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Last active May 14, 2018 11:57
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TypeScript decorators in examples a bit less trivial than found so far...
// TypeScript decorators.
// Shows how decorators compose, how to pass parameters.
// For classes, shows how to enrich a class and alter the constructor.
// You can just paste this gist in the TS playground...
//import "reflect-metadata"; // Cause error in playground
// tslint:disable no-console // These are for demo purpose
// tslint:disable member-access // Simpler
// .editorconfig:
// indent_style = tab
// indent_size = 4
function simpleClassDecorator(
target: any // The class the decorator is declared on
): void
console.log('simpleClassDecorator evaluated on:', target);
// A simple way to alter the class
target.prototype.simpleNewMethod = () => { console.log('New method'); };
// Decorator with parameters
function otherClassDecorator<T extends { new(...args: any[]): {} }>(
name: string
): any
console.log('otherClassDecorator evaluated with:', name);
return (
target: T // Decorated class
): T =>
console.log('otherClassDecorator called on:', target, 'with', name);
return class extends target
zeta: string;
constructor(...args: any[])
const x = args[0];
console.log('otherClassDecorator: constructing altered class with:', x);
if (typeof x === 'number')
args[0] = x * 10;
this.zeta = x;
other() { console.log('Other method:', this.zeta); }
// Similar but simpler, without parameters
function changingClassDecorator<T extends { new(...args: any[]): {} }>(
target: T // The class the decorator is declared on
): T
console.log('changingClassDecorator called on:', target);
return class extends target
beta: string;
constructor(...args: any[])
const x = args[0];
console.log('changingClassDecorator: constructing decorated class with:', x);
if (typeof x === 'number')
args[0] = x * 2;
this.beta = x;
added() { console.log('Added method:', this.beta); }
// Without parameters, return directly the altered method
function methodDecorator(
target: any, // Prototype of the class hosting the method
propertyKey: string, // Name of the decorated method
descriptor: PropertyDescriptor // Information to override
): PropertyDescriptor
console.log('methodDecorator called on:', target, 'method:', propertyKey, 'descriptor:', descriptor);
// Save a reference to the original method to keep the values currently in the
// descriptor and don't overwrite what another decorator might have done to the descriptor.
const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
// Editing the descriptor's value parameter
descriptor.value = function decorated() // Use 'function' form to get the arguments list
console.log('methodDecorator, call of the decorated method:', propertyKey);
return originalMethod.apply(this, arguments);
// Return edited descriptor as opposed to overwriting the descriptor
return descriptor;
// With parameters, return a function which alters the given method
function otherMethodDecorator(n: number)
console.log('otherMethodDecorator evaluated');
return (
target: any, // Prototype of the class hosting the method
propertyKey: string, // Name of the decorated method
descriptor: PropertyDescriptor // Information to override
): PropertyDescriptor =>
console.log('otherMethodDecorator called on:', target, 'method:', propertyKey, 'descriptor:', descriptor);
const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
descriptor.value = function decorated()
console.log('otherMethodDecorator, call of the decorated method:', propertyKey);
const p = arguments[0];
if (p !== undefined)
let d = '';
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { d += p; }
arguments[0] = d;
return originalMethod.apply(this, arguments);
return descriptor;
// Work with the percentage parameter decorator
const percentageMetadataKey = Symbol('percentage');
function applyPercentage(
target: any, // Prototype of the class hosting the method
propertyKey: string, // Name of the decorated method
descriptor: PropertyDescriptor // Information to override
): PropertyDescriptor
console.log('applyPercentage called on:', target, 'method:', propertyKey, 'descriptor:', descriptor);
const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
descriptor.value = function decorated() {
console.log('applyPercentage: call of the decorated method:', propertyKey);
// let percentageParameters: number[] = Reflect.getOwnMetadata(percentageMetadataKey, target, propertyKey);
let percentageParameters: number[] = target[percentageMetadataKey] || [];
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
if (percentageParameters.indexOf(i) >= 0)
arguments[i] /= 100;
return originalMethod.apply(this, arguments);
return descriptor;
// Property decorator with parameters, must return a function that do the decoration
function trimmer(precision: number)
const factor = 10 ** precision;
console.log('trimmer evaluated:', precision, '->', factor);
return (target: any, key: string): void =>
console.log('trimmer called on:', target, 'key', key);
let property = this[key];
const getter = () => property;
const setter = (value: number) => { property = Math.floor(value * factor) / factor; };
// Remove the property
delete this[key];
// And recreate it with getter and setter defined above
Object.defineProperty(target, key,
get: getter,
set: setter,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
// Property decorator without parameters
function changer(target: any, propertyKey: string)
const type = typeof this[propertyKey];
console.log('changer evaluated on:', target, 'propertyKey:', propertyKey, 'type:', type);
delete this[propertyKey];
let value: any;
Object.defineProperty(target, propertyKey,
get: () => value,
set: (newValue) => { value = newValue ? newValue.toUpperCase().replace(/E/g, '3') : newValue; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
// Parameter decorator, mark the property to be handled later
function percentage(target: any, propertyKey: string, parameterIndex: number)
const type = typeof this[propertyKey];
console.log('percentage evaluated on:', target, 'propertyKey:', propertyKey, 'type:', type);
// let percentageParameters: number[] = Reflect.getOwnMetadata(percentageMetadataKey, target, propertyKey) || [];
let percentageParameters: number[] = target[percentageMetadataKey] || [];
// Reflect.defineMetadata(percentageMetadataKey, percentageParameters, target, propertyKey);
target[percentageMetadataKey] = percentageParameters;
@simpleClassDecorator // Applied last (on class decorated by following one)
@otherClassDecorator('Decore') // Applied second (idem)
@changingClassDecorator // First applied (on original class)
class ClassDecoratorExample
alpha: string;
population: number;
rate: number;
subPop: number;
subRate: number;
name = 'Default';
value1: number;
value2: number;
constructor(x: number)
this.alpha = `v-${x}`;
this.value1 = this.value2 = 3.1415926;
@applyPercentage // Should do nothing...
foo() { console.log('foo is called, alpha is ' + this.alpha); }
bar(p: string)
this.alpha += '; ' + p;
console.log('Added ' + p + ' giving "' + this.alpha + '".');
setStatistics(population: number, @percentage rate: number, subPop: number, @percentage subRate: number)
this.population = population;
this.rate = rate;
this.subPop = subPop;
this.subRate = subRate;
console.log('----- Starting the application -----');
let cde = new ClassDecoratorExample(42);;
console.log(cde.value1, '/', cde.value2); = 'Big value';
cde.value1 = cde.value2 = 2.71828;
console.log(cde.value1, '/', cde.value2);
cde.setStatistics(100_000, 55, 2_000, 67);
console.log('Statistics', cde.population, cde.rate, cde.subPop, cde.subRate);
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