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Created January 20, 2021 01:38
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Exporting dataset from R
data( HELPrct )
write( toJSON( HELPrct, dataframe = 'columns' ), 'HELPrct.json' )
title: HELPrct
language: en-US
state: null
license: 'CC BY 4.0 []'
dataFile: ''
dataInfoFile: ''
# HELPrct
factor( 'anysub', [ 'no', 'yes' ]),
factor( 'female', [ 0, 1 ]),
factor( 'sex', [ 'male', 'female' ]),
factor( 'g1b', [ 'no', 'yes' ]),
factor( 'homeless', [ 'housed', 'homeless' ]),
factor( 'linkstatus', [ 0, 1 ]),
factor( 'link', [ 'no', 'yes' ]),
factor( 'racegrp', [ 'black', 'hispanic', 'other', 'white' ]),
factor( 'satreat', [ 'no', 'yes' ]),
factor( 'substance', [ 'alcohol', 'cocaine', 'heroin' ]),
factor( 'treat', [ 'no', 'yes' ]),
"info": [
"The HELP study was a clinical trial for adult inpatients recruited from a detoxification unit. Patients with no primary care physician were randomized to receive a multidisciplinary assessment and a brief motivational intervention or usual care, with the goal of linking them to primary medical care.",
"Data from the mosaicData v0.20.1 R package by Randall Pruim."
"name": "HELPrct",
"variables": {
"age": "subject age at baseline (in years)",
"anysub": "use of any substance post-detox: a factor with levels no yes",
"cesd": "Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression measure at baseline (high scores indicate more depressive symptoms)",
"d1": "lifetime number of hospitalizations for medical problems (measured at baseline)",
"hospitalizations": "lifetime number of hospitalizations for medical problems (measured at baseline)",
"daysanysub": "time (in days) to first use of any substance post-detox",
"dayslink": "time (in days) to linkage to primary care",
"drugrisk": "Risk Assessment Battery drug risk scale at baseline",
"e2b": "number of times in past 6 months entered a detox program (measured at baseline)",
"female": "0 for male, 1 for female",
"sex": "a factor with levels male female",
"g1b": "experienced serious thoughts of suicide in last 30 days (measured at baseline): a factor with levels no yes",
"homeless": "housing status: a factor with levels housed homeless",
"i1": "average number of drinks (standard units) consumed per day, in the past 30 days (measured at baseline)",
"i2": "maximum number of drinks (standard units) consumed per day, in the past 30 days (measured at baseline)",
"id": "subject identifier",
"indtot": "Inventory of Drug Use Consequences (InDUC) total score (measured at baseline)",
"linkstatus": "post-detox linkage to primary care (0 = no, 1 = yes)",
"link": "post-detox linkage to primary care: no yes",
"mcs": "SF-36 Mental Component Score (measured at baseline, lower scores indicate worse status)",
"pcs": "SF-36 Physical Component Score (measured at baseline, lower scores indicate worse status)",
"pss_fr": "perceived social support by friends (measured at baseline, higher scores indicate more support)",
"racegrp": "race/ethnicity: levels black hispanic other white",
"satreat": "any BSAS substance abuse treatment at baseline: no yes",
"sexrisk": "Risk Assessment Battery sex risk score (measured at baseline)",
"substance": "primary substance of abuse: alcohol cocaine heroin",
"treat": "randomized to HELP clinic: no yes"
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