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Created July 8, 2024 10:04
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check for similarly named function arguments in an R package
# Which package to check
trias_namespace <- asNamespace("trias")
# Character vector of all functions and their arguments, print method of base ls with str() on every object
trias_fns_args <- capture.output(utils::lsf.str(trias_namespace))
# Extract the functions
trias_functions <- stringr::str_extract(trias_fns_args, ".+(?= :)") %>%
# Extract their arguments
trias_arguments <-
stringr::str_c(trias_fns_args, collapse = " "),
stringr::regex("(?<=function \\().*?\\)", dotall = TRUE, multiline = TRUE)
) %>%
purrr::map(~ stringr::str_remove(.x, "\\)$")) %>%
purrr::map(~ stringr::str_split(.x, stringr::fixed(","))) %>%
purrr::map(~ purrr::map(.x, stringr::str_squish)) %>%
# Create a tibble with one row per argument, also column with the arguments
# witout defaults (not foolproof)
trias_fns_args_tbbl <-
tibble(trias_functions, trias_arguments) %>%
tidyr::unnest(trias_arguments) %>%
mutate(arg_only = stringr::str_remove(trias_arguments, " .+$"))
# Cluster based on string disntance
hc <-
trias_fns_args_tbbl$arg_only) %>%
as.dist() %>%
hclust(method = "average")
# Reorder our tibble so the most similar arguments are together
trias_fns_args_tbbl[hc$order, ]
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PietrH commented Jul 8, 2024

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