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Daniel Rudolf PhrozenByte

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PhrozenByte /
Created February 22, 2025 00:00
Creates a live ISO of Arch Linux with GNOME.
# mkarchiso-gnome
# Creates a live ISO of Arch Linux with GNOME
# This script was created to ease creating live ISOs of Arch Linux with GNOME
# installed. It's highly customized to my personal preferences, thus it's
# likely not very useful as-is for most people, but it could be a good
# starting point for others to create their own custom live ISO.
# More about `mkarchiso`:
PhrozenByte /
Last active July 6, 2023 15:40
Runs a command if a Systemd calendar specification is due.
# Runs a command if a Systemd calendar specification is due
# This script checks whether a given Systemd calendar specification (pass the
# '--on-calendar SPEC' option) relative to either the current, or a given time
# (pass the '--base-time TIMESTAMP' option) yields a past elapse time and runs
# the given command (pass as arguments: 'COMMAND [ARGUMENT]'). Otherwise the
# script exits with return code 254. When an invalid option is given, the
# script exits with return code 255.
PhrozenByte /
Created January 15, 2023 15:01
Converts rdiff-backup backups to Borg Backup.
# rdiff-backup-to-borg
# Converts rdiff-backup backups to Borg Backup
# This script was created to ease switching from `rdiff-backup` to `borg`. It
# restores all increments of a rdiff-backup repository and backs it up using
# Borg Backup.
# More info about Borg Backup: <>
# More info about rdiff-backup: <>
PhrozenByte /
Last active September 29, 2023 21:02
Creates snapshots of a btrfs filesytem and runs a given command.
# btrfs-snapshot-run
# Creates snapshots of a btrfs filesytem and runs a given command
# This script was created to ease backing up a btrfs filesystem. It expects
# Snapper's subvolume layout, with subvolumes directly below in the hierarchy
# of the top level subvolume (ID 5), all prefixed by '@'. Other subvolumes are
# being ignored.
# This script will create readonly snapshots for either all, or the provided
PhrozenByte /
Created November 26, 2021 21:56
Waits until a systemd system or user unit is active.
# Waits until a systemd system or user unit is active.
# Notice: When using this script with user units you must ensure that `sudo`
# can call `systemctl` proberly. This often fails due to `systemctl` not
# finding the user's D-Bus socket. Ensure that the user runs a D-Bus daemon
# and that the '$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR' environment variable is defined.
# Copyright (C) 2021 Daniel Rudolf (<>)
PhrozenByte /
Created January 28, 2021 01:32
Creates a coverage.svg badge from a clover.xml.
# - Creates a coverage.svg badge from a clover.xml.
# Copyright (C) 2021 Daniel Rudolf (<>)
# License: The MIT License <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
function print_usage {
echo "Usage:"
PhrozenByte / PicoRedirect.php
Last active February 19, 2025 22:33
A simple Pico plugin to create redirection pages to arbitrary URLs.
* Pico redirect plugin
* Adds a `Redirect` meta header to redirect to other URLs. The meta header
* supports URL substitution variables, namely %base_url%, %plugins_url%,
* %themes_url%, %assets_url% and %theme_url%.
* Example:
PhrozenByte / 6to4-daemon
Created April 22, 2020 12:06
Establishing an IPv6 tunnel using 6to4
# 6to4-daemon - Establishing an IPv6 tunnel using 6to4
# Copyright (C) 2011 Daniel Rudolf <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
PhrozenByte / gta-empty-lobby.ps1
Created January 11, 2020 19:47
Creates a empty public lobby in Grand Theft Auto Online.
# Creates a empty public lobby in Grand Theft Auto Online.
# by Daniel Rudolf <>
# This PowerShell v3+ script suspends `GTA5.exe` for 8 seconds, causing
# GTA Online to create a empty public lobby. For undisturbed fun
# without modders, griefers and other pathetic pip-squeaks.
# License:
# Creative Commons CC0
# <>
PhrozenByte / FigureExtParsedown.php
Created September 2, 2019 15:01
A simple Pico plugin to wrap Markdown images in <figure> elements. Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
* Parsedown figure extension
* Parsedown extension to wrap single-image lines in <figure>, not <p>.
* @author Krzysztof Antoniak
* @link
* @license Public Domain