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Created September 21, 2021 04:20
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A vertex shader to visualise bones
layout (location = 0) in vec3 VS_IN_Position;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 VS_IN_Normal;
const int MAX_BONES = 128;
layout (std140) uniform u_GlobalUBO
mat4 view;
mat4 projection;
layout (std140) uniform u_ObjectUBO
mat4 model;
layout (std140) uniform u_BoneUBO
mat4 bones[MAX_BONES];
out vec3 PS_IN_FragPos;
out vec3 PS_IN_Normal;
mat4 get_world_matrix(mat4 joint)
joint = transpose(joint);
// Rebuilds bone properties.
// Bone length is set to zero to disable leaf rendering.
float is_bone = joint[3].w;
vec3 bone_dir = vec3(joint[0].w, joint[1].w, joint[2].w) * is_bone;
float bone_len = length(bone_dir);
// Setup rendering world matrix.
float dot = dot(joint[2].xyz, bone_dir);
vec3 binormal = abs(dot) < .01 ? joint[2].xyz : joint[1].xyz;
mat4 world_matrix;
world_matrix[0] = vec4(bone_dir, 0.);
world_matrix[1] = vec4(bone_len * normalize(cross(binormal, bone_dir)), 0.);
world_matrix[2] = vec4(bone_len * normalize(cross(bone_dir, world_matrix[1].xyz)), 0.0);
world_matrix[3] = vec4(joint[3].xyz, 1.);
return world_matrix;
void main()
mat4 model_mat = model * (bones[gl_InstanceID]);
vec4 position = model_mat * vec4(VS_IN_Position, 1.0f);
PS_IN_FragPos =;
mat3 model_bone_bat = mat3(model_mat);
PS_IN_Normal = normalize(model_bone_bat * VS_IN_Normal);
gl_Position = projection * view * position;
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