect ::
Float -> Float -> Float -> Float ->
[GL.Vertex2 GL.GLfloat]
rect llx lly urx ury =
[ GL.Vertex2 (r2f llx) (r2f lly)
, GL.Vertex2 (r2f urx) (r2f lly)
, GL.Vertex2 (r2f urx) (r2f ury)
, GL.Vertex2 (r2f llx) (r2f ury)
let yMin = FTGL.getFontDescender font
let yMax = FTGL.getFontAscender font
let drawRect col llx lly urx ury =
withoutTextures $ do
GL.color col
GL.renderPrimitive GL.Polygon $
mapM_ GL.vertex $ rect llx lly urx ury
advance <- FTGL.getFontAdvance font str
[llx, lly, _, urx, ury, _] <- FTGL.getFontBBox font str
let totalWidth = llx + urx
let lineHeight = FTGL.getFontLineHeight font
baseLine = 0
setAttrs $ do
GL.scale r r 1
GL.translate $ vector3 (-r2f totalWidth/2) 0 0
-- boxes:
-- full box:
drawRect (color 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.8) 0 yMin totalWidth (yMin+lineHeight)
-- bounding box
drawRect (color 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.8) llx lly urx ury
GL.color $ color 1 1 1 1
FTGL.renderFont font str FTGL.All
-- vertical lines:
-- descender to ascender
drawRect (color 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.8) 10 yMin 20 yMax
-- baseLine up half-way
drawRect (color 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.8) 30 baseLine 40 ((yMax-yMin)/2)
-- horiz lines:
-- text-advance (0..advance)
drawRect (color 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.8) 0 10 advance 20
GLFW.swapBuffers win
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