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Created July 25, 2018 18:58
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{#each perms as node}
<li class="folder {node.Granted}">
<a on:click="event.preventDefault()"
aria-level="0" aria-posinset="1" aria-setsize="13" class="hide-focus">
<svg class="icon-tree icon" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation">
<use xlink:href="{node.children ? '#icon-closed-folder' : '#icon-tree-node'}"></use>
<span class="tree-checkbox"></span>
<span class="tree-text">{node.Name}</span>
{#if node.children}
<ul class="folder" role="group">
<svelte:self node='{node.children}' />
Shape of data like this:
var data = {
perms: [
Id: 'Decision.Decision',
Name: 'Decision for Property Management',
RuntimeName: 'Decision.Decision',
Description: 'User can access decision for Property Management',
Granted: '',
children: [],
Id: 'DecisionJC.Decision',
Name: 'Decision for Construction Management',
RuntimeName: 'DecisionJC.Decision',
Description: 'User can access decision for Construction Management',
Granted: 'is-selected',
children: [{
Id: 'DecisionJC.Decision.Child',
Name: 'Decision Child for Construction Management',
RuntimeName: 'DecisionJC.Decision.Child',
Description: 'User can access decision child for Construction Management',
Granted: '',
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