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Created June 12, 2020 08:38
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sqlite3 fix by problem such as “disk image is malformed” and “database is locked”; fix logical from sqlite3.7.9 shell.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "sqlite3.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "sqlite3_recover.h"
/* ctype macros that work with signed characters */
#define IsSpace(X) isspace((unsigned char)X)
#define IsDigit(X) isdigit((unsigned char)X)
#define ToLower(X) (char)tolower((unsigned char)X)
struct previous_mode_data {
int valid; /* Is there legit data in here? */
int mode;
int showHeader;
int colWidth[100];
** An pointer to an instance of this structure is passed from
** the main program to the callback. This is used to communicate
** state and mode information.
struct callback_data {
sqlite3 *db; /* The database */
int echoOn; /* True to echo input commands */
int statsOn; /* True to display memory stats before each finalize */
int cnt; /* Number of records displayed so far */
FILE *out; /* Write results here */
int nErr; /* Number of errors seen */
int mode; /* An output mode setting */
int writableSchema; /* True if PRAGMA writable_schema=ON */
int showHeader; /* True to show column names in List or Column mode */
char *zDestTable; /* Name of destination table when MODE_Insert */
char separator[20]; /* Separator character for MODE_List */
int colWidth[100]; /* Requested width of each column when in column mode*/
int actualWidth[100]; /* Actual width of each column */
char nullvalue[20]; /* The text to print when a NULL comes back from
** the database */
struct previous_mode_data explainPrev;
/* Holds the mode information just before
** .explain ON */
char outfile[FILENAME_MAX]; /* Filename for *out */
const char *zDbFilename; /* name of the database file */
const char *zVfs; /* Name of VFS to use */
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt; /* Current statement if any. */
FILE *pLog; /* Write log output here */
** Compute a string length that is limited to what can be stored in
** lower 30 bits of a 32-bit signed integer.
static int strlen30(const char *z){
const char *z2 = z;
while( *z2 ){ z2++; }
return 0x3fffffff & (int)(z2 - z);
static int integrity_check_callback(void *pArg, int nArg, char **azArg, char **azCol);
static void open_db(struct callback_data *p);
** A callback for the sqlite3_log() interface.
static void shellLog(void *pArg, int iErrCode, const char *zMsg){
struct callback_data *p = (struct callback_data*)pArg;
if( p->pLog==0 ) return;
fprintf(p->pLog, "(%d) %s\n", iErrCode, zMsg);
/* zIn is either a pointer to a NULL-terminated string in memory obtained
** from malloc(), or a NULL pointer. The string pointed to by zAppend is
** added to zIn, and the result returned in memory obtained from malloc().
** zIn, if it was not NULL, is freed.
** If the third argument, quote, is not '\0', then it is used as a
** quote character for zAppend.
static char *appendText(char *zIn, char const *zAppend, char quote){
int len;
int i;
int nAppend = strlen30(zAppend);
int nIn = (zIn?strlen30(zIn):0);
len = nAppend+nIn+1;
if( quote ){
len += 2;
for(i=0; i<nAppend; i++){
if( zAppend[i]==quote ) len++;
zIn = (char *)realloc(zIn, len);
if( !zIn ){
return 0;
if( quote ){
char *zCsr = &zIn[nIn];
*zCsr++ = quote;
for(i=0; i<nAppend; i++){
*zCsr++ = zAppend[i];
if( zAppend[i]==quote ) *zCsr++ = quote;
*zCsr++ = quote;
*zCsr++ = '\0';
assert( (zCsr-zIn)==len );
memcpy(&zIn[nIn], zAppend, nAppend);
zIn[len-1] = '\0';
return zIn;
** This routine reads a line of text from FILE in, stores
** the text in memory obtained from malloc() and returns a pointer
** to the text. NULL is returned at end of file, or if malloc()
** fails.
** The interface is like "readline" but no command-line editing
** is done.
static char *local_getline(char *zPrompt, FILE *in){
char *zLine;
int nLine;
int n;
if( zPrompt && *zPrompt ){
nLine = 100;
zLine = malloc( nLine );
if( zLine==0 ) return 0;
n = 0;
while( 1 ){
if( n+100>nLine ){
nLine = nLine*2 + 100;
zLine = realloc(zLine, nLine);
if( zLine==0 ) return 0;
if( fgets(&zLine[n], nLine - n, in)==0 ){
if( n==0 ){
return 0;
zLine[n] = 0;
while( zLine[n] ){ n++; }
if( n>0 && zLine[n-1]=='\n' ){
if( n>0 && zLine[n-1]=='\r' ) n--;
zLine[n] = 0;
zLine = realloc( zLine, n+1 );
return zLine;
