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Forked from armaandhir/
Created August 1, 2018 11:40
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Reading data from excel using openpyxl
# I hate the documentation of openpyxl and it took me a while to undertand their stuff. So I decided to write down this code.
# Has some wrapper functions that reads all rows from the excel sheet and also a function to read a particular row.
# Add some code to the functions if you wish to do something on fly like adding values to list and sorting them later.
# Date: 28/09/2015
from openpyxl import load_workbook
# Reads all rows
def read_all_rows(workSheet):
# You need to set an offset if the first row is your column headings
for row in workSheet.iter_rows(row_offset=1):
print "\n"
for cell in row:
print cell.value
# Prints the data in a particular column
def read_column(workSheet, columnNumber):
# You need to set an offset if the first row is your column headings
for row in workSheet.iter_rows(row_offset=1):
print row[columnNumber].value
# ------------------------------ MAIN ---------------------------------------
workBook = load_workbook(filename='errortype.xlsx', read_only=True, use_iterators=True)
workSheet = workBook['Sheet1']
read_column(workSheet, 0)
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