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Created May 14, 2019 03:05
颜色转换,变暗效果。可用于按钮点击效果。 Convert the color, return the new color that dark than before. this can be used for btn click preview.
public static int manipulateColor(int color, float rFactor, float gFactor, float bFactor) {
int a = Color.alpha(color);
int r = Math.round( * rFactor);
int g = Math.round( * gFactor);
int b = Math.round( * bFactor);
return Color.argb(a,
Math.min(r, 255),
Math.min(g, 255),
Math.min(b, 255));
uploadArchives {
repositories {
// mavenLocal config
mavenDeployer {
repository(url: mavenLocal().url)
pom.groupId =
pom.artifactId =
pom.version = rootProject.version
if (publishToNexus) {