Some of the links from my recent learning.
- Official Git user manual
- - An Intro to Git and GitHub for Beginners (Tutorial)
- Reddit - Anyone got an ELI5 version for basic GIT? - Recent question with some good answers
- - git
- Oh Shit, Git!?! - Git with humour (including swearwords)
- Reddit - a bunch of git tutorials - Link to git
- Reddit - Can someone please explain HitHub to me. - See: Warning: Extreme Simplifications Ahead.
- Reddit - Should I start learning GitHub simultaneously? - Turned into a resouse!
- - - 1 hour intro (normally free)
- Git Video Tutorial (YouTube), with cheat sheet - 25 min basics tutorial by Derek Banas, see the link for the Cheet Sheet.
- Git and Github for Poets - YouTube - 2h 16m series by The Coding Train - This course is designed to teach you the basics of working with git version control and the GitHub website.
- Lots of "Git tutorials for beginners" on YouTube too.
- ProGit - Official Book - Free - pdf, epub & mobi
- Search for Git Notes For Professionals.pdf (GoalKicker links are not always allowed)
- Github - dictcp / awesome-git - curated list from beginner to advanced
- Github - sindresorhus / awesome - See links under Development Environment
- Github - sdras - / awesome-actions - GitHub Actions (advanced)