YouTube OOP PHP Bitfumes Webnologies
- The purpose of these notes are to follow the above tutorial, making detailed notes of each step.
- They are not verbatim of the original video.
- Although the notes are detailed, it is possible they may not make sense out of context.
- The notes are not intended as a replacement the video series
- Notes are more of a companion
- They allow an easy reference, making it easy to search in one file to find content.
- Allowing a particular video to be found and re-watched.
* Student class
class Student
public $name = "Michael";
public $attendance = true;
public $totalMarks = 89;
$student = new Student();
echo $student->name . "\n";
echo $student->attendance . "\n";
echo $student->totalMarks . "\n";
echo $student->totalMarks = 99 . "\n";
// Create a new instance of the class.
$student10 = new Student();
* Student class
class Student
public $name;
public $attendance;
public $totalMarks;
public function studentDetails($name, $attendance, $totalMarks)
$this->name = $name;
$this->attendance = $attendance;
$this->totalMarks = $totalMarks;
$student10 = new Student();
$student10->studentDetails("Michael", false, 99);
echo $student10->name; // Michael
How to chain results of multiple methods.
* Bill class
class Bill
public $dinner = 20;
public $dessert = 5;
public $coldDrink = 3;
public $bill = 0;
* Dinner method
* @param int $person Number attending the dinner
* @return int
public function dinner($person)
$this->bill += $this->dinner * $person;
return $this;
* Dessert method
* @param int $person Number attending the dinner
* @return int
public function dessert($person)
$this->bill += $this->dessert * $person;
return $this;
* ColdDrink method
* @param int $person Number attending the dinner
* @return int
public function coldDrink($person)
$this->bill += $this->coldDrink * $person;
return $this;
$bill = new Bill();
echo $bill->dinner(2)->dessert(2)->coldDrink(1)->bill; // 53
* Bill class
class Bill
public $dinner = 20;
public $dessert = 5;
public $coldDrink = 3;
public $bill = 0;
* __construct method adds 3 to the bill (entry fee)
public function __construct()
$this->bill = 3;
* Dinner method
* @param int $person Number attending the dinner
* @return int
public function dinner($person)
$this->bill += $this->dinner * $person;
return $this;
* Dessert method
* @param int $person Number attending the dinner
* @return int
public function dessert($person)
$this->bill += $this->dessert * $person;
return $this;
* ColdDrink method
* @param int $person Number attending the dinner
* @return int
public function coldDrink($person)
$this->bill += $this->coldDrink * $person;
return $this;
* __destruct method (resets the bill)
public function __destruct()
echo $this->bill = 0;
$bill = new Bill();
echo $bill->dinner(2)->dessert(2)->coldDrink(1)->bill; // 53
echo "\n";
// 0 (from the __destruct method)
class User
public $name = "Michael";
private $password = "123456";
protected $email = "[email protected]";
public function getPass()
return $this->password;
class Admin extends User
public function __construct()
echo $this->email . "\n";
public function modifyPassword()
$this->password = "modified" . $this->password;
$user = new User;
echo $user->name; // Michael
echo "\n";
// echo $user->password;
// Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access private property User::$password
// echo $user->email;
// Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access protected property User::$email
// password can only be accessed from inside the class.
// e.g. but using a get... method
echo $user->getPass(); // 123456
echo "\n";
// Child classes of the parent class can access the protected properties.
$admin = new Admin; // [email protected]
// Child classes can access public methods from the parent.
echo $admin->getPass(); // 123456
// Child classes do not have access to parent private properties.
// echo $admin->password;
// Notice: Undefined property: Admin::$password
// Child classes do not have access to parent private properties even on methods.
// echo $admin->modifyPassword()
// Notice: Undefined property: Admin::$password;
The Apple and Mango class' can inherit the methods and properties of the parent, Fruits class.
