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  • Save PlugFox/1b89a5b98c15c22b70b1c50bf598cabe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Key Value extension for SQLite (Drift)
import 'package:database/src/platform/io.dart'
// ignore: uri_does_not_exist
if (dart.library.html) 'package:database/src/platform/js.dart';
import 'package:database/src/queries.dart';
import 'package:drift/drift.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
part 'database.g.dart';
/// Key-value storage interface for SQLite database
abstract class IKeyValueStorage {
/// Refresh key-value storage from database
Future<void> refresh();
/// Get value by key
T? getKey<T extends Object>(String key);
/// Set value by key
void setKey(String key, Object? value);
/// Remove value by key
void removeKey(String key);
/// Get all values
Map<String, Object> getAll([Set<String>? keys]);
/// Set all values
void setAll(Map<String, Object?> data);
/// Remove all values
void removeAll([Set<String>? keys]);
include: <String>{
tables: <Type>[],
daos: <Type>[],
queries: $queries,
class Database extends _$Database
with _DatabaseKeyValueMixin
implements GeneratedDatabase, DatabaseConnectionUser, QueryExecutorUser, IKeyValueStorage {
/// Creates a database that will store its result in the [path], creating it
/// if it doesn't exist.
/// [path] - file path to database for native platforms and database name for web platform.
/// If [logStatements] is true (defaults to `false`), generated sql statements
/// will be printed before executing. This can be useful for debugging.
/// The optional [setup] function can be used to perform a setup just after
/// the database is opened, before moor is fully ready. This can be used to
/// add custom user-defined sql functions or to provide encryption keys in
/// SQLCipher implementations.
String? path,
bool logStatements = false,
bool dropDatabase = false,
}) : super(
() => $createQueryExecutor(
path: path,
logStatements: logStatements,
dropDatabase: dropDatabase,
/// Creates a database from an existing [executor].
/// Creates an in-memory database won't persist its changes on disk.
/// If [logStatements] is true (defaults to `false`), generated sql statements
/// will be printed before executing. This can be useful for debugging.
/// The optional [setup] function can be used to perform a setup just after
/// the database is opened, before moor is fully ready. This can be used to
/// add custom user-defined sql functions or to provide encryption keys in
/// SQLCipher implementations.
bool logStatements = false,
}) : super(
() => $createQueryExecutor(
logStatements: logStatements,
memoryDatabase: true,
int get schemaVersion => 1;
MigrationStrategy get migration => DatabaseMigrationStrategy(
database: this,
/// Handles database migrations by delegating work to [OnCreate] and [OnUpgrade]
/// methods.
class DatabaseMigrationStrategy implements MigrationStrategy {
/// Construct a migration strategy from the provided [onCreate] and
/// [onUpgrade] methods.
const DatabaseMigrationStrategy({
required Database database,
}) : _db = database;
/// Database to use for migrations.
final Database _db;
/// Executes when the database is opened for the first time.
OnCreate get onCreate => (m) async {
await m.createAll();
/// Executes when the database has been opened previously, but the last access
/// happened at a different [GeneratedDatabase.schemaVersion].
/// Schema version upgrades and downgrades will both be run here.
OnUpgrade get onUpgrade => (m, from, to) async {
await m.createAll();
return _update(_db, m, from, to);
/// Executes after the database is ready to be used (ie. it has been opened
/// and all migrations ran), but before any other queries will be sent. This
/// makes it a suitable place to populate data after the database has been
/// created or set sqlite `PRAGMAS` that you need.
