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Forked from weskerfoot/eratosthenes.hs
Created May 19, 2013 01:05
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-- my implementation of this:
import qualified Data.PSQueue as DQ
insertThenDel k p pq = DQ.deleteMin $ DQ.insert k p pq
minPriority pq =
case DQ.findMin pq of
(Just m) ->
let mp = DQ.prio m
mk = DQ.key m
in Just (mp, mk)
Nothing -> Nothing
removeComposites smallest pq =
let Just (mp, mk) = minPriority pq
in case smallest < mp of
True -> pq
_ ->
let nextk = tail mk
nextp = mk !! 1
pq' = insertThenDel nextk nextp pq
in removeComposites smallest pq'
-- "base case" of corecursion if a finite list is passed in
insertPrime p xs pq = DQ.insert (map (*p) xs) (p*p) pq
sieve' [] pq = []
sieve' (x:xs) pq =
case minPriority pq of
Just (mp, mk) ->
case x == mp of
True -> sieve' xs (removeComposites x pq)
False -> x : (sieve' xs $ insertPrime x (x:xs) pq)
Nothing -> x : (sieve' xs $ insertPrime x (x:xs) pq)
sieve xs = 2:(sieve' xs DQ.empty)
main = do
print $ sum $ takeWhile (<2000000) $ sieve [3,5..]
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