* Fruits class
class Fruits
public $name;
public function setName($name)
$this->name = $name;
* Apple class
class Apple extends Fruits
public function Juice()
echo 'Juice' . "\n";
* Mango class
class Mango extends Fruits
$mango = new Mango;
$mango->setName("My Mango");
echo $mango->name; // My Mango
echo "\n";
$apple = new Apple;
$apple->setName("My Apple");
echo $apple->name; // My Apple
echo "\n";
echo $apple->Juice(); // Juice
Example of a similar shape which has two different methods for retrieving the area of the shape. Someone familiar with one shape could easily use the wrong method for another shape.
class Triangle
public function getArea()
echo 'Triangle Area';
class Rectangle
public function calculateArea()
echo 'Rectangle Area';
$rect = new Rectangle;
// $rec->getArea(); // Error: Call to undefined method Rectangle::getArea()
$rect->calculateArea(); // Rectangle Area
echo "\n";
$triangle = new Triangle;
$triangle->getArea(); // Triangle Area
interface ShapeInterface
public function getArea();
interface GeometryInterface
public function getPerimeter($value1, $value2);
class Triangle implements ShapeInterface
public function getArea()
echo 'Triangle Area' . "\n";
class Rectangle implements ShapeInterface, GeometryInterface
// Fatal error: Class Rectangle contains 1 abstract method and must
// therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods
// (ShapeInterface::getArea)
public function calculateArea()
echo 'Rectangle Area' . "\n";
public function getArea()
echo 'Rectangle Area' . "\n";
public function getPerimeter($length, $breath)
echo 'Rectangle perimeter is the length of the four sides: ';
echo $length * 2 + $breath * 2 . "\n";
$rect = new Rectangle;
$rect->getArea(); // Rectangle Area
// $rect->calculateArea(); // Rectangle Area
$rect->getPerimeter(2, 3);
$tri = new Triangle;
$tri->getArea(); // Triangle Area
// More than one interface can be implemented per class.
class Car
public function getName()
return "I am a Car";
class BMW extends Car
public function calculateTankArea()
echo "Tank area for BMW is xyz" . "\n";
require "car.php";
require "bmw.php";
// $car = new Car; // Error: Cannot instantiate abstract class Car
$car = new BMW; // I am a Car
echo $car->getName(); // I am a Car
// Before the calculateTankArea method was added to BMW class:
// Fatal error: Class BMW contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be
// declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Car::calculateTankArea)
echo $car->calculateTankArea(); // Tank area for BMW is xyz
// abstract class can work like a normal class and like an interface.
class Person
public function names()
return ["Fred Bloggs", "Joe Bloggs"];
require "person.php";
class Book
public $price;
public $authorsNames;
* authors function
* @param integer $price
* @return void
public function price(int $price)
$this->price = $price;
* authors function
* @param array $names
* @return void
public function authors(Person $person)
$this->authorsNames = $person->names();
$book = new Book;
echo $book->price . "\n"; // 20
// $book->price("abc");
// Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Book::price() must be
// of the type int, string given, ..
// TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Book::price() must be of the type int,
// string given, ..
// echo $book->price . "\n"; // without type hinting "abc"
// $book->authors(20); // with type hinting:
// Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Book::authors()
// must be of the type array, int given, called in
// TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Book::authors() must be of the type array,
// int given, called in
$authorsName = new Person;
array(2) {
[0] =>
string(11) "Fred Bloggs"
[1] =>
string(10) "Joe Bloggs"
by adding static
keyword before a function that function can be accessed without the class being instantiated.
Normally the class is instantiated
$user = new User;
Then the method can be accessed
echo $user->getName(); // Fred
By using the static
keyword the method can be accessed without being instantiated:
class User
public $name;
public static function getName()
return "Fred";
// Normally the class is instantiated
// $user = new User;
// then the method can be accessed
// echo $user->getName(); // Fred
// By using the static keyword the method can be accessed without
// being instantiated:
echo User::getName(); // Fred
class User
public static $name = "Fred Bloggs";
public function updateName()
return $this->name = "Joe Bloggs";
// note the '$' is required!!
echo User::$name; // Fred Bloggs
If the static keyword is removed a fatal error is thrown.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Access to undeclared static property: User::$name in ...
