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Created June 25, 2019 17:23
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openstreetmap-carto analysis
| Style name | # of rules |
| text-point | 1528 |
| roads-fill-fill | 802 |
| tunnels-fill | 794 |
| bridges-fill | 754 |
| amenity-points | 546 |
| landcover-high-zoom | 467 |
| landcover-upper-mid-zoom | 206 |
| landcover-mid-zoom | 206 |
| landcover-lower-mid-zoom | 206 |
| bridges-casing | 177 |
| waterway-bridges | 170 |
| water-lines | 170 |
| tunnels-casing | 163 |
| landcover-area-symbols | 139 |
| roads-text-name | 125 |
| roads-casing-casing | 109 |
| landcover-low-zoom-low-zoom | 81 |
| bridges-bridges_and_tunnels_background | 67 |
| text-poly-low-zoom | 66 |
| tunnels-bridges_and_tunnels_background | 54 |
| entrances | 51 |
| roads-text-name-directions | 50 |
| paths-text-name-directions | 50 |
| buildings | 41 |
| water-areas-landuse | 36 |
| water-lines-text | 35 |
| aerialways | 33 |
| water-areas-waterway | 31 |
| water-areas-natural | 30 |
| turning-circle-fill | 30 |
| railways-text-name | 30 |
| turning-circle-casing | 28 |
| roads-text-ref | 26 |
| placenames-medium-medium-importance | 26 |
| placenames-medium-high-importance | 26 |
| capital-names | 26 |
| paths-text-name | 25 |
| junctions | 25 |
| addresses | 18 |
| tunnels-halo | 17 |
| stations | 17 |
| roads-fill-halo | 17 |
| bridges-halo | 17 |
| amenity-low-priority-poly | 16 |
| amenity-low-priority | 16 |
| admin-low-zoom | 16 |
| roads-low-zoom-fill | 15 |
| highway-area-fill | 14 |
| roads-low-zoom-halo | 11 |
| aeroways-fill | 11 |
| water-lines-casing | 10 |
| piers-line | 10 |
| landuse-overlay | 10 |
| highway-area-casing | 10 |
| country-names | 10 |
| area-barriers | 10 |
| amenity-line | 10 |
| aeroways-casing | 10 |
| protected-areas-wideline | 9 |
| amenity-low-priority-poly-barrier | 9 |
| amenity-low-priority-barrier | 9 |
| admin-text | 9 |
| admin-high-zoom | 9 |
| trees-canopy | 8 |
| admin-mid-zoom | 8 |
| tourism-boundary | 7 |
| text-line | 7 |
| placenames-small-neighborhood | 7 |
| line-barriers | 7 |
| amenity-low-priority-poly-amenity | 7 |
| amenity-low-priority-amenity | 7 |
| water-lines-low-zoom | 6 |
| water-barriers-point | 6 |
| protected-areas-outline | 6 |
| protected-areas-narrowline | 6 |
| placenames-small-quarter | 6 |
| landcover-area-symbols-first | 6 |
| icesheet-outlines | 6 |
| power-line | 5 |
| placenames-small-village | 5 |
| landcover-area-symbols-wood | 5 |
| bridge-text | 5 |
| roads-text-ref-low-zoom | 4 |
| power-towers | 4 |
| placenames-small-suburb | 4 |
| placenames-medium-low-importance | 4 |
| guideways | 4 |
| amenity-low-priority-railway | 4 |
| amenity-low-priority-poly-railway | 4 |
| water-barriers-line | 3 |
| trees-trunk | 3 |
| stations-aerialway | 3 |
| state-names | 3 |
| protected-areas-text | 3 |
| protected-areas-fill | 3 |
| power-minorline | 3 |
| piers-poly | 3 |
| necountries | 3 |
| landcover-line | 3 |
| roads-area-text-name | 2 |
| marinas-area | 2 |
| ferry-routes | 2 |
| cliffs | 2 |
| building-text | 2 |
| amenity-points-nozzle | 2 |
| water-barriers-poly | 1 |
| springs | 1 |
| ocean-lz | 1 |
| ocean | 1 |
| interpolation | 1 |
| icesheet-poly | 1 |
| ferry-routes-text | 1 |
| cliffs-man_made | 1 |
| bridge | 1 |
| amenity-points-basin | 1 |
| amenity-low-priority-poly-highway | 1 |
| amenity-low-priority-highway | 1 |
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