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Implementing run-time dispatch in D
import std.conv : to;
import std.meta : ApplyLeft, Filter;
import std.stdio : writef, writefln, writeln;
import std.variant : Variant;
void main()
auto c = new MyClass();"v0", [ ]);"v1", [ Variant(42), Variant("test") ]);"v2", [ Variant(42), Variant("test"), Variant(["test1", "test2"]) ]);"s0", [ ]).writeln;"s1", [ Variant(21) ]).writeln;"s2", [ Variant("hello "), Variant("world!") ]).writeln;"d3", [ Variant(0), Variant(3), Variant(4) ]).writeln;
class MyClass
void v0() { writeln("f0()"); }
void v1(int x, string y) { writefln("f1(%s, %s)", x, y); }
void v2(int x, string y, string[] z) { writefln("f2(%s, %s, %s)", x, y, z); }
string s0() { writef("s0() returns: "); return "some string"; }
string s1(int x) { writef("s1(%s) returns: ", x); return (x * 2).to!string; }
string s2(string x, string y) { writef("s2(%s, %s) returns: ", x, y); return x ~ y; }
double d3(double x, double y, double z) { writef("d3(%s, %s, %s) returns: ", x, y, z); return (x*x + y*y + z*z) ^^ 0.5; }
Variant call(T)(T self, string methodName, Variant[] args)
import std.traits : ReturnType, Parameters;
switch (methodName)
throw new Exception("Unknown method: " ~ methodName);
static foreach (name; AllMemberFunctions!MyClass)
case name:
Parameters!(mixin("self." ~ name)) tuple;
static foreach (i; 0 .. tuple.length)
tuple[i] = args[i].get!(typeof(tuple[i]));
static if (is(ReturnType!(mixin("self." ~ name)) == void))
mixin("self." ~ name ~ "(tuple);");
return Variant();
return Variant(mixin("self." ~ name ~ "(tuple)"));
enum isMethod(T, string name) =
__traits(isVirtualFunction, mixin("T.init." ~ name));
alias AllMemberFunctions(T) = Filter!(
ApplyLeft!(isMethod, T), // filtering condition: each string must be the name of member function of T
__traits(allMembers, T) // sequence to filter: the names of all members of T
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PetarKirov commented Sep 7, 2018

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