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Last active December 16, 2015 08:59
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Functions to generate geometric networks: random geometric graphs, connected random geometric graphs, random geometric trees.
# Functions to generate networks ("graphs") for spatial ecology.
# Stores the graph in a rather inefficient (but easy-to-use) adjacency matrix
# of boolean values.
# Key functions:
# - geograph returns a random geometric graph.
# - cgeograph returns a connected random geometric graph.
# - geotree returns a random geometric tree.
# Warning: not idiomatic R.
# By: Philippe Desjardins-Proulx ([email protected])
# License: MIT
geograph = function(n = 64, r = 0.32) {
# Generates a random geometric graph.
# Args:
# n: Number of vertices.
# r: Threshold distance to connect vertices.
# Returns:
# A list with the xy coordinates and the adjacency matrix.
xy <- cbind(runif(n), runif(n))
distMat <- as.matrix(dist(xy, method = 'euclidean', upper = T, diag = T))
adjMat <- matrix(F, nr = n, nc = n)
adjMat[distMat < r] <- T
diag(adjMat) <- F
return(list(xy, adjMat))
cgeograph = function(n = 64, r = 0.32) {
# Generates a connected random geometric graph.
# Args:
# n: Number of vertices.
# r: Threshold distance to connect vertices.
# Returns:
# A list with the xy coordinates, the adjacency matrix, and
# the number of attempts that was required to find a connected
# graph.
attempts <- 0
repeat {
attempts <- attempts + 1
g <- geograph(n, r)
if (isConnected(g[[2]])) {
return(append(g, attempts))
geotree = function(n = 64, r = 0.32) {
# Generates a random geometric tree.
# Args:
# n: Number of vertices.
# r: Threshold distance to connect vertices.
# Returns:
# A list with the xy coordinates, the adjacency matrix, the number of attempts
# to build the geometric graph, and the ID of the source.
source <- sample(1:n, 1)
g <- cgeograph(n, r)
return(list(g[[1]], spt(g[[2]], source), g[[3]], source))
plotGeoGraph = function(graph) {
# Simple plot for geometric graph. Adapted from code by Hedvig Nenzen.
# Args:
# g: A list with g[[1]] for the coordinate and g[[2]] for the adjacency
# matrix.
xy = g[[1]]
adjMat = g[[2]]
plot(xy[,1], xy[,2], ylab = '', axes = F, cex.lab = 1.5,
xlim = c(0,1), xlab = '', main = '', family = 'sans', col = 1)
m = stack([,1]
xx <- expand.grid(xy[,1], xy[,1])
yy <- expand.grid(xy[,2], xy[,2])
xx <- subset(xx, m == T)
yy <- subset(yy, m == T)
arrows(x0 = xx[,1], x1 = xx[,2], y0 = yy[,1], y1 = yy[,2], length = 0, lwd = 0.5)
points(xy[,1], xy[,2], pch = 21, cex = 2, bg = 1)
isConnected = function(adjMat) {
# Tests if the graph is fully connected (i.e.: there is a path between all nodes).
# Args:
# adjMat: An adjacency matrix (made of boolean values).
# Returns:
# TRUE if the graph is connected, FALSE otherwise.
diag(adjMat) <- F
n = nrow(adjMat)
for (v in 1:n) {
inPath <- vector('logical', n)
inPath[v] <- T
inPath <- testCon(adjMat, inPath, v)
if (sum(inPath == T) < n) {
testCon = function(adjMat, inPath, v) {
# Helper recursive function for 'isConnected'.
for (i in 1:nrow(adjMat)) {
if (adjMat[v, i] && inPath[i] == F) {
inPath[i] <- T
inPath <- testCon(adjMat, inPath, i)
spt = function(adjMat0, source = 1) {
# Generates the graph of the shortest path tree using the Dijkstra
# algorithm for a given graph and source vertex.
# Args:
# adjMat0: The adjacency matrix for the graph.
# source: The starting vertex for the algorithm.
# Returns:
# The shortest path tree as an adjacency matrix (a matrix of bool).
n <- nrow(adjMat0)
distance <- rep(Inf, n)
distance[source] <- 0
previous <- rep(0, n)
q <- 1:n
while (length(q) != 0) {
u <- q[1]
for (i in q) {
if (distance[i] < distance[u]) {
u <- i
q <- setdiff(q, u)
for (i in q) {
if (adjMat0[u, i] && distance[u] + 1 < distance[i]) {
distance[i] <- distance[u] + 1
previous[i] <- u
# Build the adjacency matrix:
adjMat <- matrix(F, nr = n, nc = n)
for (i in 1:n) {
adjMat[i, previous[i]] <- adjMat[previous[i], i] <- T
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