Error: Access to undeclared static property: User::$name in ...
To access the property and method they both need to be declared as static
class User
public static $name = "Fred Bloggs";
public static function updateName()
return self::$name = "Joe Bloggs";
echo User::$name; // Joe Bloggs
Static is considered bad practice as it can be accessed anywhere within the program and changed, it is normally used as utility purpose or as counters.
class User
public static $name = "Fred Bloggs";
public static $counter = 0;
public static function updateName()
return self::$name = "Joe Bloggs";
public static function increaseCounter()
echo User::$counter . "\n"; // 1
echo User::$counter . "\n"; // 2
echo User::$counter . "\n"; // 3
echo User::$name; // Joe Bloggs
const is used in initiate a constant, such as PI (alternatively use the built in function pi())
const can be accessed using self::, however it can not be changed.
class Circle
const PI = 3.14159;
public function area($radius)
return $radius * $radius * self::PI;
$circle = new Circle;
echo $circle->area(5) . "\n"; // 78.53975
echo $circle::PI . "\n"; // 3.14159
$circle->PI = 3.141; // this is a different property!!
echo $circle::PI . "\n"; // 3.14159
echo $circle->PI; // 3.141
class Book
public $authorsName = "Fred";
public function author()
return "The authors name is: " . $this->authorsName . "\n";
class NewBook extends Book
public function author()
return parent::author() . "The authors names is: Joe" . "\n";
$book = new NewBook;
echo $book->author();
// The authors name is: Fred
// The authors names is: Joe
the parent class is used and extended, or it can be just overwritten.
Due to Early bindings, with statically defined properties, which are bound at compile time, therefore they can throw unexpected results.
class Book
public static $authorsNames = "Fred Bloggs";
public static function author()
return "The authors names are: " . self::$authorsNames . "\n";
public static function getAuthor()
echo self::author();
class newBook extends Book
public static function author()
return "The authors names are: " . self::$authorsNames . " and Joe Bloggs" . "\n";
$book = new Book;
echo $book->getAuthor(); // The authors names are:Fred Bloggs
$newBook = new newBook;
echo $newBook->getAuthor(); // The authors names are:Fred Bloggs
// Expected: The authors names are:Fred Bloggs and Joe Bloggs
The static::
is used to fix the above problem.
class Book
public static $authorsNames = "Fred Bloggs";
public static function author()
return "The authors names are: " . self::$authorsNames . "\n";
public static function getAuthor()
echo static::author();
class NewBook extends Book
public static function author()
return "The authors names are: " . self::$authorsNames . " and Joe Bloggs" . "\n";
$book = new Book;
echo $book->getAuthor(); // The authors names are:Fred Bloggs
$newBook = new NewBook;
echo $newBook->getAuthor(); // The authors names are: Fred Bloggs and Joe Bloggs
// Expected: The authors names are:Fred Bloggs and Joe Bloggs
NewBook::getAuthor(); // The authors names are: Fred Bloggs and Joe Bloggs
When final
is used in a method it can not be overwritten.
class Book
public static $authorsNames = "Fred Bloggs";
final public static function author()
return "The authors names are: " . self::$authorsNames . "\n";
class NewBook extends Book
public static function author()
// Fatal error: Cannot override final method Book::author() in ...
return "The authors names are: " . self::$authorsNames . " and Joe Bloggs" . "\n";
When final
is used in a class it can not be overwritten either.
final class Book
public static $authorsNames = "Fred Bloggs";
public static function author()
return "The authors names are: " . self::$authorsNames . "\n";
public static function getAuthor()
echo static::author();
// Fatal error: Class NewBook may not inherit from final class (Book) in
class NewBook extends Book
public static function author()
// Fatal error: Cannot override final method Book::author() in ...
return "The authors names are: " . self::$authorsNames . " and Joe Bloggs" . "\n";
To auto load the class with the same file name as the class the autoloader can be used:
function ($class) {
$filename = strtolower($class . ".php");
include_once $filename;
It can be called from the script:
include "autoload.php";
Any classes that are implemented will automatically be loaded.
