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Created April 4, 2020 16:16
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def get_current_parentheses(current, previous, next):
before = ""
after = ""
if current == 0:
return "0"
if current == next:
elif current > next:
after = ")" * (current - next)
# else:
# after = "(" * (next - current)
if current == previous:
elif current > previous:
before = "(" * (current - previous)
# else:
# before = ")" * (previous - current)
return before + str(current) + after
# def get_next_parentheses(current, next)
# return before + str(current) + after
def main():
test_num = int(input())
for c in range(test_num):
s = input()
result = ""
for (i, ch) in enumerate(s):
ch_i = int(ch)
previous = int(s[i - 1]) if i != 0 else 0
next = int(s[i+1]) if i != len(s)-1 else 0
result += get_current_parentheses(ch_i,previous ,next )
# result+=str(ch)
print ("Case #%s: %s" % (c+1, result))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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