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Last active October 17, 2019 14:12
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  • Save PhiLhoSoft/3a82ca0d9e9c462955f893ea9455481c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save PhiLhoSoft/3a82ca0d9e9c462955f893ea9455481c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Meilleur dev de France 2018 (Tosa) midi
* Read input from STDIN
* Use: console.log() to output your result.
* Use: console.error() to output debug information into STDERR
* ***/
var input = [];
// readline_object.on("line", (value) => { //Read input values
// input.push(value);
// })
// //Call ContestResponse when all inputs are read
// readline_object.on("close", ContestResponse);
function ContestResponse() {
//implement your code here using input array
input = => parseInt(v, 10));
// console.log('Input is', input);
const days = input.shift();
const accountStart = input.shift();
console.error('D S N', days, accountStart, input.length);
const oldI = oldMethod(days, accountStart, input);
const newI = newMethod(days, accountStart, input);
console.error('N O R', newI, oldI, newI - oldI)
console.log(newI - oldI)
return newI - oldI;
function oldMethod(days, accountStart, input) {
let account = accountStart;
let interestRate = 0.1;
let interests = 0;
let negativeDays = 0;
for (let n = 0; n < days; n++) {
const move = input[n];
account += move;
if (account < 0) {
} else {
negativeDays = 0;
if (account < 0 && negativeDays > 2) {
interests += -account * interestRate;
return interests;
function newMethod(days, accountStart, input) {
let account = accountStart;
let interestRate = 0.2;
let interests = 0;
let negativeDays = 0;
for (let n = 0; n < days; n++) {
const move = input[n];
account += move;
if (account < 0) {
} else {
negativeDays = 0;
interestRate = 0.2;
if (negativeDays > 3) {
interestRate = 0.3;
if (account < 0) {
interests += -account * interestRate;
return interests;
* Read input from STDIN
* Use: console.log() to output your result.
* Use: console.error() to output debug information into STDERR
* ***/
const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');
// var input = [
// '7',
// 'aaaaaa 4.25 S',
// 'bbbbbb 4.25 E',
// 'bbbbbb 4.25 S',
// 'bbbbbb 4.30 E',
// 'aaaaaa 4.30 E',
// 'aaaaaa 4.30 E',
// 'aaaaaa 4.30 E',
// ];
// var input = [
// '7',
// 'aaaaaa 4.25 S',
// 'bbbbbb 4.25 E',
// 'aaaaaa 4.27 E',
// 'bbbbbb 4.30 S',
// 'aaaaaa 4.30 S',
// 'bbbbbb 4.35 E',
// 'aaaaaa 4.38 E',
// ];
const input = [];
const readStream = fs.createReadStream('/_Dev/Concours/sample-SautPerche/input1.txt', { autoClose: true });
const readline_object = readline.createInterface({
input: readStream, //process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
// console.log(readline_object);
.on("line", (value) => { //Read input values
.on("close", ContestResponse);
// ContestResponse();
function ContestResponse() {
//implement your code here using input array
const tryNb = parseInt(input.shift(), 10);
const tries = => {
const values = line.split(' ');
return { name: values[0].trim(), height: parseFloat(values[1]), result: values[2].trim() }
// console.error('Nb T', tryNb, tries);
console.log(parseResults(tryNb, tries));
function parseResults(tryNb, tries) {
const contestants = new Map();
let height = 0;
for (let n = 0; n < tryNb; n++) {
const tr = tries[n];
const contestant = contestants.get( || { name:, totalFails: 0, height: 0, heightFailNb: 0 };
if (tr.result === 'E') {
contestants.set(, { ...contestant, totalFails: contestant.totalFails + 1, heightFailNb: contestant.heightFailNb + 1 });
} else if (tr.height >= height) {
height = tr.height;
contestants.set(, { ...contestant, height: tr.height, heightFailNb: 0 });
console.error('C', contestants);
let contestant = {};
let isKo = false;
for (let c of contestants.values()) {
if (c.height === height) {
console.error('C', c, contestant)
if ( { // Previous winner
if (contestant.heightFailNb > c.heightFailNb) {
contestant = c;
isKo = false;
} else if (contestant.heightFailNb === c.heightFailNb) {
if (contestant.totalFails > c.totalFails) {
contestant = c;
isKo = false;
} else if (contestant.totalFails === c.totalFails) {
isKo = true;
} else {
contestant = c;
isKo = false;
console.error('CR', contestant);
return isKo ? 'KO' :;
* Read input from STDIN
* Use: console.log() to output your result.
* Use: console.error() to output debug information into STDERR
* ***/
const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');
const input = [];
const readStream = fs.createReadStream('/_Dev/Concours/sample-BarrageFluvial/input1.txt', { autoClose: true });
const readline_object = readline.createInterface({
input: readStream, //process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
// console.log(readline_object);
.on("line", (value) => { //Read input values
.on("close", ContestResponse);
// ContestResponse();
let mapSize;
function ContestResponse() {
//implement your code here using input array
mapSize = parseInt(input.shift(), 10);
const map = => {
const values = line.split('');
return => point === '.' ? 0 : 1);
const deplacements = [[-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1]];
function explore(map, point, result) {
let found = false;
const toExplore = [];
do {
found = false;
for (let d of deplacements) {
const px = point.x + d[0];
const py = point.y + d[1];
if (px < 0 || px >= mapSize || py < 0 || py >= mapSize) continue;
if (map[py][px] === 1) {
const neigh = { x: px, y: py };
found = true;
map[py][px] = -1;
toExplore.forEach((p) => explore(map, p, result));
} while (found);
function parseMap(map) {
const leftBank = [];
const rightBank = [];
for (x = 0; x < mapSize - 1; x++) {
if (map[0][x] === 0 && map[0][x + 1] === 1) {
rightBank.push({ x: x + 1, y: 0 });
for (y = 0; y < mapSize - 1; y++) {
if (map[y][0] === 0 && map[y + 1][0] === 1) {
leftBank.push({ x: 0, y: y + 1 });
const pr = rightBank[0];
explore(map, pr, rightBank);
const pl = leftBank[0];
explore(map, pl, leftBank);
let dist = mapSize * mapSize;
const res = rightBank.reduce(
(accR, rp) => {
accR = leftBank.reduce(
(accL, lp) => {
const dx = lp.x - rp.x;
const dy = lp.y - rp.y;
const d = Math.hypot(dx, dy);
// console.error('D', d, lp, rp);
if (d < accL) {
accL = d;
return accL;
}, accR
return accR;
}, dist
return Math.ceil(res);
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