Working with big project there is a possibility to have the same class name, especially when working with library packages.
Creating huge file name of the class may work but isn't realistic.
Namespace was introduced in PHP 5.3.
Namespaces are a virtual
fns.php is in the global name space:
class A
public function __construct()
echo "I am at Global name space\n";
sns.php is in the second name space
namespace second;
class A
public function __construct()
echo "I am at second name space\n";
If two class with the same name are loaded a fatal error will occur. (namespace second commented out)
Fatal error: Cannot declare class A, because the name is already in use in ...
index.php is in the second name space, the class A in the global space can be instantiated with a backslash (\A), the class in the same namespace can be instantiated as normal.
namespace second;
include "fns.php";
include "sns.php";
$a = new \A; // fully qualified class name FQCN
// I am at Global name space
$sns = new A; // unqualified class name
// I am at second name space
Alternatively instead of having the index.php in the second namespace the use .. as ..
keywords can be used to differentiate the same class names with an alias.
include "fns.php";
include "sns.php";
use second\A as NewA;
$a = new A; // fully qualified class name FQCN
// I am at Global name space
$sns = new NewA; // unqualified class name
// I am at second name space
Traits are smiler class but it is only for grouping methods in a fine-grained and consistent way. It is not allowed to instantiate a trait on its own.
* Projector
trait Projector
public function range()
echo "Projector range: 2m\n";
class Mobile
public function battery()
echo "I'm a battery\n";
Multiple traits can be used in the same class (PHP does not allow extending multiple class) by the use
keyword for a trait.
include_once "mobile.php";
include_once "laser.php";
include_once "projector.php";
class Galaxy extends Mobile
use Laser, projector;
public function getGalaxy()
echo "I'm a galaxy";
$phone = new Galaxy;
$phone->battery(); // I'm a battery
// $obj1 = new Laser;
// Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot instantiate trait Laser
$phone->power(); // 10mW
$phone->range(); // Projector range: 2m
If the projector has a power method, it will clash with the power method already existing in the laser trait.
* Projector
trait Projector
public function range()
echo "Projector range: 2m\n";
public function power()
echo "I am the Projector power\n";
To set the default power method to the Laser power, but alias the Projector power method as follows:
include_once "mobile.php";
include_once "laser.php";
include_once "projector.php";
class Galaxy extends Mobile
use Laser, projector {
Laser::power insteadof Projector;
Projector::power as projectorPower;
function getGalaxy()
echo "I'm a galaxy";
$phone = new Galaxy;
$phone->battery(); // I'm a battery
// $obj1 = new Laser;
// Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot instantiate trait Laser
$phone->power(); // 10mW
$phone->range(); // Projector range: 2m
$phone->projectorPower(); // I am the Projector power
Another way is to use the Projector trait inside the laser trait:
include_once "projector.php";
* Projector
trait Projector
use Projector;
public function range()
echo "Projector range: 2m\n";
public function power()
echo "I am the Projector power\n";
The Laser class will use the power method.
Order of inheritance:
- The current Galaxy class
- The trait use(ed) in the Galaxy class
- The trait use(ed) in the Laser class
If an abstract function is defined in a trait it must be implemented in the class that use(es) it, otherwise a fatal error will be thrown:
Fatal error: Class Galaxy contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Galaxy::abc)
laser.php now includes the Projector trait and has the abc abstract method.
include_once "projector.php";
trait Laser
use Projector;
public function power()
echo "10 mW\n";
abstract public function abc();
The Laser trait is used in the Galaxy class, so will need to implement the abc method.
include_once "mobile.php";
include_once "laser.php";
class Galaxy extends Mobile
use Laser;
function getGalaxy()
echo "I'm a galaxy";
function abc()