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Forked from ToJans/hangman.hs
Last active October 4, 2015 11:08
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A haskell implementation of the hangman game
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
import Control.Monad (when, unless)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.List (transpose)
import System.Random (randomIO)
wordsPath :: FilePath
wordsPath = "/usr/share/dict/words"
addHangImage :: [String] -> [String]
addHangImage img =
"=========" :
"| |" :
map ("| " ++) img
hangmanImages :: [[String]]
hangmanImages =
[ [ " ", " O ", " O ", " O ", " O " , "_O " , "_O_" ]
, [ " ", " ", " | ", " | ", " | " , " | " , " | " ]
, [ " ", " ", " ", "/ ", "/ \\", "/ \\", "/ \\" ]
data GameState = GameState
{ wordToGuess :: String
, guesses :: String
maxTries :: Int
maxTries = length hangmanImages - 1
isGuessed :: GameState -> Bool
isGuessed guessState =
all isGuessedChar $ wordToGuess guessState
where isGuessedChar c = c `elem` guesses guessState
isGameDone :: GameState -> Bool
isGameDone guessState =
numberOfWrongGuesses guessState == maxTries || isGuessed guessState
numberOfGuesses :: GameState -> Int
numberOfGuesses guessState = length $ guesses guessState
numberOfWrongGuesses :: GameState -> Int
numberOfWrongGuesses guessState = length $ filter nomatch triedChars
nomatch c = c `notElem` wordToGuess guessState
triedChars = guesses guessState
-- for one reason or another getChar also appends <CR>
-- so I implemented my own getChar and made sure empty input is refused
getAChar :: IO Char
getAChar = do
line <- getLine
case line of
[] -> getAChar
(c:_) -> return c
getANewChar :: GameState -> IO Char
getANewChar guessState = do
putStrLn "Next char to guess"
c <- getAChar
if c `elem` guesses guessState
then do
putStrLn "Character already used in guesses."
getANewChar guessState
return c
validWord :: String -> Bool
validWord word =
'\'' `notElem` word &&
map toLower word == word
newGame :: IO GameState
newGame = do
contents <- readFile wordsPath
let words' = filter validWord $ lines contents
let wordcount = length words'
randomNumber <- randomIO
let randomWord = words' !! (randomNumber `mod` wordcount)
return $ GameState randomWord []
displayState :: GameState -> IO ()
displayState guessState
| not (isGameDone guessState) = do
displayHangman currentHangmanIndex
putStrLn $ unlines
[ "Word to guess: " ++ showWordWithGuesses guessState
, ""
, "Chars guessed: " ++ guesses guessState
| isGuessed guessState =
putStrLn $ unlines
, "You correctly guessed the word " ++ wordToGuess guessState
, " in " ++ show (numberOfGuesses guessState) ++ " tries "
| otherwise = do
displayHangman currentHangmanIndex
putStrLn $ unlines
, "You failed to guess the word " ++ wordToGuess guessState
currentHangmanIndex = numberOfWrongGuesses guessState
gameLoop :: GameState -> IO ()
gameLoop guessState = do
-- Consider converting guessState to a sum type (Win, Lose,
-- Playing) and pass that to displayState and also case on it here
displayState guessState
unless (isGameDone guessState) $ do
c <- getANewChar guessState
gameLoop $ guessState { guesses = guesses guessState ++ [c] }
displayHangman :: Int -> IO ()
displayHangman currentHangmanIndex = do
let img = addHangImage (hangmanImages !! currentHangmanIndex)
mapM_ putStrLn img
putStrLn ""
showWordWithGuesses :: GameState -> String
showWordWithGuesses guessState = blankOrChar <$> wordToGuess guessState
blankOrChar c
| c `elem` guesses guessState = c
| otherwise = '_'
game :: IO ()
game = newGame >>= gameLoop
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Play again? (y/n):"
option <- getAChar
when (option == 'y') main
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