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Created July 7, 2020 17:12
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Scylla Manager 2.0 Backups
> sctool task list Cluster: cluster1 (7313fda0-6ebd-4513-8af0-67ac8e30077b)
│ Task │ Arguments │ Next run │ Status │
│ healthcheck/ba29df86-6f31-4984-a2ba-a3855290f00d │ │ 12 May 20 13:15:47 UTC (+15s) │ DONE │
│ healthcheck_rest/dcb6cd6a-f66c-4493-824d-43599dc83519 │ │ 12 May 20 14:08:47 UTC (+1h) │ DONE │
│ backup/001ce624-9ac2-4076-a502-ec99d01effe4 │ -L s3:backup-bucket --retention 7 --rate-limit 50 │ 13 May 20 13:15:18 UTC (+1d) │ NEW │
> sctool task start -c cluster1 backup/001ce624-9ac2-4076-a502-ec99d01effe4
> sctool task list
Cluster: cluster1 (7313fda0-6ebd-4513-8af0-67ac8e30077b)
│ Task │ Arguments │ Next run │ Status │
│ healthcheck/ba29df86-6f31-4984-a2ba-a3855290f00d │ │ 12 May 20 13:15:47 UTC (+15s) │ DONE │
│ healthcheck_rest/dcb6cd6a-f66c-4493-824d-43599dc83519 │ │ 12 May 20 14:08:47 UTC (+1h) │ DONE │
│ backup/001ce624-9ac2-4076-a502-ec99d01effe4 │ -L s3:backup-bucket --retention 7 --rate-limit 50 │ 13 May 20 13:15:18 UTC (+1d) │ RUNNING │
> sctool task stop -c cluster1 backup/001ce624-9ac2-4076-a502-ec99d01effe4
> sctool task list
Cluster: cluster1 (7313fda0-6ebd-4513-8af0-67ac8e30077b)
│ Task │ Arguments │ Next run │ Status │
│ healthcheck/ba29df86-6f31-4984-a2ba-a3855290f00d │ │ 12 May 20 13:25:32 UTC (+15s) │ DONE │
│ healthcheck_rest/dcb6cd6a-f66c-4493-824d-43599dc83519 │ │ 12 May 20 14:08:47 UTC (+1h) │ DONE │
│ backup/001ce624-9ac2-4076-a502-ec99d01effe4 │ -L s3:backup-bucket --retention 7 --rate-limit 50 │ 13 May 20 13:15:18 UTC (+1d) │ STOPPED │
> sctool backup files -L s3:backup-bucket -c cluster1 --snapshot-tag sm_20200512131458UTC > /tmp/backup_files.tsv
> head -n 3 /tmp/backup_files.tsv
s3://backup-bucket/backup/sst/cluster/7313fda0-6ebd-4513-8af0-67ac8e30077b/dc/AWS_EU_CENTRAL_1/node/a2e9eb2d-354b-47aa-8d4e-b61cdb56e548/keyspace/system_auth/table/role_attributes/6b8c7359a84333f2a1d85dc6a187436f/la-2-big-CompressionInfo.db system_auth/role_attributes
s3://backup-bucket/backup/sst/cluster/7313fda0-6ebd-4513-8af0-67ac8e30077b/dc/AWS_EU_CENTRAL_1/node/a2e9eb2d-354b-47aa-8d4e-b61cdb56e548/keyspace/system_auth/table/role_attributes/6b8c7359a84333f2a1d85dc6a187436f/la-2-big-Data.db system_auth/role_attributes
s3://backup-bucket/backup/sst/cluster/7313fda0-6ebd-4513-8af0-67ac8e30077b/dc/AWS_EU_CENTRAL_1/node/a2e9eb2d-354b-47aa-8d4e-b61cdb56e548/keyspace/system_auth/table/role_attributes/6b8c7359a84333f2a1d85dc6a187436f/la-2-big-Digest.sha1 system_auth/role_attributes
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