** Retrieve a single line of input text.
** zPrior is a string of prior text retrieved. If not the empty
** string, then issue a continuation prompt.
static char *one_input_line(const char *zPrior, FILE *in){
return local_getline(0, in);
** Return TRUE if a semicolon occurs anywhere in the first N characters
** of string z[].
static int _contains_semicolon(const char *z, int N){
int i;
for(i=0; i<N; i++){ if( z[i]==';' ) return 1; }
return 0;
** Test to see if a line consists entirely of whitespace.
static int _all_whitespace(const char *z){
for(; *z; z++){
if( IsSpace(z[0]) ) continue;
if( *z=='/' && z[1]=='*' ){
z += 2;
while( *z && (*z!='*' || z[1]!='/') ){ z++; }
if( *z==0 ) return 0;
if( *z=='-' && z[1]=='-' ){
z += 2;
while( *z && *z!='\n' ){ z++; }
if( *z==0 ) return 1;
return 0;
return 1;
** Return TRUE if the line typed in is an SQL command terminator other
** than a semi-colon. The SQL Server style "go" command is understood
** as is the Oracle "/".
static int _is_command_terminator(const char *zLine){
while( IsSpace(zLine[0]) ){ zLine++; };
if( zLine[0]=='/' && _all_whitespace(&zLine[1]) ){
return 1; /* Oracle */
if( ToLower(zLine[0])=='g' && ToLower(zLine[1])=='o'
&& _all_whitespace(&zLine[2]) ){
return 1; /* SQL Server */
return 0;
** Return true if zSql is a complete SQL statement. Return false if it
** ends in the middle of a string literal or C-style comment.
static int _is_complete(char *zSql, int nSql){
int rc;
if( zSql==0 ) return 1;
zSql[nSql] = ';';
zSql[nSql+1] = 0;
rc = sqlite3_complete(zSql);
zSql[nSql] = 0;
return rc;
** Read input from *in and process it. If *in==0 then input
** is interactive - the user is typing it it. Otherwise, input
** is coming from a file or device. A prompt is issued and history
** is saved only if input is interactive. An interrupt signal will
** cause this routine to exit immediately, unless input is interactive.
** Return the number of errors.
static int process_input(struct callback_data *p, FILE *in){
char *zLine = 0;
char *zSql = 0;
int nSql = 0;
int nSqlPrior = 0;
int errCnt = 0;
int lineno = 0;
int startline = 0;
int bail_on_error = 0;
while( errCnt==0 || !bail_on_error ){
zLine = one_input_line(zSql, in);
if( zLine==0 ){
break; /* We have reached EOF */
if( (zSql==0 || zSql[0]==0) && _all_whitespace(zLine) ) continue;
if( _is_command_terminator(zLine) && _is_complete(zSql, nSql) ){
nSqlPrior = nSql;
if( zSql==0 ){
int i;
for(i=0; zLine[i] && IsSpace(zLine[i]); i++){}
if( zLine[i]!=0 ){
nSql = strlen30(zLine);
zSql = malloc( nSql+3 );
if( zSql==0 ){
fprintf(stderr, "Error: out of memory\n");
memcpy(zSql, zLine, nSql+1);
startline = lineno;
int len = strlen30(zLine);
zSql = realloc( zSql, nSql + len + 4 );
if( zSql==0 ){
fprintf(stderr,"Error: out of memory\n");
zSql[nSql++] = '\n';
memcpy(&zSql[nSql], zLine, len+1);
nSql += len;
if( zSql && _contains_semicolon(&zSql[nSqlPrior], nSql-nSqlPrior)
&& sqlite3_complete(zSql) ){
p->cnt = 0;
int hasError = 0;
char *zErr = 0;
sqlite3_exec(p->db, zSql, integrity_check_callback, &hasError, &zErr);
zSql = 0;
nSql = 0;
if( zSql ){
if( !_all_whitespace(zSql) ){
fprintf(stderr, "Error: incomplete SQL: %s\n", zSql);
return errCnt;
** Execute a query statement that has a single result column. Print
** that result column on a line by itself with a semicolon terminator.
** This is used, for example, to show the schema of the database by
** querying the SQLITE_MASTER table.
static int run_table_dump_query(
struct callback_data *p, /* Query context */
const char *zSelect, /* SELECT statement to extract content */
const char *zFirstRow /* Print before first row, if not NULL */
sqlite3_stmt *pSelect;
int rc;
rc = sqlite3_prepare(p->db, zSelect, -1, &pSelect, 0);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || !pSelect ){
fprintf(p->out, "/**** ERROR: (%d) %s *****/\n", rc, sqlite3_errmsg(p->db));
return rc;
rc = sqlite3_step(pSelect);
while( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){
if( zFirstRow ){
fprintf(p->out, "%s", zFirstRow);
zFirstRow = 0;
fprintf(p->out, "%s;\n", sqlite3_column_text(pSelect, 0));
rc = sqlite3_step(pSelect);
rc = sqlite3_finalize(pSelect);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
fprintf(p->out, "/**** ERROR: (%d) %s *****/\n", rc, sqlite3_errmsg(p->db));
return rc;