OnBeforeOpen get beforeOpen => (details) async {};
static Future<void> _update(Database db, Migrator m, int from, int to) async {
if (from >= to) return;
mixin _DatabaseKeyValueMixin on _$Database implements IKeyValueStorage {
bool _$isInitialized = false;
final Map<String, Object> _$store = <String, Object>{};
static KvCompanion? _kvCompanionFromKeyValue(String key, Object? value) => switch (value) {
String vstring => KvCompanion.insert(k: key, vstring: Value(vstring)),
int vint => KvCompanion.insert(k: key, vint: Value(vint)),
double vdouble => KvCompanion.insert(k: key, vdouble: Value(vdouble)),
bool vbool => KvCompanion.insert(k: key, vbool: Value(vbool ? 1 : 0)),
_ => null,
Future<void> refresh() => select(kv).get().then<void>((values) {
_$isInitialized = true;
..addAll(<String, Object>{
for (final kv in values) kv.k: kv.vstring ?? kv.vint ?? kv.vdouble ?? kv.vbool == 1,
T? getKey<T extends Object>(String key) {
assert(_$isInitialized, 'Database is not initialized');
final v = _$store[key];
if (v is T) {
return v;
} else if (v == null) {
return null;
} else {
assert(false, 'Value is not of type $T');
return null;
void setKey(String key, Object? value) {
if (value == null) return removeKey(key);
assert(_$isInitialized, 'Database is not initialized');
_$store[key] = value;
final entity = _kvCompanionFromKeyValue(key, value);
if (entity == null) {
assert(false, 'Value type is not supported');
void removeKey(String key) {
assert(_$isInitialized, 'Database is not initialized');
(delete(kv)..where((tbl) => tbl.k.equals(key))).go().ignore();
Map<String, Object> getAll([Set<String>? keys]) {
assert(_$isInitialized, 'Database is not initialized');
return keys == null
? Map<String, Object>.of(_$store)
: <String, Object>{
for (final e in _$store.entries)
if (keys.contains(e.key)) e.key: e.value,
void setAll(Map<String, Object?> data) {
assert(_$isInitialized, 'Database is not initialized');
if (data.isEmpty) return;
final entries = <(String, Object?, KvCompanion?)>[
for (final e in data.entries) (e.key, e.value, _kvCompanionFromKeyValue(e.key, e.value)),
final toDelete = entries.where((e) => e.$3 == null).map<String>((e) => e.$1).toSet();
final toInsert = entries.expand<(String, Object, KvCompanion)>((e) sync* {
final value = e.$2;
final companion = e.$3;
if (companion == null || value == null) return;
yield (e.$1, value, companion);
for (final key in toDelete) _$store.remove(key);
_$store.addAll(<String, Object>{for (final e in toInsert) e.$1: e.$2});
(b) => b
..deleteWhere(kv, (tbl) => tbl.k.isIn(toDelete))
..insertAllOnConflictUpdate(kv, => e.$3).toList(growable: false)),
void removeAll([Set<String>? keys]) {
assert(_$isInitialized, 'Database is not initialized');
if (keys == null) {
} else if (keys.isNotEmpty) {
for (final key in keys) _$store.remove(key);
(delete(kv)..where((tbl) => tbl.k.isIn(keys))).go().ignore();
import 'dart:developer';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:drift/drift.dart';
import 'package:drift/native.dart' as ffi;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart' as pp;
/// Drop database on start
/// --dart-define=DROP_DATABASE=true
const _kDropTables = bool.fromEnvironment('DROP_DATABASE');
/// Database file name by default
const String _kDatabaseFileName = String.fromEnvironment('DATABASE_FILE_NAME', defaultValue: 'sqlite.db');
Future<QueryExecutor> $createQueryExecutor({
String? path,
bool logStatements = false,
bool dropDatabase = false,
bool memoryDatabase = false,
}) async {
io.File file;
if (path == null) {
final dbFolder = await pp.getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
file = io.File(p.join(dbFolder.path, _kDatabaseFileName));
} else {
file = io.File(path);
try {
if ((dropDatabase || _kDropTables) && file.existsSync()) {
await file.delete();
} on Object catch (e, st) {
"Can't delete database file: $file",
level: 900,
name: 'database',
error: e,
stackTrace: st,
if (memoryDatabase) {
return ffi.NativeDatabase.memory(
logStatements: logStatements,
/* setup: (db) {}, */
} else {
return ffi.NativeDatabase.createInBackground(
logStatements: logStatements,
/* setup: (db) {}, */
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'package:drift/drift.dart';
import 'package:drift/web.dart' as web;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
IdbFactory.supported => WebDatabase.withStorage(await DriftWebStorage.indexedDbIfSupported(name));
Future<QueryExecutor> $createQueryExecutor({
String? path,
bool logStatements = false,
bool dropDatabase = false,
bool memoryDatabase = false,
}) {
if (dropDatabase) html.window.localStorage.clear();
return Future<QueryExecutor>.value(
memoryDatabase ? ':memory:' : path ?? 'app',
logStatements: logStatements,
/* setup: (db) {}, */
-- Key-Value table
-- req Key
-- string
vstring TEXT,
-- Integer
-- Float
vdouble REAL,
-- Boolean
vbool INTEGER,
-- Binary
--vblob BLOB,
-- req Created date (unixtime in seconds)
meta_created_at INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now')),
-- req Updated date (unixtime in seconds)
meta_updated_at INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now')) CHECK(meta_updated_at >= meta_created_at)
-- Indexes
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS kv_meta_created_at_idx ON kv (meta_created_at);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS kv_meta_updated_at_idx ON kv (meta_updated_at);
UPDATE kv SET meta_updated_at = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE k = NEW.k;
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