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Created June 1, 2015 19:24
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Weird error about immutability
import tables, strutils
proc getFrequencies() : CountTable[string] =
let wordFrequencies = initCountTable[string]() # <-- this should be var
for line in open("example1.nim").lines():
for word in line.split(", "):
return wordFrequencies
let wordFrequencies = getFrequencies()
echo "The most frequent word is '", wordFrequencies.largest, "'"
echo "The frequencies are '", wordFrequencies, "'"
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Peaker commented Jun 1, 2015

example1.nim(8, 22) Error: type mismatch: got (CountTable[system.string], string)
but expected one of: var T, y: int) CountTableRef[inc.A], key: A, val: int) var CountTable[inc.A], key: A, val: int)

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