** This is a different callback routine used for dumping the database.
** Each row received by this callback consists of a table name,
** the table type ("index" or "table") and SQL to create the table.
** This routine should print text sufficient to recreate the table.
static int dump_callback(void *pArg, int nArg, char **azArg, char **azCol){
int rc;
const char *zTable;
const char *zType;
const char *zSql;
const char *zPrepStmt = 0;
struct callback_data *p = (struct callback_data *)pArg;
if( nArg!=3 ) return 1;
zTable = azArg[0];
zType = azArg[1];
zSql = azArg[2];
if( strcmp(zTable, "sqlite_sequence")==0 ){
zPrepStmt = "DELETE FROM sqlite_sequence;\n";
}else if( strcmp(zTable, "sqlite_stat1")==0 ){
fprintf(p->out, "ANALYZE sqlite_master;\n");
}else if( strncmp(zTable, "sqlite_", 7)==0 ){
return 0;
}else if( strncmp(zSql, "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE", 20)==0 ){
char *zIns;
if( !p->writableSchema ){
fprintf(p->out, "PRAGMA writable_schema=ON;\n");
p->writableSchema = 1;
zIns = sqlite3_mprintf(
"INSERT INTO sqlite_master(type,name,tbl_name,rootpage,sql)"
zTable, zTable, zSql);
fprintf(p->out, "%s\n", zIns);
return 0;
fprintf(p->out, "%s;\n", zSql);
if( strcmp(zType, "table")==0 ){
sqlite3_stmt *pTableInfo = 0;
char *zSelect = 0;
char *zTableInfo = 0;
char *zTmp = 0;
int nRow = 0;
zTableInfo = appendText(zTableInfo, "PRAGMA table_info(", 0);
zTableInfo = appendText(zTableInfo, zTable, '"');
zTableInfo = appendText(zTableInfo, ");", 0);
rc = sqlite3_prepare(p->db, zTableInfo, -1, &pTableInfo, 0);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || !pTableInfo ){
return 1;
zSelect = appendText(zSelect, "SELECT 'INSERT INTO ' || ", 0);
zTmp = appendText(zTmp, zTable, '"');
if( zTmp ){
zSelect = appendText(zSelect, zTmp, '\'');
zSelect = appendText(zSelect, " || ' VALUES(' || ", 0);
rc = sqlite3_step(pTableInfo);
while( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){
const char *zText = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text(pTableInfo, 1);
zSelect = appendText(zSelect, "quote(", 0);
zSelect = appendText(zSelect, zText, '"');
rc = sqlite3_step(pTableInfo);
if( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){
zSelect = appendText(zSelect, ") || ',' || ", 0);
zSelect = appendText(zSelect, ") ", 0);
rc = sqlite3_finalize(pTableInfo);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || nRow==0 ){
return 1;
zSelect = appendText(zSelect, "|| ')' FROM ", 0);
zSelect = appendText(zSelect, zTable, '"');
rc = run_table_dump_query(p, zSelect, zPrepStmt);
zSelect = appendText(zSelect, " ORDER BY rowid DESC", 0);
run_table_dump_query(p, zSelect, 0);
if( zSelect ) free(zSelect);
return 0;
** Run zQuery. Use dump_callback() as the callback routine so that
** the contents of the query are output as SQL statements.
** If we get a SQLITE_CORRUPT error, rerun the query after appending
** "ORDER BY rowid DESC" to the end.
static int run_schema_dump_query(
struct callback_data *p,
const char *zQuery
int rc;
char *zErr = 0;
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, zQuery, dump_callback, p, &zErr);
char *zQ2;
int len = strlen30(zQuery);
fprintf(p->out, "/****** CORRUPTION ERROR *******/\n");
if( zErr ){
fprintf(p->out, "/****** %s ******/\n", zErr);
zErr = 0;
zQ2 = malloc( len+100 );
if( zQ2==0 ) return rc;
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zQ2), zQ2, "%s ORDER BY rowid DESC", zQuery);
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, zQ2, dump_callback, p, &zErr);
if( rc ){
fprintf(p->out, "/****** ERROR: %s ******/\n", zErr);
return rc;
** Make sure the database is open. If it is not, then open it. If
** the database fails to open, print an error message and exit.
static void open_db(struct callback_data *p){
sqlite3 *db;
if( p->db==0 ){
sqlite3_open(p->zDbFilename, &p->db);
db = p->db;
if( db && sqlite3_errcode(db)==SQLITE_OK ){
fprintf(stdout, "Info: open database success\n");
if( db==0 || SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3_errcode(db) ){
fprintf(stderr,"Error: unable to open database \"%s\": %s\n",
p->zDbFilename, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
** Initialize the state information in data
static void main_init(struct callback_data *data) {
memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data));
data->mode = 2;
memcpy(data->separator,"|", 2);
data->showHeader = 0;
sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_URI, 1);
sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG, shellLog, data);
static int dump(struct callback_data *p) {
/* When playing back a "dump", the content might appear in an order
** which causes immediate foreign key constraints to be violated.
** So disable foreign-key constraint enforcement to prevent problems. */
fprintf(p->out, "PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;\n");
fprintf(p->out, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n");
p->writableSchema = 0;
sqlite3_exec(p->db, "SAVEPOINT dump; PRAGMA writable_schema=ON", 0, 0, 0);
p->nErr = 0;
"SELECT name, type, sql FROM sqlite_master "
"WHERE sql NOT NULL AND type=='table' AND name!='sqlite_sequence'"
"SELECT name, type, sql FROM sqlite_master "
"WHERE name=='sqlite_sequence'"
"SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master "
"WHERE sql NOT NULL AND type IN ('index','trigger','view')", 0
if( p->writableSchema ){
fprintf(p->out, "PRAGMA writable_schema=OFF;\n");
p->writableSchema = 0;
sqlite3_exec(p->db, "PRAGMA writable_schema=OFF;", 0, 0, 0);
sqlite3_exec(p->db, "RELEASE dump;", 0, 0, 0);
// fprintf(p->out, p->nErr ? "ROLLBACK; -- due to errors\n" : "COMMIT;\n");
if (p->nErr) {
fprintf(p->out, "--ROLLBACK; -- due to errors\nCOMMIT;\n");
else {
fprintf(p->out, "COMMIT;\n");
return 0;
//int foo(void) {
// struct callback_data data;
// main_init(&data);
// const char* file_path = "x/sqlite_recover/dump.sql";
// FILE *dumpFile = fopen(file_path, "w");
// data.out = dumpFile;
// // data.out = stdout;
// data.zDbFilename = "x/sqlite_recover/old.db";
// dump(&data);
// fclose(dumpFile);
// sqlite3_close_v2(data.db);
// return 0;
//int bar(void) {
// // struct callback_data data;
// // main_init(&data);
// //
// // data.out = stdout;
// // data.zDbFilename = "x/sqlite_recover/restored_from_dump.sqlite3";
// // open_db(&data);
// //
// // const char* dumped_file_path = "x/sqlite_recover/dump.sql";
// // FILE *alt = fopen(dumped_file_path, "rb");
// // process_input(&data, alt);
// //
// // fclose(alt);
// // sqlite3_close_v2(data.db);
// return 0;
static int integrity_check_callback(void *pArg, int nArg, char **azArg, char **azCol){
int *p = (int *)pArg;
int result = strcmp(*azArg, "ok");
if (result == 0) {
return 0;
*p = 1;
return 0;
int database_repair(const char* database_file_path) {
struct callback_data data;
// 打开当前数据库
data.zDbFilename = database_file_path;
// 进行完整性检测
int hasError = 0;
char *zErr = 0;
sqlite3_exec(data.db, "PRAGMA INTEGRITY_CHECK", integrity_check_callback, &hasError, &zErr);
if (hasError != 0) {
// 进行恢复操作
// 1. 创建一个临时文件用于存储导出的SQL数据
char *database_backup_sql_file_path = calloc(strlen(database_file_path) + strlen(".sql") + 1, sizeof(char));
strcat(database_backup_sql_file_path, database_file_path);
strcat(database_backup_sql_file_path, ".sql");
// 打开导出文件
FILE *dumpFile = fopen(database_backup_sql_file_path, "w");
data.out = dumpFile;
// 执行导出操作
// 关闭导出文件
// 关闭数据库文件
// 2. 重建数据库(恢复)
// 重命名当前数据库文件,以备不时之需
// todo:
int timestamp = (int)time(NULL);
int timestamp_length = snprintf( NULL, 0, "%d", timestamp );
char* timestamp_string = calloc( timestamp_length + 1, sizeof(char) );
snprintf( timestamp_string, timestamp_length + 1, "%d", timestamp );
// 备份数据库文件名
char *backuped_file_path = calloc(strlen(database_file_path) + timestamp_length + 1, sizeof(char));
strcat(backuped_file_path, database_backup_sql_file_path);
strcat(backuped_file_path, timestamp_string);
// 重命名原文件
rename(database_file_path, backuped_file_path);
// 使用原数据库名来重建数据库
// 打开当前数据库
data.zDbFilename = database_file_path;
FILE *alt = fopen(database_backup_sql_file_path, "rb");
process_input(&data, alt);
// 操作完成
return 0;
return SQLITE_OK;
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